Three and One Half Periods

1999-8-31 21:14:00

Tracy Writes:
"Question: you say, "...Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet, established The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He was a reincarnation of Merlin as well as the Apostle Peter, and his initiating partner, Oliver Cowdry was the reincarnation of King Arthur and the Apostle Paul."

"Since I know you invite questions, JJ, I must ask - how do you KNOW this stuff?"

On this particular piece of information I will only give you a hint. I received it from a person you will meet in Book III of the Immortal.

Again, I present it only as a piece of knowledge that may or may not be correct and you are under no obligation to accept it unless you receive confirmation through your soul.

The Lincoln, Kennedy, King combination is a very interesting thought and on some level may have a place, but it does not closely correspond.

For instance, the period is three and one half - so how do you have a half of a death?

Also the three and one half periods deals with time and the two wings of an eagle definitely points at the United States.

So where could the Molecular Order have manifested in the US? There are only two possibilities. The first is the Founding Fathers.

They definitely benefited from group energy and had a lot of inspiration, but they never made a spiritual molecule nor was there a link up with a Master, even though impressions came from them.

They did have the inspiration to establish three branches of government corresponding to the Trinity and we have wound up with fifty states a key number from Camelot and early Mormonism.

None of the major religions established in this country sought to link heaven and earth through a molecular type order except the founder of the Mormon Church.

Now, I know many of us look at the Mormon Church today and do not see enough light there to get excited about, but the early church was much different and was on the cutting edge of spiritual technology. This is also true if we compare early Christianity with the modern churches.

The deterioration of teachings after the death of the teacher has been a major problem through the ages, but this will be largely corrected after the Molecular Order is firmly rooted among humanity.