1999-8-26 17:37:00
The Molecular Relationship, Chapter 21 (Part 2)
Now we approach the grand purpose of our cyclic movement in and out of the sexes.
We must remember that the female is magnetic and receiving. The male is radiant and sending. Even though we are all polarized in one or the other sex in a particular lifetime, depending on the body we find ourselves in, within each lifetime there are various male and female cycles.
In the first part of each lifetime, we all go through a female cycle. We are in a constant state of receivership. Our parents and relatives are giving to us and we are generally much more emotional, a female aspect. We are also magnetic. We get what we want not by going after it (an aspect of the male energy) but by being cute and loveable and drawing it to ourselves (magnetism). We go to school and receive from teachers (who radiate male energy) for about a dozen years; then (as an adult) we make the shift to the male cycle and we start giving out to the world what we have learned, usually through our vocation. Even here we may go through a lengthy female apprenticeship. The ego usually lives through approximately twenty-eight years of life (the Saturn cycle of astrology) before it will fully transfer to the male energy.
The individual will then continue in this male cycle of sending energy for another Saturn cycle of about twenty-eight years; then he or she will desire to enter the female energy cycle again and learn or do something new. He may want to go into business for himself, which may require him to go through a long learning (female) experience. He may want to go back to school and learn to do something new. Often, though, he will feel dissatisfied with what he has accomplished and feel the need to improve his skills.
Overall, the basic female cycle is dominant the first half of life and the male the second half, even though we make attempts at handling male energy in the first half and periodically revert to female learning in the second half.
In school, females are much better at sitting still and receiving, and generally get better grades because they are polarized in the female (magnetic) energy. In activity, males are more effective at implementing what they have learned and promoting it because they are polarized in the male (radiant) energy. We realize there are exceptions, but as a whole this is true. When either the male or female is acting in their natural inborn energy it is like swimming downstream. When they are out of their energy it is like swimming upstream. If the current is mild, a good swimmer may be able to swim faster upstream than a poor one going downstream. This doesn't mean, however, the whole batch of us should swim upstream, just because one or two exceptions can do well there. Even the exception can do much better if he goes with the current.
Some males and some females can do well operating in their opposite's energy but they are going against the current. They can always excel to the greatest heights if they go with the current in their own energy, just as any swimmer can attain the greatest speed going downstream.
Each entity goes through both male and female cycles in his evolution. The average person will spend somewhere around seven lives in the female and then seven lives in the male during cycles of his 1000+ lifetime quest. Then near the end of his evolution the cycle will be altered somewhat
There are no hard and fast rules here. The important thing to remember is that life polarization goes in cycles just as do all other things. However, when a person escapes cyclic karma and finds the middle way path, then he reaches a position where he may choose the sex he wishes to take. He will then incarnate in the sex that will provide the greatest avenue of service for him.
When the average entity first enters the seven life male cycle it will create for himself a male body, but with feminine characteristics. Then, for several lives, he will become more polarized in the male energy,
i.e., more radiant and action-oriented. Finally, at the peak of the cycle he will be very aggressive and masculine. After this, his bodies become more feminine until he crosses the threshold. Then, the entity is born in a female body, but she will be rather masculine and less attractive to men than when she reaches her peak in femininity. Then, after several lives, she becomes more feminine until she reaches the peak of feminine energy. At this point the entity is a very beautiful feminine female and is very magnetic (provided she takes care of her body).
At her highest point in female energy she can attract anything she wants by merely making her wishes known to high-energy men. In a high-energy female body she does not need to lift a finger to attain her desires. She enhances her magnetism by looking as beautiful as possible and radiant men are happy to satisfy her every need. She never needs to pursue men, for they will chase her. Her problem is one of elimination.
After the entity passes the curve of maximum female energy, she becomes more male in looks and action until she again crosses the threshold and is back to where the entity started as a feminine male.
Our purpose as we go through male and female cycles and take upon ourselves male and female bodies is quite different. As a female, our soul is pushing us toward receivership. We have just finished a male cycle of sending and have benefited the maximum amount from this. We become tired of sending out the same old things and we want to learn something new. We want a new challenge.
There is an eternal law which says that all souls are one, and in our apparently separate condition we must be interdependent to realize that unity. When we seek new growth and challenges, we receive stimulation from other
souls who have more wisdom and experience than ourselves and then verify that stimulation from the God within. If this does not happen, we will merely repeat a previous cycle and learn nothing new.
If we really want to enhance our ability to serve, then we become female (be born in female bodies) and put ourselves in a state of magnetic receivership. As a female, then, an individual's mission is to seek out a male companion who is able to send or teach her something that she has never before realized. Her male friend must have in his repertoire learning and experiences that he can send to her and she can receive. Therefore, it is beneficial if the male in the relationship be the one who has attained the highest state of evolution or spiritual progression. The male can then do his job of lifting the female from the world of matter toward Spirit.
The sending position in a relationship is not established by who has the greatest amount of facts in the memory, or through education, but by who has the greatest understanding of underlying principles behind all facts and knowledge. The understanding of principles is only attained through strenuous effort over a series of lifetimes.
Therefore, the female fulfills her purpose by attaching herself to a male who can send to her and pull her up to higher levels of spiritual thought. When this happens she feels fulfilled and balanced. When she either refuses to receive or cannot receive, because there is no man in her life who can teach her, she will feel out of balance. If she is the companion to a man who is less evolved than herself, then she automatically becomes the teacher, or the male energy, even while in a female body. Playing the role of male energy in a female body is like swimming upstream. It is difficult and the person will inwardly yearn for the downstream current.
Many females who understand this principle will complain about the difficulty in finding a male who can send to them in a romantic relationship.
On the other hand, many males will also complain that they cannot find a female who will receive.
What are they to do?
The answer is to seek balance outside of the romantic relationship. The female can seek to receive higher knowledge from a sending source (male) and thus balance herself by receiving.
The male can do the same but seek to teach and send in avenues outside of romance in the real world.
Of course, both sexes use both energies, but the emphasis for the physical male should be on sending and the female on receiving until balance in achieved.
If we can achieve that balance in a romantic relationship we are fortunate indeed, but for those who have no opportunity at present should not worry, for your cycle of opportunity will come. Contrary to what the preachers are saying today, life is fair.
Why is this principle important for us to understand?
To put mankind in alignment with nature, as are the lives in the miniature world in the Molecules and atoms, then the correct interplay must be established among us just as it is in the microcosm.
The correct interplay and cooperation of the negative and positive (or female and male) energies in the subatomic world creates an atom which is greater than the sum of its parts. Therefore, is it not reasonable to assume that the correct interplay of male and female in the human kingdom creates something more potent than the male or female alone?
The atom is created by the balanced interplay of male and female, or sending and receiving energies. The complete human atom is created on the same principle. The male and female are combined through the covenant of marriage, or some other agreement, and will happily remain in this state as long as the interplay of energies is correct.
Perhaps it is no mistake that the Bible not only calls the male "Adam" (which sounds like "atom"), but identifies male and female together as "Adam." "Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called THEIR NAME ADAM, in the day they were created." [Genesis 5:2]
If male and female united together produce one human Atom (or Adam) then we may reason that the creation of a Human Molecule is possible by taking the laws of the atomic world and applying them to the human world.
As we mentioned, a Molecule is a much more evolved combination of atoms than is a single atom. The atoms still keep their identity, yet, through cooperation, the whole union of atoms becomes possible and a new creation appears. Hydrogen and oxygen united keep their identity, but, in their union, the properties produced are no longer that of either hydrogen or oxygen, but water, a totally different and more evolved substance.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved