1999-9-9 18:49:00
Saul, you never answered my question so let me repeat it:
Just so I can understand where you are coming from. Could you clarify as to whether the drug addict is "going with the flow" of the soul or not? (Is a yes or no possible for you here?)
Also I would like you to give an example of going with the flow and another of going against the flow. Or are you saying that we cannot go against the flow? If this is the case why even advise anyone to go with the flow when we are all doing it already.
I am also curious as to which metaphysical teachings you consider the highest and best for you. Are you connected with some particular line of thought? You sound like you have read some Alice A. Bailey and theosophy, yet they do not sound like your main base.
NOTE: In my last post when I talked about the avatars of the race I meant past teachers such as Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Mary Baker Eddy, etc.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved