2010-3-26 00:38:00
In response to comments made by JJ during the 2006 Gathering, Dan wrote:
"You know this is not as simple as it may at first sound. As I was thinking about it my initial thought was that in order for intelligence to be responsible for the dominating good it would have to mean that intelligence always picks "the good" for some reason.
"But this is incorrect, it looks to me like the reason that dominating good comes out of intelligent decision not because intelligence CHOOSES to DO good, it is because (true) intelligence (as opposed to what we might think of as intelligence) just is exclusively concerned with "THAT WHICH IS" which IS the only possible (true) good because it's 'opposite' - 'THAT WHICH IS NOT' -- is by definition the false, untruth - illusion.
"That which (truly) is, can only BE the good (as it is what is) -- all else does not -- is just illusion. The trick is discerning what truly IS (how the Universe/God 'works') and acting in alignment and/or harmony with those Principles.
"I guess what separates the DB [Dark Brotherhood] and [Light Brotherhood] LB is the DB believes the ends (order) justify the means (force) and thereby overlooks the Law of Reaping and Sowing (Karma) (Cause and Effect), whereas the LB works in harmony with this First Law of our Universe."
In response to the above, JJ wrote:
You are on the right track here except that intelligence at the human level and below does not decide in terms of what is real and what is not. Instead, it decides in terms of what works and does not work. Now that which works most efficiently (from a holistic view) is that which is most real in terms of useful creation.
For instance, a circular object works best for the wheel. If an intelligence uses any other shape, such as a square or hexagon, he will always come to the conclusion that a round circular object works best.
On the human level we go through trial and error again and again, each time picking that which works best for what we want to accomplish.
We have the basics pretty much settled. We use round object for wheels, bearings to make them more efficient and a substance with give in it for the tire. We have collectively decided that 2+2=4, that the binary system works in computers and television as an invention is very useful and worthy of improving to the highest level possible.
That which works in the black-and-white concrete areas of life is easiest for intelligence to discern. But then when we move up to the social level it becomes more difficult.
Let us take the debate that is raging today. Is forced socialized medicine the most efficient way to go or not? Close to half the country thinks yes and half thinks no. It seems as if we will never come to an intelligent conclusion.
On the other hand, when we look back to 1860 we see that close to half the country thought slavery was a good thing and half did not. Fortunately, this issue has been resolved and we have concluded as a society that human bondage is not good and is to be avoided.
Today the problem of slavery has merely moved to a higher level. Before we can solve the problem of what works and does not work in socialism the force or bondage aspect must be removed. Eventually we will do this and, just as happened with the slavery issue, we will, as a people, chose that which works best for humanity.
Here is the key piece of knowledge.
Both those on the path of light and dark choose that which works best for them. Both will choose round wheel instead of the square. Both will ultimately choose the same improvements when using only the concrete mind as a database. The dividing point comes when the soul enters into the picture. The soul opens up new data bases and principles from higher worlds and thus allows us to make more accurate decisions about what works and does not work. Those with soul contact thus have a higher vision of what works and does not work.
All of humanity has a chance to achieve soul contact. When a brother of Light gets his chance he will embrace the soul and move onward. When a dark bother gets his chance he will sense the change the soul will bring and make a conscious decision to reject it. He deceives himself into thinking that he can obtain more satisfaction by concentrating on the material world and what works there. With the rejection of the soul he also rejects freedom for the whole for he sees he can only be satisfied if he can control others. He feels he can be free as long as the majority is not.
The committed dark brother thus continues to choose what works best for him, but now has a wall between him and the soul so the intelligence governing his choices are limited and thus not accurate.
Fortunately, the vast majority of entities choose the kingdom of the soul when it presents itself and thus the good of the higher dominates over the lower, or the dominating good prevails.
Copyright © 2010 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved