2010-4-10 05:25:00
Ruth asks:
"If one drinks alcohol, gets drunk sometimes and likes to party, and also uses swear words, will he or she be unable to live in the physical Zion?"
JJ: I hope so or I will not be able to be there.
If you lived in an ideal society would you kick a guy out just because he let loose once in a while? I doubt it.
The societies of the future will not judge worthiness by the dogmatic standards of religions past. True immorality is when you intentionally do harm to another individual, not when you cuss because you hit your thumb with a hammer.
Thanks Ruth for supplying the time travel quotes. I've added some more details below.
Alex writes: "I cannot comprehend time travel into future. To help understand could you please point out which of the following models of traveling in the future is the most 'correct'?
"1. Fiction model."
JJ: The various models of time travel in fiction books are not correct, according to my teachings. If it were we would have thousands of time travelers among us know. Within a physical body you can only move forward one hour per hour and there is no return to the past.
Alex writes: "2. Accelerated-Time Simulation Model.
"Upon a mental request of a time traveler some advanced beings turn on their advanced 'computers' and, starting from well known present initial conditions on Earth, in an accelerated time mode, they simulate and/or predict how the events will unfold in the future. This simulation is not precise, since reality is subject to our free will, but since our free will is also can be simulated/predicted, the outcome can be quite realistic. The longer ahead they simulate, the less reliable is the prophetic vision, of course."
JJ: This is not time travel as generally understood, but yes projecting oneself into the future and predicting it through a calculated effort is possible though one cannot grasp all the details.
If one can look into the past and see the cycles of events and study them then he will have clues about cycles to come.
In addition all creation is the result of some decision by some intelligence somewhere. Scripture says that God knows the end from the beginning. This is the case with any creator. If you are going to paint a picture you visualize the end and you know where to begin. You thus know the end from the beginning. If you are a master of the art you will also know many steps you will take in between the beginning and end of your painting.
On the other hand you do not calculate in advance each brush stroke.
We are like bush strokes in the hand of God. We are moving things toward a grand design and not sure what that design is. Some strokes are productive and others are mistakes.
Within the range of our stroking power we have free will, but within the greater picture we are being directed toward a purposeful end.
Alex writes: "3. Reliving Earlier Experience Model.
"We have already lived all our multiple lives, from the beginning to the end, before in some accelerated time mode. Perhaps a year was equivalent to a microsecond. During such high-speed evolution we indeed had free will and made our own choices. In this time compressed life there was room for choices, struggles, accidents, etc. Everything has been recorded on 'tape.' Now this 'tape' is being played very slowly on a physical plane on Earth. We are just reliving exactly what has already happened to us. The tape can not be changed. Therefore currently we do not have free will. Our current free will is only an illusion, in other words, reliving of our free will back then. In this model our future is known precisely. Upon a mental request of a traveler, certain portion of the tape can be played back into the mind of the traveller."
JJ: That's an interesting twist, but what would be the purpose of reliving something we have already done?
An important principle is this: There is a purpose behind everything, and if we were just like robots repeating something then purpose would be void. Therefore, we are not robots but agents of free will.
It is true though that there are different factors of the speed of time in the universe, but one is not an exact duplicate of another.
Alex writes: "4. Fatalistic Model.
"All our development has been preplanned and preprogrammed and prerecorded on 'tape.' Now this tape is being played back. We are living what someone has imagined for us. We do not have free will and never have had. Our past, present and future have been determined for us. Our choices, struggles, emotions, completely 'unexpected' accidents -- all has been preplanned. Our free will is only an illusion. Upon a mental request from a time traveler, as in Model 3, a portion of the tape can be viewed."
JJ: Why would any great intelligence want to plan life this way? Monopoly, football, or any game is interesting because it is unpredictable and you have a chance to win. Would you even play Monopoly if you could make the dice roll any way you wanted each time? That would take the fun out of it.
Alex writes: "In Models 1 and 2, a futuristic prophecy can not be absolutelty precise, in Models 3 and 4 it is precise by definition, but the advanced beings might withhold parts of it on purpose."
JJ: Every creator has an end in mind and is aware of various steps and cycles that will be taken in creation. It is possible for us to catch a glimpse of the next step as well as the end of some creations in progress, but just as no painter can predict all the brush strokes or the mistakes he will make along the way, even so many of the details of the future cannot be seen or predicted.
The only way to travel to the past or future and back is in the spirit out of the body. It is possible to visit it the "Eternal Now" and see creation as a whole. This wholeness includes time and space. Then in the spirit one can project into a point of time and/or space. Let us say you land in the year 2200. Then you return and plunge back two more times. One is to 1939 and the second to the present in 2010.
Could I prevent myself being born by killing my father in 1939 and therefore, I wouldn't even be writing this?
The reason is that incarnating into time is like incarnating into a body. When we are born we lose our memory and suffer many limitations.
Similarly when we plunge into an point in time we suddenly become limited and cannot see all the details of the future or the past. We cannot change the present by going back to the past and cannot change the year 2200, but we can create it.
Time and the eternal now is difficult to correctly absorb but the seed thought that will lead to understanding is the idea that time is a vehicle like our body is that we incarnate into. We are sometimes living in time and other times may not be. Even so, time is always there moving creation forward.
Copyright © 2010 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved