1999-8-25 07:56:00
The Molecular Relationship, Chapter 21 (Part 1)
The first step to creating the Human Molecule is to stabilize the male-female relationship, whether it be through marriage or another type of agreed-upon union.
The prime cause of disharmony in relationships has not been realized among humanity. It has little to do with personality, education, background, or other obvious factors. It has to do with energy. Male and female must be looked upon as energy units of opposite charge, just as are electrons and protons that create the balanced atom.
To create balance, we must understand the purpose of the two energies. The male, or the positive energy, is radiant, action, or sending energy. The female, or negative energy (not negative as in bad, but negative as in electricity) is magnetic, attractive, and receiving.
This is most easily demonstrated in the physical bodies of the two sexes. It helps here if we remember that all physical creations are symbolic of spiritual energies as well as their outward manifestation.
During sex, the male body is the sender of the seed or sperm. With each orgasm many sperm are sent. The male genitals are undisputedly the sending unit. The female body, on the other hand, is the receiver of the sperm or seed and the female genitals definitely receive the male's. Only one out of millions of sperm is finally accepted for impregnation, but when it is, the growth of the baby or new creation is an automatic process. The materials for the growth of the body are drawn to the woman by the power of magnetism, which is an aspect of female energy.
By taking what we know to be true here, we can correspond it to other areas and discover much truth. If the male is physically the sender and the female the receiver, then this will correspond to male and female energy on other levels. We can say then, that as energy units the male, or positive energy, is the sender, and the female, or negative energy, is the receiver.
There are only two observable energies in the Universe. They are called by many names, but each of them is either male or female. For instance, the two energies that sustain the Universe are radiance and magnetism. The Sun and the stars give off light, heat and radiation that give life to and sustain all things. This is an important function but no more important than magnetism that gives form to all things and holds all creation together. Magnetic energy, such as gravity, is invisible, but its effect is just as powerful as radiance, which is visible. There would be no form to give off radiation without magnetism to create the form.
Because the female energy, or magnetism, is invisible, its full importance has often been overlooked. One of the reasons the male energy has dominated in recent times is that it is a more visible energy. Even females are deceived into thinking that radiant energy is more desirable than magnetic because the use of this energy is easier to perceive.
The feminine energy is indeed a mystique, or mystery, because its effects can be seen, but the operation of the energy cannot.
Another aspect of male-female energy is involution and evolution. Involution is the force that pulls spirit into matter, or the world of experience. Evolution is the force that pulls matter back up to the realm of spirit after a round of experience is over. Involution is female energy and evolution is male. In the early days of man, when his prime goal was experience, the female energy dominated. Desire, emotion, and feeling are also female energies and always push us toward experience. The Biblical Eve dominated Adam with her desire for the forbidden experience. The yielding of Adam to Eve was symbolic of the time of involution, or the dominance of female energy.
Mind is a male energy which, in the cycle of evolution, is meant to dominate the female emotions in us all, intelligently direct us to avoid painful experiences, and lead us from matter to spirit.
After the time of Atlantis, there was a shift in the polarization of humankind from involution to evolution. Men no longer worshipped the goddesses, but male gods. In Atlantis the Masters of Light and the Dark Brothers walked among men and gave them their knowledge, but in this current age there exists a firm decree that the lost knowledge must be earned by man himself by the use of mind and the dominance of mind. Because mind is beginning to dominate the world, and is leading us toward Spirit, the male energy is naturally dominant.
The heavy male dominance is being counterbalanced, however, by the opening of the next faculty in man which is the intuition, which is also feminine. The main point to remember is that in the end both male and female energies will play an equal role in our Becoming..
To create the Molecular Relationship, it is important we thoroughly understand the workings of the male-female energies, for no Molecule, whether human or atomic, can become stable without the correct interplay of energy.
In all male-female relationships the male unit must be radiant and sending, and the female must be magnetic and receiving, or the energy of the relationship will be out of balance. This is especially true in the human kingdom, for humanity seems to be the only kingdom in nature where it is even possible for the sexes to not play their appropriate roles. In the animal and plant kingdoms the male and female accept their appropriate roles without rebellion.
Few have ever contemplated the reason why we find ourselves in either a male or female body. This is a significant event in the life of the Soul. Do we ever ask: "Why am I male?", or "Why am I female?", or "What significance does this have to me at this point in time and evolution?" We rarely do this. Instead, we may take the defensive attitude: "I am a female and I am just as good as any male," or "I am a male and men are the ones that accomplish things in this world," or "I am a male (or female) and there is no difference between the sexes"
We should be asking: "Why am I what I am?"
All of us have been both male and female in past lives. If one sex is greater than the other that would mean that we periodically go backwards because we incarnate in both sexes over a period of lifetimes.
Both sexes are equal in value. One cannot exist without the other. Just like there is no such thing as one hand clapping, there is no creation with just one sex. They must work together.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved