2010-4-7 08:31:00
Mindy did a great job in collecting quotes on the next three words. Here is the first one.
Here are quotes from the books of Alice A. Bailey & Helen P. Blavatsky:
"Kumaras: The highest seven self-conscious beings in the solar system. These seven Kumaras manifest through the medium of a planetary scheme in the same way as a human being manifests through the medium of a physical body. They are called by the Hindu 'the mind-born sons of Brahma' amongst other names. They are the sum total of intelligence and of wisdom. Within the planetary scheme the reflection of the systemic order is also seen. At the head of our world evolution stands the first Kumara, aided by six other Kumaras, three exoteric and three esoteric, who are the focal points for the distribution of the force of the systemic Kumaras."
("Initiation, Human and Solar: Glossary" by Alice A. Bailey)
"It has been stated that one hundred and four Kumaras came from Venus to the Earth; literally the figure was one hundred and five, when the synthesizing Unit, the Lord of the World Himself, is counted as one.
"The planetary Logos of this scheme is called 'the First Kumara,' the One Initiator, and the statement is made that he came to this planet from Venus, Venus being 'the Earth's primary.'"
("Esoteric Astrology," p 681, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The five Kumaras.
"We might now consider briefly the subject of the five Kumaras, Who are the sum total of manas on the Earth. I have stated that the Lord of the World, the first Kumara, is the planetary Logos of our scheme in physical incarnation, but nowhere has the impression been conveyed that the three Kumaras, associated with Him, are three other planetary Logoi. This is in no way the case. These three, called the 'Buddha's of Activity,' are but the vicegerents upon our planet of those three planetary Logoi, Who, with our planetary Logos, make the sum total of the logoic Quaternary. Associated with them are the three esoteric Kumaras, mentioned in the Secret Doctrine, (S. D., I, 493) Who represent the three other Logoi, and so make focal points for all the logoic forces within our chain. In each chain such representatives are found, six focal points embraced by the seventh, the planetary Logos of the scheme, Who holds them all within His aura.
"Their work is threefold:
"First. They are the centers in the body of the planetary Logos. Each chain corresponds to one center, and the globes are but the lesser wheels within any particular center. The life of the Logos in this incarnation on the Earth is flowing through three centers and beginning to stimulate a fourth, hence four globes are involved and the three Kumaras (so called for lack of a better term) are vitally intelligently active; three are in abeyance and one is beginning to function. The globes correspond to the chains. This fourth Kumara is as yet practically unrealized, but as hinted at earlier His day is about to dawn. Second. They act as transmitters of a particular type of force to those units who go to the content of any particular center. They are, in fact, the agents for the Lords of the Rays to the Monads of any ray in incarnation in any particular chain and on any particular globe.
"Third. They are the agents for:
"The Lord of a Ray as stated above.
"The four Maharajahs.
"The planetary Logos of Their own scheme.
"The great Deva of the Earth planet.
"They work with the law; They are the cognizers of the intelligent purpose of the planetary Logos, and know His plans; They are the vital activity of the planet, and in a subtle sense they are not only the Ray representatives but likewise the link between the chain and the scheme.
"It might here be stated that the relative failure that was the fate of the Moon chain in our scheme has greatly handicapped Their work, and made it imperative for Them to employ drastic measures in order to offset that failure. Herein lies another clue to the world turmoil.
("A Treatise On Cosmic Fire," pgs 412-413, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The function of the three Kumaras, or the three Buddhas of Activity at initiation is interesting. They are three aspects of the one aspect, and the pupils of Sanat Kumara. Though their functions are many and varied, and concern primarily the forces and energies of nature, and the direction of the building agencies, they have a vital connection with the applicant for initiation, inasmuch as they each embody the force or energy of one or other of the three higher subplanes of the mental plane. Therefore at the third initiation one of these Kumaras transmits to the causal body of the initiate that energy which destroys third subplane matter, and thus brings about part of the destruction of the vehicle; at the fourth initiation another Buddha transmits second plane force, and at the fifth, first subplane force is similarly passed into the remaining atoms of the causal vehicle, producing the final liberation. The work done by the second Kumara, with second subplane force, is in this solar system the most important in connection with the egoic body, and produces its complete dissipation, whereas the final application causes the atoms themselves (which formed that body) to disperse.
"During the initiation ceremony, when the initiate stands before the Lord of the World, these three great Beings form a triangle, within whose lines of force the initiate finds himself. At the first two initiations, wherein the Bodhisattva functions as the Hierophant, the Mahachohan, the Manu, and a Chohan who temporarily represents the second department perform a similar office. At the highest two initiations, those three Kumaras who are called 'the esoteric Kumaras' form a triangle wherein the initiate stands, when he faces the Planetary Logos.
("Initiation, Human and Solar: Glossary" pg 107, by Alice A. Bailey)
"There are seven Kumaras connected with our planetary evolution, of Whom four are exoteric; the four exoteric have vehicles in etheric matter; three Kumaras are esoteric and have their vehicles in subtler matters still.
"Sanat Kumara, The Lord of the world, is the representative on earth of the specialized force of the planetary Logos; the other six Kumaras transmit energy from the other six planetary schemes.
("The Secret Doctrine," Vol 1, pages 186-189, by H.P. Blavatsky)
"Students must carefully differentiate between the five Mind born Sons of Brahma, the five true Kumaras and their representatives on our earth planet, Those Who stand around Sanat Kumara Who may be stated (esoterically understood) to represent Himself."
("A Treatise On Cosmic Fire," pg 378, by Alice A. Bailey)
"There is a mystic connection between the names Makara and Kumara. [Under the heading Capricorn.]
"1. It means and is connected with the pentagon.
"2. It represents fivefold man and therefore the five kumaras.
"3. It is related to the Ocean God.
"4. It personifies solar fire."
("The Secret Doctrine," Vol 1, pages 609-610, by H.P. Blavatsky)
"Sanat Kumara
"This great Life, the Ancient of Days, the Lord of the world, Sanat Kumara, the Eternal Youth, the planetary Logos - His many names are of relative unimportance - is the only Existence upon our planet Who is capable of responding to and carrying out the objectives of the solar Logos. He, in His turn, is the only one in, our solar system capable of responding to the sevenfold Emanating Cause, expressing Itself through the Great Bear or Ursa Major."
("Esoteric Astrology," p 612, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The Lord of the World, the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, the planetary Logos, Melchizedek, He to Whom Christ referred when He said, 'I and My Father are One.'"
("Externalization Of The Hierarchy", page 287, by Alice A. Bailey)
"I refer to the Ancient of Days (as He is called in the Old Testament), to the God of Love, to Sanat Kumara, the Eternal Youth, the One Who holds all men in life and Who is carrying His whole creation along the path of evolution to its consummation - a consummation of which we have not as yet the faintest idea."
("Externalization Of The Hierarchy", page 464, by Alice A. Bailey)
"We are told that Sanat Kumara is the divine prisoner of this planet, held here until the 'last weary pilgrim has found his way home.' This is His heavy karma even whilst it is an expression of His desire and of His joy; the 'weary pilgrims' are the atoms (human or otherwise) in His body, and they are tainted with imperfection because of His imperfections; their complete 'healing' will set the term for His release."
("A Treatise On Cosmic Fire," pg 298, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The hierarchical Plan is the objective of that will; the purpose of Sanat Kumara is the revelation which comes to those who demonstrate that will, and it is the strength of the divine Power which makes that will possible. Strength is to Power what desire is to aspiration, or what the personality is to the soul. It is the revelation of quality."
("Discipleship In The New Age," pg 31, by Alice A. Bailey)
"In this deciding judgment Sanat Kumara is being aided by certain Members of the Great Council at Shamballa, by the Christ and by the seven Masters who are responsible for the seven groups of Ashrams."
("Discipleship In The New Age," pg 60, by Alice A. Bailey)
"Though Sanat Kumara is naturally unaware of the individual disciple or aspirant, he is not unaware of their massed effect, quality or status."
("Discipleship In The New Age," pg 63, by Alice A. Bailey)
"He must learn to make his own contacts and to tap the "raincloud" for himself. He must - unaided - penetrate into the thinking processes (by permitted spiritual telepathy or impressibility) of Sanat Kumara."
("Discipleship In The New Age," pg 154, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The prime objective set before every Master of or in an Ashram is to see the purposes of Sanat Kumara working out successfully through the medium of hierarchical endeavor."
("Discipleship In The New Age," pg 429, by Alice A. Bailey)
Ruth writes:
"Kumara (Sanskrit) [from ku with difficulty + mara mortal]: Mortal with difficulty; often used for child or youth, but philosophically pure spiritual beings, unself-conscious god-sparks uninvolved with matter who, destined by evolution to pass through the realms of matter, become mortal, i.e., material, only with difficulty because of their lofty spirituality. They are the classes of arupa or solar pitris, along with the agnishvattas and manasaputras. Of all the seven great divisions of dhyani-chohans, there is none with which humanity is more concerned than with the kumaras, the mind-born sons of Brahma-Rudra or Siva, the inveterate destroyer of human passions: 'it is they who, by incarnating themselves within the senseless human shells of the two first Root-races, and a great portion of the Third Root-race -- create, so to speak, a new race: that of thinking, self-conscious and divine men' (SD 1:456-7). In the Puranas their number varies, given as seven, four, and five. They are often called the Four, because Sanaka, Sanada, Sanatana, and Sanat-Kumara are the names of four important groups of kumaras as they spring from the fourfold mystery. The three secret names of the seven are variously given: Sana, Sanat-Sujata, and Kapila; or Kapila, Ribhu, and Panchasikha; or Jata, Vodhu, and Panchasikha, all of which are but aliases. The patronymic name of the kumaras is Vaidhatra [from vidhatri a title of Brahma as creator of the universe].
"These kumaras are sometimes also called rudras, adityas, gandharvas, asuras, maruts, and vedhas. The seven kumaras -- both as groups and as aggregated individuals -- are intimately connected with the dhyani-buddhas who watch over the seven rounds of our planetary chain. The four groups of kumaras generally spoken of are connected equally intimately with the four celestial bodhisattvas of the four globes of our round, and by correspondence with the four completed root-races of our earth. They are identical with the angels of the seven planets, and their name shows their connection with the constellation Makara or Capricorn. Makara is connected with the birth of the spiritual microcosm, and the death or dissolution of the physical universe (its passage into the realm of the spiritual) as are the kumaras. Mara is the god of darkness, the Fallen one, and death, i.e., death of every physical thing; but through the karmic lessons learned also the quickener of the birth of the spiritual. The kumaras are connected also with the sage Narada. An allegory in the Puranas says that the kumaras, the first progeny of Brahma, were without desire or passion, inspired with the holy wisdom, and undesirous of progeny. They refused to create, but were compelled later on to complete divine man by incarnating in him. The barhishads or lunar pitris formed the 'senseless' astral-physical humanity of the early root-races. Those beings possessing the living spiritual fire were the agnishvattas or solar pitris. The sons of Brahma, the kumaras, being originally themselves unconscious (in our sense) could be of no use in supplying the mental and kamic principles, as they did not possess them: they had attained no individual karmic elevation in merit of their own as had the agnishvattas. The perfection of the kumaras was passive and negative (nirguna). The kumaras eventually 'sacrifice' themselves by incarnating in mankind, thus corresponding to the manasaputras and fallen angels cast into hell (material spheres, our earth)."
Dan writes:
"I find 'unself-conscious god-spark' followed by 'destined by evolution to ... become mortal' confusing.
"So, Sanat Kumara is NOT just 'one of us' in a highly evolved state but is instead an "earlier thought in the mind of god" or more primal vibration (harmonic?) of Purpose?
"Now that I've said it out loud it sorta makes sense, just never specifically considered it before I guess.
"If what I am at root is (briefly and in my own words) that which lies behind the ability to decide, then what is a Kumara?"
Ruth continues with:
"Maybe it is "mortal with difficulty" because these "sparks of Divine Essence or Higher Mind Devas" had to incarnate into the physical lower animal/mineral/ vehicle.
"Imagine a molecule made up of mineral, vegetable, animal and human and then a higher entity/entities incarnating into that molecular structure, and how that will seem for this entity as existing as a "mortal with difficulty" because if one person breaks the molecule this places stress on the other mortals or the connecting mortal like it did with Jesus.
"So instead of trying to understand the Kumaras as individuals look at them through the Oneness Principle.
"These kumaras are like the pure Monads holding all the intelligence of God within, but not self conscious and not involved with matter, but then had to pass through into the human evolution via the higher realms of Mind rather than the physical senses, etc.
"'An allegory in the Puranas says that the kumaras, the first progeny of Brahma, were without desire or passion, inspired with the holy wisdom, and undesirous of progeny. They refused to create, but were compelled later on to complete divine man by incarnating in him.'
"See how it says here that 'they refused to CREATE' but were COMPELLED later on to complete divine man by incarnating IN HIM.
"So it seems that they are able to create, but didn't want to, but through the evolutionary process had to still incarnate into man which must have been uncomfortable for them?
"Sanat Kumara is from Venus, yes? Venus being like our higher self in a sense or soul sister, a sacred planet and the entities there have a higher evolved loftier spirituality than the earthlings or animal men that they incarnated into. Guess for the kumaras it would be like swapping a pure mink white coat to wear with an old daggy fake fur coat to put on."
"So, Sanat Kumara is NOT just 'one of us' in a highly evolved state but is instead an 'earlier thought in the mind of god' or more primal vibration (harmonic?) of Purpose?
"I started putting some quotes together at http://esotericwords.wikispaces.com/Kumara which might help. The word is making more sense to me as I read but it's still too foggy to explain.
"This quote begs for more attention in my opinion:
"Students must carefully differentiate between the five Mind born Sons of Brahma, the five true Kumaras and their representatives on our earth planet, Those Who stand around Sanat Kumara Who may be stated (esoterically understood) to represent Himself."
("A Treatise On Cosmic Fire," pg 378, by Alice A. Bailey)
"Thanks for all the quotes, Mindy.
"So, that quote you posted (above) reminds me to distinguish between the 'office' and the personage that currently occupies (represents) that office.
"But then it SEEMS to say that Sanat Kumara 'may be said' to represent Himself?
"It sounds like the 5 Kumaras around him are 'office-holders' (representing the 'five Mind born Sons of Brahma'/5 TRUE Kumaras) but that Sanat Kumara may be both Office and Office-holder (represents Himself).
"Alternatively, if DK is instead saying that THOSE FIVE represent Sanat, AAB/DK picked odd language with which to do so!
"You would not normally say THEY represent HIMSELF, you would say THEY represent HIM as in: 'Those Who stand around Sanat Kumara Who may be stated (esoterically understood) to represent HIM' (not himself)!
"That's why I interpret DK to POSSIBLY be saying that Sanat Kumara is (sort of) BOTH office and office-holder and therefore NOT just an evolved human (passed thru the human experience) but of a different lifeform altogether (an 'earlier' thought/vibration/ harmonic).
"The fact that he is also 'only' incarnated in the etheric (non-physical) would seem to support this also - perhaps he is of too high a vibration for current matter to 'hold.'
"Kinda the way I envision the whole crystalline Molecular Life (that is to incarnate into Human Molecules eventually) as well - there just ain't YET been a useable/suitable physical form for It."
Ruth replied:
"And the entities there [Venus] have a higher evolved loftier spirituality than the earthlings or animal men that they incarnated into."
"Yeah, I guess that's what I'm asking - is Sanat Kumara a different Lifeform altogether (like the Molecular Lifeforms that are to incarnate into Human Molecules) or is 'He' just an evolved human of our same (basic) ilk?"
"I have posted a few more quotes on this which may help?
"'Each planet had seven different globes, seven different spheres. The life on Venus isn't on the physical surface of the planet. The life he came from was a plane a little higher than the regular physical. That's where he came from, on Venus, and he came here in what we call etheric matter. He came here with 101 Kumaras. They came here and built the foundations of Shamballa. He was like the head god, selected as mentioned by Joseph Smith. Joseph called him the head god. When you talk about the head god to a bunch of normal people under normal Christian standards it sounds really weird. When Djwhal Khul started talking this way and said the god we worship is the god of the planet. He says Sanat Kumara was once a regular mortal man just like I am and just like you are.'
"'But Sanat Kumara evolved and he overcame all things on another planet and now he is our father here. Our goal is to be like him.'"
See: http://www.freeread.com/archives/2276.php
"And we have his mind 'sparks'?"
"'Our earth and man,' says the Commentary, 'being the products of the three Fires' -- whose three names answer, in Sanskrit, to 'the electric fire, the Solar fire, and the fire produced by friction,' -- these three fires, explained on the Cosmic and human planes, are Spirit, Soul, and Body, the three great Root groups, with their four additional divisions.'"
("The Secret Doctrine," by H.P. Blavatsky, 2:247)
"'The True faculty of intuition is manifest through the Solar mind via its connection with the intelligence of pure spiritual beings. These beings, 'Solar Angels,' who's consciousness is Solar fire, are known as Agnishwatta Pitris, a compound of two Sanskrit words -- agni, fire and shvatta, tasted or 'to sweeten' -- therefore, one who has tasted or been sweetened by fire. As 'fire' in esoteric science is used to denote light, consciousness, wisdom, intelligence, and mind these Solar Angels are the source from which we as self-aware beings derive intelligence in its many forms.'"
(Source: "Intuition -- Solar Fire")
"These 'pure spiritual beings' are the Kumara and/or Solar Angels? Intuition is manifest through the Solar Mind and connects with/to the kumara which connects to the higher and lower mind and the brain?"
"'For Man:'
"'The blending of the fire of matter and of the fire of mind liberates from the three worlds.'
"'The blending of electric fire with the two other fires brings about liberation from the five lower planes, and enables a man to function consciously on the cosmic physical plane.'
(Source: "Treatise On Cosmic Fire," by Alice A. Bailey, Page 341)
"And these Kumara are the 'blender'?"
"'This should be pondered on, for in days to come (when units here and there contact the devas, and inevitably pay the penalty) it may be helpful if the reason is understood, and man realizes his necessary separation from these Essences in the three worlds. Approach between the two lines of evolution becomes possible on the plane of buddhi, but then it is an approach of two essences, and not an approach of the concrete to the essence. Man, while functioning in material, substantial forms in the three worlds, may not trespass across the separating line between the two evolutions. Only on the planes of solar fire or on the cosmic etheric levels may contact be permitted; on the planes of the cosmic dense physical plane (our mental, astral and physical planes) disaster only results from contact. I have dwelt on this point, for the danger is real, and near at hand.'"
(Source: "Treatise On Cosmic Fire," by Alice A. Bailey, Page 473)
"And this is why only Sanat Kumara has these kumara stand around him?"
"'Only when the fires of mind in himself dominate, can he work with the transmutative processes of the third order, or with the transference of life into the animal forms.'"
(Source: "Treatise On Cosmic Fire," by Alice A. Bailey, Pages 487-488)
"'The KNOWERS and the students of the Knowledge - actuated by group consciousness, and working consciously - will separate themselves in group formation from those who know not, and from those who care not. This cleavage will be self-induced, and a natural outgrowth of the group life; it will in itself be of a temporary nature for the fundamental aim in view will be the bringing about of an eventual closer merging; it will mark primarily the line of demarcation between the lower four Rays of consciousness, and the higher three. It is also a mystery hid in the relationship between the four exoteric Kumaras (S. D., I, 116, 493; II, 112, 149.) and the esoteric three, and from the point of view of man separates those who are developing the consciousness of the Triad from those who as yet are living the life of the Quaternary. It concerns those who respond to the solar Lords, distinguishing them from those who recognize as yet only the control of the lunar Lords. In terms of Fire: those who warm themselves by means of fire by friction and respond not to the heat of solar fire remain within the cavern, thus living in the dark; whilst those whose being is irradiated by the Sun of Wisdom, and who bask in the rays of solar heat dwell in the light, and enjoy an ever increasing freedom, and vital existence.'"
(Source: "Treatise On Cosmic Fire," by Alice A. Bailey, Pages 525-526)
See: http://www.freeread.com/archives/solar-fire.php
"'Creative Hierarchies are those centers of power which consist of various 'builders' or entities involved in the 'building process,' that use various and unique approaches in a synthetic cooperation with other forces and/or energies, such as; planets and/or zodiac, rays, kumaras, rounds, and their respective 'numerical designations, ' and the other definitions we have already studied in this 'glossary exercise' ; i.e. the three fires, etc., -- all that which is involved in the manifestation of divine form -- and by form I mean 'matter' as well; i.e., atomic matter -- or from the microcosm to the macrocosm.'"
(See: http://www.freeread.com/archives/4700.php)
"'Sana(t), Sanatana (Sanskrit) Primeval, ancient, perpetual; one of the four groups of kumaras, the mind-born sons of Brahma.
"'Sanat-kumara (Sanskrit) [from sanat from of old, always + kumara youth from ku with difficulty + mara mortal] Eternal youth; the most important of the four groups of kumaras, the mind-born sons of Brahma who "refused to create." These purely spiritual beings, being cosmically youthful, were destined by evolution to pass through the realms of matter. The four groups of kumaras -- Sanat, Sananda, Sanaka, and Sanatana -- as names, 'are all significant qualifications of the degrees of human intellect' (TG 289). Personified, Sanat is the oldest of the progenitors of mankind. Although Hindu literature usually speaks of four kumaras, nevertheless it frequently hints at there being seven such mind-born sons. The four kumaras named above are considered exoteric, while three others are considered esoteric, and their names are given as Sana, Kapila, and Sanat-sujata.
"'Sanat-sujata (Sanskrit) Always beautiful, perpetually and primevally well-born -- well-born signifying original derivation from spirit rather than from the realms of matter. One of the three groups of esoteric kumaras, 'which contains the mystery of generation and reincarnation' (TG 289).'"
Larry Woods:
"Based on this quote, would not Sujata make an excellent female name: 'Sanat-sujata (Sanskrit) Always beautiful....' How would you pronounce it? Silent 'j'? And which syllable gets stress? And which vowels are long or short?"
"'Sana(t), Sanatana (Sanskrit) Primeval, ancient, perpetual; one of the four groups of kumaras, the mind-born sons of Brahma."
"'Brahma (Sanskrit) [from the verbal root brih to expand, grow, fructify] The first god of the Hindu Trimurti or triad, consisting of Brahma, the emanator, evolver, and creator; Vishnu, the sustainer or preserver; and Siva, the regenerator or destroyer. Brahma is the vivifying expansive force of nature in its eternally periodic manvantaras. He stands for the spiritual evolving or developing energy-consciousnes s of a solar system which is also called the Egg of Brahma (brahmanda). Brahma is called the creator or Logos, but in the theosophic philosophy creator is simply an abstract term or idea, like army. In Burnouf's words:"
"'Having evolved himself from the soul of the world, once separated from the first cause, he evaporates with, and emanates all nature out of himself. He does not stand above it, but is mixed up with it; Brahma and the universe form one Being, each particle of which is in its essence Brahma himself, who proceeded out of himself' (SD 1:380). The Vishnu-Purana explains that created beings 'although they are destroyed (in their individual forms) at the periods of dissolution, yet being affected by the good or evil acts of former existences, are never exempted from their consequences. And when Brahma produces the world anew, they are the progeny of his will . . .' (SD 1:456n)."
"'According to the Aitareya-Brahmana, Brahma as Prajapati (lord of beings) manifests himself first of all as twelve bodies or attributes, which are represented by the twelve gods, symbolizing 1) fire; 2) the sun; 3) soma, which gives omniscience; 4) all living beings; 5) vayu, or ether; 6) death, or breath of destruction -- Siva; 7) earth; 8) heaven; 9) Agni, the immaterial fire; 10) Aditya, the immaterial and invisible sun; 11) mind; and 12) the great infinite cycle, 'which is not to be stopped.' Brahma in one of his phases therefore is the visible universe, every atom of which is essentially himself."
"'Brahma "symbolizes personally the collective creators of the World and Men -- the universe with all its numberless productions of things movable and (seemingly) immovable. He is collectively the Prajapatis, the Lords of Being; and the four bodies typify the four classes of creative powers or Dhyan Chohans . . ." (SD 2:60), these four bodies being ratri (night) associated with the creation of the asuras; ahan (day) associated with the gods; sandhya (evening twilight) associated with the pitris; and jyotsna (dawn or light) associated with the creation of men."
"'In the beginning Brahma was Purusha (spirit) and also prakriti (matter). It is later that he separated himself into two halves -- Brahma-Vach (female) and Brahma-Viraj (male). The term Brahma is not found in the Vedas. Blavatsky correlates Adam-Qadmon, Brahma, and Mars as symbols for primitive or initial generative and creative powers typifying water and earth; also all three are associated with the color red (SD 2:43, 124-5)."
Mindy writes:
"I saw something interesting on the subject in the book, 'Sacred Vessel of the Mysteries,' written by John Berges. I wrote to John to ask permission to share portions of his book and just received a response back yesterday. For anyone interested in The Great Invocation, this book and those of Starling Hunter, The Compass of Light series, are well worth reading. (Starling's books can be found and read on Scribd) Anyway, Kumaras....
"'Putting a very complex subject in simple terms, the ageless wisdom teaches that the first attempts to create humanity on the Earth failed because the faculty of mind or manas would not function within the animal forms created by the natural evolutionary process. In order to assist in the development of humanity on the Earth, a higher order of intelligence led by Sanat Kumara voluntarily entered into the evolutionary process of the planet in order to instill the principle of mind. According to Barborka in his book, 'The Divine Plan':
"'Because of having themselves developed the faculty of Mind in previous Manvantaras as well as the ability to use it with full consciousness, they were able to awaken the dormant faculty of Manas during the Third Race so that man was able to function intellectually in his turn. These lofty Beings are therefore termed the Lords of Flame, or Sons of Mind -- Manasaputras -- or Solar Gods.
"'Barborka goes on to list some thirty-four different names given to these Solar Gods as they appear throughout The Secret Doctrine. He explains that the three categories of names for these beings are the manas aspect, the Agnishvatta aspect, and the Kumara aspect.
"'The manas aspect stresses the phase of the awakening of the Mind principle... The Agnishvatta aspect stresses the evolutionary phases...The Kumara aspect represents the phase of enlightenment by direct assistance, in that the Holy Youths (the literal translation of the word Kumara) actually incarnated in a portion of the human race.
"'Barborka, citing Blavastsky, points out that the Kumaras 'may indeed mark a 'special' or extra creation, since it is they who, by incarnating themselves within the senseless human shells of the two first Root-races, and a great portion of the Third Root-race--create, so to speak, a new race; that of thinking, self-conscious and divine men.
"'The Kumara theme is important because the Great Invocation is a mantram of redemption calling on the Light of God, the Love of God and the Purpose of God to enter the world of human living in order to restore the Plan on Earth. As we have just read, the Kumara role of these advanced spiritual Entities is one of self sacrifice in order to redeem or correct situations which have not gone according to the Plan.'"
Ruth adds:
"Could one also categorize this as:
"Manas Aspect - male - Father (Ray 1)
"Agnishvatta Aspect - Soul - Son/Daughter (Ray 2)
"Kumara Aspect - female - Mother (Ray 3)
"For example:
"'The manas aspect stresses the phase of the awakening of the Mind principle.'
"(Me: i.e. God in Motion.)
"'The Agnishvatta aspect stresses the evolutionary phases....'
"(Me: the soul's awakening progress and evolution.)
"'The Kumara aspect represents the phase of enlightenment by direct assistance, in that the Holy Youths (the literal translation of the word Kumara) actually incarnated in a portion of the human race.'
"(Me: Active Intelligence through Form/Mother.)
"Actually the earth is presently on the third ray and this is conducive to the development of beautiful physical form. You are probably thinking of the previous solar system, which was on the third ray; whereas the present one is on the second ray. Not a lot is given out on the previous soar system except that the foundation for all physical form was laid there including human and serpent."
(See: http://www.freeread.com/archives/2993.php)
"'The Kumara theme is important because the Great Invocation is a mantram of redemption calling on the Light of God, the Love of God and the Purpose of God to enter the world of human living in order to restore the Plan on Earth.
"'As we have just read, the Kumara role of these advanced spiritual Entities is one of self sacrifice in order to redeem or correct situations which have not gone according to the Plan.'
"(Me: Picture the 3 Marys around Jesus at His crucifixion).
"Ku -- with difficulty + Mara -- mortal"
"Ku - Mara
"'Mara (Sanskrit) [from the verbal root mri to die] That which kills, death, destroyer; in exoteric Indian literature, the representation of temptation, esoterically personified temptation through men's vices, which kill the soul. Maha-Mara is the king of the maras, or temptations collectively, the great ensnarer, and is usually represented 'with a crown in which shines a jewel of such lustre that it blinds those who look at it, this lustre referring of course to the fascination exercised by vice upon certain natures.' (VS 76).
"'Mara is the god of darkness and death: 'Death of every physical thing truly; but Mara is also the unconscious quickener of the birth of the Spiritual' (SD 2:579). The hosts of Mara refer to the unconquered passions that the neophyte must slay or transmute before he is reborn spiritually, or can become a dvija (twice-born). Mara is also a name frequently given to Kama, the personified god of love or desire.'"
"So in this context then Eve (representing the female aspect) was tempted by a Kumara (in a reversed sense), if you read that which is written above, then that temptation and the female aspect makes more sense.
"Mara may also be used as variant of Mary (and who had 3 Marys around Him?).
Also see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Three_Marys
"Also, Mara is a Hebrew name meaning 'bitter, bitterness,' and Mara is one with the Biblical figure of Naomi. She had changed her name from Naomi (pleasant) to Mara after she suffered the deaths of her husband and her two sons (see Book of Ruth).
"So there is a lot more depth to the word Kumara, if one takes time to dig further into names and numbers as symbolic representations with more than one layer of interpretation.
"Thank you Mindy for posting this and giving me some much needed inspiration to dig around in word meanings.
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