1999-9-5 09:54:00
Alley Writes:
"...how about a lake filled with water lilies and warm for swimming and rocks, birch and soft breezes that cause gentle waves to lap against the golden sand.
A heaven filled with song birds and iridescent butterflies that catch the sun and rainbows that hold the promise of tomorrow, but most of all peepers in the spring."
Very beautiful and poetic.
Also that is a great animation Rick.
I notice that several of you have mentioned that you have asked questions and have been disappointed that you have not received answers. You have noted this in an accepting way which is good and I appreciate this.
There are two reasons that I do not answer one of your questions.
Reason One: Sometimes other list members give great answers that are as good as anything I can say so I move on to the next one.
Reason Two: Sometimes I mean to answer them and by the time I get around to it we have moved on to another subject.
Reason Three: Sometimes I just do not have the time, unless we delay moving ahead with the teachings.
Let me add this though. If you have asked a question that has not been answered, or not answered to your satisfaction and the answer is important to you please ask again. If I know the answer is important to you I will make the time and respond to the best of my ability.
Where can you buy The Immortal?
The cost is $19.95 postpaid if you order it direct. My service has quit transferring the credit card numbers of customers for some reason so you have to send the order directly to me at book@freeread.com. If you want to bypass the web you can fax credit card information to 1-208-336-5797. You can also order from Amazon.com.
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Unfortunately, most bookstores do not have the book yet, but we are working on that. If you are visiting a new age bookstore they can order from Bookpeople, a distributor with which they should be familiar.
If any of you have a bookstore that expresses interest give us contact information and we'll send them a free book with and introductory special.
We've going to make an ongoing special to list members. When you buy a book directly from us you can get a second book for a friend for just $10.00. The first book is $19.95 and the second is $10 so you get two books for $29.95 postpaid. To make sure we recognize this write "List Member Special" on your order.
At this time I want to express gratitude to all of you for your support of the book and all the postings you have made. I think we have the highest quality people available on the web and I get a warm and fuzzy feeling when I think of each of you. Thank you for making this list a unique place to be.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved