Creative Hierarchies

2010-2-21 03:56:00

Esoteric-Metaphysical Glossary

Definition:  Creative Hierarchies

We are overdue in continuing our esoteric definitions.

Djwhal Khul [DK] talks a lot about the creative hierarchies so it is important to have at least a basic idea as to that to which he is referring.

The answer is revealed in the name itself. The final purpose of each of these hierarchies is to create on all planes of existence.

Altogether there are twelve such creative hierarchies. Five of them did their work in a previous solar system or creation and laid the foundation for the present universe. They exist and assist us in the present as the universal mind, or intelligence in matter -- the force that pushes evolution onwards. Therefore, they continue assisting with creation.

The other seven work to create in this present universe. Counting from the highest downwards the human kingdom is the Fourth Creative Hierarchy. This is the only hierarchy visible to us in a way we can understand. As the hierarchy at the midway point the destiny of man is to use his creative forces and intelligence to work with both spirit and matter. He is to bring heaven down to earth and rise earth to the heavenly spheres in the process. Man's focus is on the dense physical plane and mastering it so matter can cooperate with spirit and become unified in a great purpose that our intelligence can only guess at in this point of our development.

[End Of Definition]

We will not take time at present to cover all the hierarchies but the student can start reading on page 1196 of the "Treatise on Cosmic Fire" by Alice A. Bailey where Djwhal Khul gives an interesting summary of the seven current hierarchies.

One student dug up some other interesting references and made comments that are worth adding:

"I think it would be best to begin this with a quote from Alice A. Bailey's (AAB) 'Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle,' found at page 125:

"'All such terms as planes, groups, creative Hierarchies, and centers are simply word modes of inferring relationship, interplay and mutual impression between the beings or the lives who make up the sumtotal of our manifested universe...."

"Also, if you are really interested in coming to a better understanding of what these 'creative hierarchies' are, you can read about all Twelve Creative Hierarchies yourself by reading 'Esoteric Astrology - The Zodiac and the Rays - The Creative Hierarchies,' by AAB, starting at, on or about page 34. There, you can also study the tabulation of the 12 Creative Hierarchies and discover the various influences, rays, signs, names and energies involved. Similar information on the 'Creative Hierarchies' can be found in AAB's 'A Treatise On Cosmic Fire,' starting on/on or about page 1197.

"Notwithstanding, here is some information I garnered from the 'words and works' of AAB, and tried my best to put them into my own words:

"Creative Hierarchies are those centers of power which consist of various 'builders' or entities involved in the 'building process,' that use various and unique approaches in a synthethic cooperation with other forces and/or energies, such as; planets and/or zodiac, rays, kumaras, rounds, and their respective 'numerical designations,' and the other definitions we have already studied in this 'glossary exercise' ; i.e. the three fires, etc., -- all that which is involved in the manifestation of divine form -- and by form I mean 'matter' as well; i.e., atomic matter -- or from the microcosm to the macrocosm.

"There are at least twelve (12) known creative hierarchies, which are closely associated with and to the 12 signs of the zodiac, the 12 planets, and have their 'roots' in the cosmic planes.

"The Creative Hierarchies are 'conditioning and/or coordination agents' that manage and monitor the various forces/energies for the manifesting of divine form.

"Each Creative Hierarchy is in a/the different/varying process of being 'liberated.'

"Human 'spirits' (monads) -- and/or the Human Kingdom are part of the fourth Creative Hierarchy which was produced by a triple AUM sounded in a particular key by the three persons of the Trinity in unison -- God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

"WE are part of the 4th Creative Hierarchy, and are, through our own evolutionary impulse are seeking to 'liberate' it.

"Here are some additional quotes that may be of assistance in coming to an understanding of this topic:

"'The physical correspondence of this [12 creative hierarchies] will be the twelve signs of the Zodiac with the Sun at the center, synthesizing all of them. The spiritual correspondence will be the twelve Creative Orders with the Logos at the center, synthesizing all.'

"('A Treatise On Cosmic Fire,' pg 1195, footnote 31 'The Theosophist,' Vol. XXIX, p. 100., by AAB)


"Here are some 'hints' to the understanding of how the 12 Creative Hierarchies interact and/or are involved in other aspects of human evolution:

"'The sacral center and the throat. In this there comes a union between the twelve Creative Hierarchies and the quaternary, and the secret of the sixteen petals of the throat lotus is seen.'

"'The solar plexus center and the heart, in which the ten of the perfect man in this solar system is lost in the consummated twelve. As the twelve Creative Hierarchies (in their outer and creative aspect) are contacted by the man, who is the perfected quaternary from the standpoint of the form, so in the relation between the solar plexus and heart is the second aspect perfected....'

"('A Treatise on White Magic,' pg 87, by AAB)


"The seven planes of Divine Manifestation, or the seven major planes of our system, are but the seven subplanes of the lowest cosmic plane. The seven Rays of which we hear so much, and which hold so much of interest and of mystery, are likewise but the seven subrays of one cosmic Ray. The twelve creative Hierarchies are themselves but subsidiary branches of one cosmic Hierarchy. They form but one chord in the cosmic symphony. When that sevenfold cosmic chord, of which we form so humble a part, reverberates in synthetic perfection, then, and only then, will come comprehension of the words in the Book of Job: 'The morning stars sang together.'

"('Initiation, Human and Solar,' pg 4, by AAB)


"I thought this was an interesting statement made by Djwhal Khul:

"'The fourth Creative Hierarchy is the great expression of the conscious will and sacrifice of the Solar Logos, and the great symbol of the intelligent union of spirit and matter. Hence the fourth initiation, with its presentation of these cosmic truths, and its epitomizing of the purpose of this fundamental sacrifice, has a pre-eminent place.'

"('Initiation, Human and Solar,' page 95, by AAB)


"'Curiously enough also, when humanity can function with its consciousness centered upon the fourth or buddhic plane, disease will die out and the fourth Creative Hierarchy will finally be freed from that great limitation.'

"('Esoteric Healing,' pg 564, by AAB)"