2010-3-12 04:00:00
Let us suppose that Obama had a kid with Downs Syndrome and someone was as insensitive as the Family Guy jerk or many of those who will post on this forum today?
There would be such an outrage that the Secret Service would probably get involved and there'd be marching in the streets for someone's head.
Lefties owe Sarah the same respect that they would give their own in this matter.
And don't give me that insane justification that "She paraded her family in front of national TV" as an excuse to attack. So did Obama and every other politician.
"'Queen Sarah' is allowed to denigrate, insult and flat-out lie about others, but can't swallow her own medicine. Typical."
Why do you say this when you cannot find one single lie to support your accusation? What does that make you?
"Fox news contributor: How's that workin' out fer ya, Sarah?"
Actually, it's working out very well. She draws a lot of interest when she comes on and she speaks very intelligently. Of course, the Left does not know this because they get their talking points on her from the blogs.
I guess you have to admit that Fox is fair and balanced when they allow a denigration from the extreme left on like Family Man.
"Just one of her many lies; The Democratic HCR had death panels when the writings were no different than she enacted into law while she was governor."
You need to read her actual words. She never said the Democratic HCR had "death panels" in it. She never criticized anything comparable to what she supported as governor. You've got to quit getting your information second hand.
"Like there was when McCain insulted Chelsea Clinton? that was a direct attack the Clintons didn't make public statements about it -- just shows Palin is narcissistic and has no dignity."
I don't remember McCain insulting anyone but if he did then he deserves correction. However many of what the Left sees as insults is pretty mild compared to their own insults.
"Hey, they mocked Bill Clinton as a wonton womanizer...I don't see that they play favorites on their satire."
Nothing compared to what they did to Bush, but they are normal adults. That's a different subject. We're talking about a defenseless kid here.
"Let's suppose Mr. Obama's daughter got pregnant while still a miner, by an unemployed, uneducated inner-city black dude.
"Would she get a 'pass' like Palin's kid?
"I only bring this up because you're insisting there's a "double standard'."
Palin's kid got a pass? Are you out of your mind, or were you on Mars the past couple years?
"You couldn't be more wrong. PLEASE get her on the 2012 ticket, 'cause I don't think I can return to life under a Republican administration."
You say that now, but when she's on the ticket and her election seems probable you will fear and tremble.
"You're kidding, right? I'm not going to hold your hand through SEVERAL lies. I don't have the time and I don't care about you being wrong and ridiculous."
I've thrown the challenge out before for a Lefty to show me even one lie that Sarah has made and what do they come up with? Nothing except lies about what she said. So far no one has been able to give me even one little white lie. It's possible she has publicly told one but Lefties can't seem to find one.
"The Family Guy episode had the character Chris falling for a woman with Downs syndrome.
"There was no "kid" involved nor as Melaguy claims any 'ridicule of a Downs child'.
"You guys are re-working to the facts."
There was a Downs Syndrome Kid that said he was Palin's. This was supposed to represent Palin's child -- who is still a young child. That was in bad taste especially following the Letterman jokes about her kid being raped.
"I'm not sure she has the basic intelligence to knowingly lie since she seems to be so clueless on any subject for which she professes to be an expert. Not that it matters but:
"And these are published."
Cutting and pasting a web page doesn't cut it. Try and find one lie she has told and post it here. So far no one has been able to do this and I haven't been able to find one.
"RT56" wrote:
"Palin deserves no respect. Should respect be given to someone who quit their elected position mid-term with no regard for the state she supposedly should be leading?"
Alaska is in good hands and the present governor is able to do his job because he is not hounded by the Left. So are you also upset at Obama for quitting his Senate seat when he promised he would not?
"RT56" wrote:
"To someone who gives a speech with notes written on her hand?"
What's more difficult? to give a speech from a couple words on your hand or to read a teleprompter speech written by someone else word for word? Palin looks like a genius at speaking compared to Mr. Teleprompter Reader.
"RT56" wrote:
"No, it would entirely send the wrong message if Palin was treated to respect."
Then using your own reasoning your respect for Obama must be low. Very very low. Low beyond imagination.
"There have been several responses with dozens of examples. Pay attention!"
I haven't seen even valid one. Speak.
"Palinism -- 'Nucular.'
"Sarah Palin mispronouncing the word 'nuclear' twice during ABC News interview, September 11, 2008."
And Obama finally wants to build two nuclear plants, but shuts down Yucca mountain so there is nowhere to store the waste. How dumb is that? The last plant took about 30 years to build maybe these will too if there is nothing they can do with the waste.
"There was NO kid in the episode. Please watch it so you know what you are talking about. She was a young woman on a date. Her date asked what her parents did for a living and she said her mother was the former governor of Alaska. End of story. AT no time did the episode make fun of the young woman...."
A kid can be any child of any age.
"There are three attached to this link. The Statesman does not provide enough room for me to type out everything."
Quit copping out and cutting and pasting websites. I can't find any lie there, just a difference of opinion with Palin.
"Here is a recap of Fox News Sunday, 2/8/2010. Now whether you want to call it lying or not I guess would be up to the reader. For myself it looks more like not doing her homework and on others stretching the truth. But however the reader decides to view it, she is making false statements."
A mistake is not a lie. A lie is an intentional deception -- like when Obama said there were no earmarks in the stimulus package when there were many of them and he has to know this. The best case on the site you mentioned quotes her saying Alaska supplies 20 percent of our energy. I would assume she is talking about oil here and the real figure appears to be 14 percent. This appears to be a mistake and not a lie. Everyone makes mistake. A lie is an intentional untruth. For instance Obama was not lying when he said there were 57 states, but made a silly mistake.
And speaking of mistakes...
Palin makes fewer of them than does Obama and Sarah doesn't have a dozen speech writers and fact checkers helping her out. She often speaks off the cuff. Obama reads almost every word.
And why?
Because he and his associates know he will make too many mistakes if he speaks his own words.
"Wazzup" wrote:
"Why is the Left so afraid of little Sarah?"
They afraid of their own shadows. For instance, most are afraid of nuclear energy even though there has not been one person killed by it in this hemisphere, ever. You are more likely to get hit by a meteor.
They are afraid of freedom. They think you and I can't handle it.
They were afraid that the Cassini spacecraft would crash into them after it orbited around the sun, even though the chance was one in trillions that they could be hurt.
They are afraid of global warming even though warming is much better for us than cooling.
For some reason though they are not afraid of tyrants who do want to kill us. Very strange people these Lefties.
"Man, did I call you out on this earlier, or what? LOL!! Thanks for proving me right.
"Evidently, to you, facts are lies and nobody can tell you otherwise, right?
"OK, here's one lie.
"'I can see Russia from my house'.
"How you gonna spin that one?"
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha... That's a lie in itself. That is a quote from a Saturday Night Live skit. Tina Fey said that -- not Palin. You guys are a piece of work.
"Joe, you are clueless.
"The more you post the dumber you sound and look...."
Me dumb? You're the one quoting Tina Fey from Saturday Night Live to refute me. How smart is that?
"2 Cents":
"Palin lied when she repeatedly claimed to have said, 'Thanks, but no thanks' to the Bridge to Nowhere; in fact, she openly campaigned for the federal project when running for governor."
As governor she did reject the Bridge to Nowhere and never denied anything she said to the contrary beforehand.
"2 Cents":
"Palin lied when she denied that Wasilla's police chief and librarian had been fired; in fact, both were given letters of termination the previous day."
Wikipedia says:
"Palin said she fired Police Chief Irl Stambaugh because he did not fully support her efforts to govern the city."
Looks like she fired him and said she fired him. Where's the lie?
Concerning the librarian, The Anchorage Daily News says:
She (the librarian) resigned in August 1999, two months before Palin was voted in for a second mayoral term.
Doesn't sound like she was fired to me. Palin considered firing her but did not.
"2 Cents":
"Palin lied when she wrote in the NYT that a comprehensive review by Alaska wildlife officials showed that polar bears were not endangered."
She's right. Polar bears are not endangered. Since the 1970s, while the world was warming, polar bear numbers increased dramatically from around 5,000 to as many as 25,000 today, higher than anytime in the 20th Century.
Please one challenge at a time as there is not room nor do I have time to deal with the shotgun approach.
If we reversed this and went after Obama's lies you would not have nearly the defense I have with Sarah Palin.
"Sheesh, I quoted that AS A JOKE, not SF55. And you bought it. I see your memory is not in such great shape these days, Joey!"
Yeah, right. You really sounded serious and believable. Why? Because a Zogby poll showed that 86.9 percent of Democrats believed that Palin made that statement rather than Tina Fey. It is logical that you would be in that 86.9 percent.
"If I remember correctly in another post sometime back, you volunteered to keep that (nuclear) waste in your garage."
For a couple billion I would be happy to take care of the plutonium, as I said.
"That meeting was amazing. I would LUV to see a debate between him and Palin. No questions ahead of time, no teleprompters, no notes on hands. You betcha!"
Because Obama knows Palin would clean his clock he would never agree to it.
HOWEVER... He may be forced into several debates with her if she wins the Republican nomination.
Imagine the embarrassment for poor Obama. His image as the great debater will be shattered.
No worry, the New York Times will declare him the winner, but the common people will know better and elect Palin/Romney in 2012. (Note: a possibility, not a prediction.)
(Note: This is a comment on the Idaho missionaries that were imprisoned in Haiti.)
We should all rejoice that eight of the ten will soon return home and realize that "but for the grace of God goes me." If the finger pointers here think they can go on forever without getting caught in the middle of bad situations they are just fooling themselves.
Jesus said that as we judge so shall we be judged. This is a universal law in all religions. This means that the mean spirited judges here will someday be in the same situation that they are judging. It would be fun to watch them squirm when this happens.
"I have seen you claim to be the only person alive who cannot be suckered by a ruse but, in fact, many of us are difficult to trick. Even if you use the term God in the efforts to trick us. Unfortunately for you, once the term God is used, any old story is believable to you."
I said no such thing. I did say I was pretty good at spotting a con and the group as a whole didn't look like a bunch of cons. It's funny that a third world judge has more compassion on this bunch than the hardline law and order "liberals" here.
"Oh dear lord (just kidding, I'm agnostic), how could you possibly think that Sarah Palin could win a debate against anybody but a turnip? Even in a softball TV interview, she exposed her complete lack of knowledge of [...] anything. I sincerely hope that she wins the Republican nomination in 2012...."
She got the best of Biden who had a lot more experience than her. She's getting more knowledgeable all the time and with her native intelligence and increasing knowledge I think she could get the best of Obama in a debate in 2012. Having the truth on her side gives her an advantage.
"AlDentePickles" wrote:
"She certainly did not get the best of Biden. She had to ask to call him Joe because she kept referring to him as OBiden in the prep. She has remarkably little native intelligence. She didn't even know why there are two Koreas. And truth? That's laughable and pathetic."
Calling Joe Biden Joe did not hurt her in the debate at all. After all, that's his name. Duh... Why would you think such a silly thought? She said in an interview that it's really dumb to think she doesn't know there are two Koreas and that report is hearsay. You're the one who is laughable and pathetic more than Sarah is. Much more.
Sarah with much less experience creamed Joe showing that she has more native intelligence.
"(a) It was a SHE, not a HE, and (b) SHE never said SHE was Palin's child, she said her mother was a former governor of Alaska. Palin was not mentioned by name. Did you actually watch this episode?"
And if you think the reference to a mother who was the former governor of Alaska was not a reference to Palin then I have an overpass to sell you right over Interstate 84.
"GrayMatter" wrote:
"The real questions are, IF they are, in fact, so outraged by this episode:
"Why haven't they boycotted Fox Channel? Actions speak louder than words."
You're confused as usual.
It is not the Right that boycotts everything with which they disagree to attempt to censor free speech. It us the Left that owns this territory.
If we do not like something we may not buy it and complain about it but do not march in the streets, threaten advertisers, insist someone be fired, etc., unless the offense is really something big that is a great danger.
"BeCourteous" wrote:
"Note to any television program that may need draw some attention to your program [...] just find some way to tick off Sarah Palin. It does wonders for ratings and exposure."
A leftist guy on the Internet was complaining there was a liberal event held at the same time Palin gave her speech. It had three times the attendance and received almost no coverage.
Even though the press covers Palin to attack her it is interesting how much of their attention is drawn to her. She's just a lot more interesting (and intelligent) as a person than the competition. What can I say?
"BeCourteous" wrote:
"Dear Mrs. Palin,
"Please stop playing the victim. It does not become you. You were much more likable when you actually appeared to believe what you said [...] you know that whole independent Alaskan thing and how you know how to take care of yourselves with no excuses."
You never thought she was likable. It does her no good to try to be likable for the dogmatists. The Right loves her like crazy as she is.
"GrayMatter" wrote:
"None of you are denigrating the programming choices made by the company who airs this show. You are only denigrating liberals, for not agreeing with Palin."
As usual, you do not understand.
The problem is not free speech or whether they agree with me or Palin. Fox News has all kinds of Lefties on that I do not agree with such as Alan Colmes, Ellis Henican, Bob Beckle, Geraldo Rivera, Greta Van Susteren, Geraldine Ferraro, Katrina vanden Heuvel, David Corn, Eric Alterman, Juan Williams, Mara Liasson, Mort Kondracke, Flavia Colgan, Susan Estrich, Ellen Rattner, Eleanor Clift, Jane Hall, Judith Miller and others. I watch it anyway and support their freedom of expression.
That doesn't mean that I will not voice disagreement with them. But I certainly will not demand Fox ban them.
"Apparently the debates were a matter of interpretation because I thought that Joe Biden was clearly the better of the two and so did many, many others which is why Obama won the election."
McCain was ahead in the polls until the financial meltdown. That buried McCain. Looks like it will bury Obama also.
"So, I take that to mean you believe Todd Palin is an accountant?"
You really have a black-and-white view of things don't you?
"Yet you fail to voice any disagreement with Fox, even on an issue which you claim to support Palin's view.
"You just continue to denigrate those who disagree with Palin.
"No worries, I still thank you for the enjoyment of witnessing your self flagellation for her!"
There's a lot on all the networks I don't agree with but I'll honor their free speech. The fact that you think I should do otherwise makes it look like you are against free speech.
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