1998-11-24 18:08:00
I would like to point us in the right direction in looking for the beast here. Because all the religions have told us that this beast will surface at the end of time and be so evil that Hitler will look like Snow White we tend to look at the bad things going on around us and figure that must be because of the beast.
The power of the beast is much subtler than that and sometimes when the power of the beast is diminished things will seem to get worse.
For instance: When The Soviet Union collapsed and the Berlin Wall fell the power of the beast (unquestioned authority) was greatly diminished. Because the power of the beast was so strong there before the fall, the power of decision was diminished and the power of the people to do either good or evil was low.
But when the people were granted the power to question the beast, and the power of freedom was greater, crime and many negative things actually increased. This is a normal result of an increase in freedom. An increase of freedom brings an increase of both good and evil for a period of time, but then as people solve their problems the evil is brought under control.
Believe me the US Constitution was not brought about by sitting around and talking about peaceful things. The friction was so great that they almost came to blows and some thought nothing could ever come out of so much fighting.
What is more evil than crime, immorality, corruption, bickering, etc. is the controlling use of subtle authority that removes our power of Decision so we do not even recognize the enemy and no longer "know good and evil."
So in looking for the beast in Politics or anything else we do not look at all the normal things that infuriate us about it, but we look at where the control is.
What could a good conservative or liberal do to help the country that would bring the wrath of his party down on him?
Copyright 1998 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved