1999-9-6 08:15:00
Laura asks:
"Will there be only one Molecule connected with the Christ? I would think that once the word gets out and the soul connections are made that tens of thousands of complete molecules of 13 will be made. I realize that Christ, as a Master, must have many capabilities - will he head them all, or just the Molecule of the Masters-to-be?"
Every molecule created will be connected to the first molecule which receives spiritual energy and instruction from Christ and passes it on. Thus each molecule has equal access to Spirit and when activated through the linking principle, has all the advantages of the initiating molecule. This is the second stage in materializing the second coming (or reappearance) of the Christ.
Don't look for people jumping on the bandwagon in droves here, at least at first. Finding even 24 people who can be one through soul contact is difficult enough. Many will come in wanting the molecules to adjust to their personality level rather than them adjusting to the oneness of the soul.
It will be extremely important that the initiating molecular members all be at-one with the soul or all molecules created afterwards will be flawed, like an imperfect crystal. Before everything is said and done I will probably be called a dictator for insisting that all members of the first molecule reach soul contact together and thus achieve oneness in thought - but this is something that must be achieved to a workable degree.
This is why Jesus called John the Baptist the greatest prophet who ever lived. Because he prepared a molecule for Jesus that was capable of soul contact and oneness in thought and turned them over to Jesus after the Spirit descended upon Him.
By the way I would like to see some of your artwork, Laura. Could you send me a scan of something in a jpg or gif format?
Jean asks:
I do not know if this means anything, I had a dream the other night, I can not clearly remember all of it but I do remember a sword with what seemed to be a crystal stone inside...can anyone explain my dream to me and all of you beginning to mention this?
It is possible Excalibur will be recovered in the new age, but not necessarily for the sword and the stone are symbols. The stone is a symbol of Christ and the sword is a symbol of the Word of God. By creating a molecular link with the Brotherhood of Light through Christ (the stone) the Word of God (the sword) is unsheathed and cuts asunder truth from error to build Camelot (the kingdom of God).
It is interesting that the name Peter means Rock or Stone and Jesus planted his word (the sword) in him and through Peter the first working Molecule continued with the invisible Christ assisting.
The name Arthur is from the Celtic "artos" which also means "stone." It is also interesting that my wife's real name is Artie which comes from Arthur. Perhaps her support keeps the sword of truth alive in me more than I know.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved