1999-9-9 09:48:00
Today it is 9/9/99. Upside down it reads 6666. I'm sure there are some prophets of doom somewhere having a field day with this.
Saul brings up the "going with the flow," idea again. We covered this quite extensively some time ago. For those who wish to read what I have written about it go to: http://www.thenewagesite.com/JJArchives and browse through posting numbers 369-382.
It is true that there is one great life whose pure essence is beyond polarities, but if you and I were to undo the reflection of God and go back to that point the entire world before us as well as higher worlds would disappear. Your individuality would disappear and you would have nowhere to go and there would be nothing to Become. Are you ready for that? I am not and I do not know anyone who is.
Saul makes this statement:
"From experiments and experiences one would finally find out that the quickest and the most efficient way to grow spiritually is the natural way or the way of the flow of energy."
But the question is which flow? All the energies that affect us can be divided into two streams. First, one takes us toward Spirit and second, one takes us to the lower vibration of matter and illusion. I have previously called these the two paths, the path of high resistance (Spirit) and the path of least resistance (matter).
I am not sure where this catch phrase "go with the flow" came from. It certainly is not in any inspired books I have read. I think it came from the hippies during the sixties.
The only flow that about 95% of humanity even feels is the flow toward matter and if they do not subject themselves to teachings passed down to them from various avatars of the race the average person will meet with terrible disaster in going with the flow that he taps into.
But a seeker may argue here and say: "But I have soul contact and my flow is the Spirit and I am always in tune with it and go with it with ease." My question to you is this: Are you greater than the Master and teacher of us all?
In the midst of dealing with the crises of the betrayal of Judas the voice of the Spirit told the Christ He had to complete his mission and go to the cross. Was following the Spirit just an easy matter of going with the flow for Him?
No. A thousand times no. He pled with the Father, "If it be within Thy Will please remove this cross from me and open another path, but not my will but Yours will be done." As he was going through this the scriptures tell us that he sweated blood from his pores.
Now who in their right mind can say that just because we have a little evolution behind us that we just jump into some blissful state and go with the flow and all is easy and all is well? This was certainly not the case with the greatest of us all.
Djwahl Khul who spoke through Alice A. Bailey as well as all other real Masters who speak on this subject speak of spiritual achievement in these terms: "I am one who has wrestled and fought his way into a greater measure of light than has the aspirant who will read this article, and I must therefore act as a transmitter of the light, no matter what the cost..." (Preface to AAB books)
This was spoken by a Master who works directly in the primary Molecule of the Christ. If those higher than ourselves had to wrestle and fight and still have to pay a high cost to do the work what makes us think that we are greater than they?
I for one realize that I am not greater than Christ and realize that every ounce of real progress I have made has been through struggle. If you read my teachings and if you feel they are of any value to you, let me tell you this. Without my going through great pain and struggle and effort you would not be reading these things. If I had chosen to go with the obvious flow during even 10% of my life you would not be reading these things. All I have to give you is what I have received because of decisions that took me against the flow of all that was going on around me.
Thank God for that rush of living water you feel when you dig down deep and get the guts to go against the flow. That stream of living rushing water then washes away all the illusion, and the truth behind the stagnate pools stands revealed.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved