2010-4-8 05:05:00
I'm glad to see the Meth ads are working. In the end education is the best method to stimulate good behavior.
I can understand Joaquin's feelings about his dog. I had a Boston Bull Dog when I was a kid and I think it was a similar breed. This breed was used by professional dog fighters and was very capable at defending himself and pretty much considered himself my bodyguard and would have given his life for me. He was my best friend and after about four years of companionship he got ran over by a car and I cannot recall being more upset than that day we lost him.
He was indeed a great loving dog even though he may have made outsiders a little nervous. After all these years I still think on him with affection.
Mel Coulter was right when he said there are people looking for a pound of flesh. I'm sure some of them will follow this post. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.
"I have a genetic predisposition to feel pity for those who follow the Republican Jesus."
How about the Democrat Jesus who taxes you to death and then gives the money to Caesar who then redistributes it according to his will.
Speaking of the leaders of the jailed missionaries in Haiti, "Gojira1000" wrote:
"Imagine if she had been taking poor white children from Arkansas, instead? You think responses from people would be different?
"I imagine they would."
It wouldn't be any different if the kids were starving to death and likely to die of disease from the rotting dead bodies on the street. If the parents gladly gave the kids up to save them it wouldn't be any different in any part of the world.
"Whatever the intention was she broke the law."
That's what the judge is investigating. If he hasn't found her guilty yet then why does this bunch?
"Okay , what liberal community organization? I don't know of any that would be dumb enough to try the scam these people have -- do you? I used The Red Cross -- what did you do?"
How about ACORN that scammed the banks that helped lead to the Meltdown?
"That's hilarious, Joseph. Aren't you casting a stone?"
Making a prediction of the future is much different than making a condemnation of the present. Looks like I was right. A lot of people are throwing stones. And speaking of predictions, I told you that you couldn't resist commenting on my posts for long even though you took the abstinence pledge.
"Republican Jesus says, 'Greed is good!', 'The poor are lazy!,' and 'The meek are wimps!.' I think Republican Jesus is the apostate church, willing to compromise with the Beast to get their agenda codified in secular law. I don't think it is funny at all."
Why don't you exercise your mental faculties and make at least a feeble attempt at critical thought without making things up out of your imagination.
"Joseph, these kids were in a nearby village not in Port au Prince; the environment was not as dire. She was bent on taking some kids, any kids."
I saw one of the parents interviewed who said that because of the earthquake his kid was starving and he had nothing to feed him. Sounds like aid from any source for the kid would be a good thing, even if it had come from a Lefty.
"You forget their judicial process is different than ours. They are guilty until proven otherwise."
They aren't guilty until the judge makes the pronouncement. The system assumes guilt, not pronounces it. two different things.
"Aid yes, breaking up the family no. Aid could have been given without separating the kids from their families, which would have been a good thing, even from a Righty."
That may not have been so easy with no housing available. Yes, that may have been better, but life saving help, even if it comes from those with an ulterior motive, is still help and is a lot more than most people here have done.
"You prejudge without foundation. You do not know who and how much or what individuals have donated for Haiti. Granted they have not donated to Silsby's efforts; some are smarter and ask questions before blindly following unverified statements."
So you think most people posting here have donated to Haiti. And you think this because...?
"Joseph, it makes no difference whether they donated or did not donate. You brought forth the assertion that 'is a lot more than most people here have done.' You bring forth the assertion and then disagree when questioned. Make up your mind."
My point is valid. It is not statistically likely that over 50% of the people here donated to Haiti relief.
"What would you be feeling should it be a child you know who was taken from parents? What is your feeling about child trafficking -- you okay with that?"
The children were not taken from parents, but given by them. You have to know this. It has been in the news a hundred times.
"Joe -- You are SO ridiculously wrong! Have you read about Doug Perlitz?
Money-Fueled-Mans-Sex-Trips-to-Haiti--59662657.html"I'm sure he was helping too!"
You're not making any sense. That story is not related in any way to Silsby and there's no evidence that Silsby wanted to molest anyone. I was talking about ulterior motives related selfishness not having anything to do with doing more harm than good to the kids.
"Yes, Judge Saint-Vil knows what Laura Silsby was up to. He strikes me as an astute jurist. But, the evangelical and far Right supporters of The Idaho 10 don't recognize his ability. They don't see black people as fully human. They don't believe Saint-Vil is a smart person who knows what he is doing any more than they believe President Obama is one of the brightest people ever to be elected to that office."
What an outrageous insulting statement. Throwing in the race card like this is a sign of a mean spirited weak minded person.
I'm sure you also love and respect Clarence Thomas, Michael Steel, Walter Williams, Thomas Sowell and Condoleezza Rice, right?
What's that I hear?
Non sensible mumbling.
"I'm secretly in love with Dr. Rice, but I hear she plays for another team."
I guess you're not all that bad then. I could easily fall for her too if I wasn't happily married. You got to admit that Bush made a smart move in picking her. Too bad she didn't run for president. She would have made history for both blacks and women.
"Bush also made a smart move with Colin Powell. Service in Vietnam, fellowship under Nixon, National Security Advisor for Ronald Reagan, Chair of the Joint Chiefs under Bush Sr, and Secretary of State under Bush Jr. A true American hero."
Colin could have been President if he had decided to run and he was extremely popular when the opportunity came.
It is amazing that he refused such an opportunity to make history.
"What a completely bone head response. Talk about irrelevant. To the max."
What's bonehead is to just to throw shallow insults with nothing constructive in your words.
"To Steven L. Rice: But yet Democrats are still against it.
democrats-propose-to-blunt-supreme.html"Isn't that interesting?"
The Left knows that the more freedom of speech that is available the less power they will have and more money will be given to the Republicans. They therefore are going to try to unconstitutionally interfere with the Supreme Court decision. They would be screaming if Republicans tried this with Roe [Roe Vs Wade].
Concerning those who disagree with Obama, Judy Knight writes:
"This is the most blatant act of racism I've ever seen."
Is there some Lefty headquarters ordering their sheep to post this mindless accusation everywhere? Are they operating under the "Big Lie" concept that if you restate it long enough the people will believe it?
This unfounded accusation should not be allowed any more than racial slurs are permitted.
So in which category does Judy place the millions who voted for Obama and are disappointed and no longer support him? Are they racist also?
Were those who disagreed with Bill Clinton racist against white people?
"Steve Rice suffers from extreme narrow-mindedness.
"Is it a surprise that labor and education unions are big Democrat supporters? Duh. The GnOP hasn't done a dang thing for the working person in the past 50 years."
At least those companies are donating their own money. The unions donate dues from their members -- many of them Republicans forced to financially support candidates they cannot stand.
"Steve Rice has apparently bought into the 'Big Lie' theory of the GnOP -- tell a lie often enough and the public will eventually agree. But, to intentionally cherry pick your facts from a donor list and avoid any information that might be harmful to your 'cause' is libelous, stupid...."
You talk about the Republican Big Lie and then leave us waiting breathless wondering what it is. Please tell us.
"No, they are donating their employees' money. Just like the 'donated' seats we see at local sporting events. One way to improve revenues is to disallow 'XYZ Company' to purchase $20,000 per year luxury seats at BSU games at the expense of the rest of us."
What a stretch of the truth. When I donate money or do anything with money from my business I'm dealing with my money, not an employees. On the other hand, a union takes dues from members and donating it to a party they do not like is forcing them to support views they do not like.
"Democrat = Socialist
Republican = Fascist."That's the rhetoric I see here...."
The difference is that (according to Gallup) 53 percent of Democrats admit to favoring socialism. Close to zero percent of Republicans think they are fascists and consider such accusation an insult. I'd say it is not an insult to call somewhat a term that they like and embrace.
"When you buy your luxury seats on company money you either do it on the backs of your clients or employees. Either one, it's hidden expenses (tax deductible?) that I'm paying regardless of whether I buy your product or not."
Money that you make as a businessperson or employee is not on the backs of anyone. Employees are there because of their own free will and they are paid for their services. Beyond their wages they have no right to dictate how the owner's share is to be spent any more than he can he told how to spend his wages.
"What? And where do you think the other companies get THEIR money! Oh My God! It's difficult for me to believe you even wrote that."
If an employee can tell me how to spend my income then I should be able to tell him how he has to spend his. That's where your reasoning leads. Amazing illusion.
"Corporations ask employees for donations, besides using their donations as a write off. One is not better than another. Don't like the way a union reps vote, easy solution: Don't join a union."
If an employee makes a donation then it should be to a cause he supports. In many professions you are forced to join a union and forced to pay dues that gives to candidates you cannot stand. That is plain wrong.
"But you do. Unions can vote out the people not performing."
When I was a member of a union I had no choice except to pay my dues and no say as to which party received donations from my money.
"You do by limiting their income you control how they live their life."
And they limit the employer's income when they tell them that they will not work for less than "XXX" amount. That doesn't mean that either side can tell the other what to do with their income. Duh... You'd be surprised how often the employee makes more money than the owner in a small business.
"Then don't pay them and see what happens? If they make more than you do something is wrong with your business. I am pointing out that both need each other and must appreciate what the other does."
In many new business the owner has to live very frugally for a couple years and his employees make more than he does. Most new business never succeed and go under and often the employees were the only ones who made anything.
"Okay, Joe. How about the following?
"WMD - We KNOW the Iraqis have them.
"Health care reform is gonna kill grandma.
"Obama is gonna take away your guns.
"The 'Liberal Media'.
"Obama is the cause of the deficit.
"Cutting taxes is the only way to solve the problems.
"The Healthcare plan will increase taxes.
"Obama wasn't born in this country.
"Etc., etc., etc."Should I go on? Because you apparently haven't been following the news."
You said you had a "big lie," and instead you give me Lefty talking points and reveal no lie at all. So again, where is THE "Big Lie."?
"And the biggest lie! The Republicans represent mainstream America!"
Polls show that the Democrats certainly do not represent the majority at present. So who's left? We'll find out in November.
Copyright © 2010 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved