2010-2-24 04:12:00
Why is with the Left of always accusing the Right of censorship or intolerance and then turning around and acting ten times as worse themselves?
In the case of the Superbowl the Left wants to deny conservatives the right to run an ad that should offend no one. It gives the result of a mother's decision to give birth to a baby that would grow up to be a football superstar.
Recently other Lefties have tried to suppress [Fox News commentator] Glenn Back's speech by intimidating his advertisers and succeeded in getting quite number of them to withdraw.
Lou Dobbs [news commentator] was drummed off of CNN because he wasn't allowed to speak his mind.
Lefties pour over every word spoken on Fox News and conservative radio in search of blunders in hope of drumming conservative speech off the air.
Then they dictate to us politically incorrect words and seek to punish us if we speak them.
The Climategate emails prove that which many conservatives have known all along that anything that does not conform to the orthodox view of the Left on global warming is censored or suppressed.
Conservative speakers are often denied an opportunity to speak at our colleges and if they do make it every attempt is made to prevent the speech from being given from shouting them down to pie throwing. Physical safety is a big concern.
David Horowitz [American conservative writer and policy advocate.] has been physically attacked and received many death threats in attempts to silence him. He has to use bodyguards whenever he speaks on a college campus.
One can accept or reject Intelligent Design but it is too bad that any dialog on it is suppressed. Teachers have lost their jobs for even slightly alluding to it.
You don't see the Right pouring over every word of liberal media in attempts to shut them down. Rarely do you see them interfering with advertisers.
When's the last time you saw people of the Right invading a liberal event and shouting down the speaker?
I think its time Lefties learn to practiced the tolerance they claim to champion.
A reader wrote:
"The last time I saw a conservative 'invade' a liberal event and get shout down at the speaker? Not that long ago in fact, you seem to have forgotten, here's a couple of examples."
The first instance you have only two words of disagreement registered. Obama had no problem giving his speech.
The second example was from a town hall meeting and the purpose of such meeting is to invite complaints and feedback. And such feedback comes not just from the Right, but both sides attend and voice their displeasure.
That's a lot different than an organized group of Lefties interrupting a lecture organized by Republicans and shouting down the speaker so they cannot even deliver their speech.
Yes, once in a while a handful of conservatives will be disruptive, but such is rare. I'd say it happens with about ten times the intensity and regularity from the Left as from the Right.
I advocate that all take a deep breath and allow all to speak without interruption whether we agree or not.
Note: This post begins a series of discussions about the missionaries from Idaho who got imprisoned in Haiti. Ironically Laura Silsby, the leader of the bunch, used to employ Artie's [my wife's ] daughter. She is indeed far from a perfect person, but I was disheartened at how hard-nosed the [Idaho] Statesman readers were toward all the ten who were imprisoned.
"The picture with the article at MSNBC describing how it is likely that Silsby will be prosecuted while the others are freed shows Silsby, up front, playing the crying game. Another 'modern day Christian' tactic."
And what woman wouldn't cry at the prospect of being jailed in a hellhole alone in Haiti with people who do not even speak English? Sure she made some mistakes, but have some compassion man. The Left seems to be completely devoid of it.
"I should add that I only look Left to you because of your position at the extreme Right pole."
It's the other way around. Most of my positions support the majority view. The majority is not the extreme as the Left seems to think because their views are so askew.
First quoting JJ, "OhMyGosh" wrote:
"'So because you think they are stupid then stupid people should be punished without mercy.'"
"OhMyGosh" then wrote:
"No one is proposing there be no mercy. But no country or state (even Idaho) allows 'stupidity' as a defense."
Then you must be new to these forums. Most on the Left have already judged these people as guilty and many are gleeful that they are suffering and want it to continue. Most of the Left would rejoice if they continued in jail in Haiti rather than the USA.
"Here you go with the religion argument and that these 'poor children' need to be saved from the devil worshipers. Why not work in Haiti with Haitians? Accept their religion as you expect others to accept yours."
So... You are okay with Voodoo then? That explains a lot.
"Why must you take a hateful stance toward someone else's religion? Your ilk sits here and claims that the 'left' is bashing Christianity but you bash any other religion. Hypocrisy."
What religion did I bash?
"The problem with your labeling of the "left" is that anyone with whom you disagree gets that label. You have no idea of anyone's political leanings by their like or dislike of religion or scam artists."
I'll bet that over 90 percent of those condemning Christians here or on any forum are people with most of their views on the Left. Maybe over 90 percent because I haven't found an exception yet. You support universal health care don't you? (Note: This is a sure sign of a person on the Left and I repeated this several times before he reluctantly admitted it).
Why are you telling another lie about me? I take ownership of all my statements.
My last post was to "Poobah."
Well, the Lefties who have suddenly turned hard line law and order literalists with no mercy can now rejoice. The AP [Associated Press] has reported that all of the evil ten will be charged with kidnapping and will remain in the Haiti hellhole.
I'm sure these law and order types (who also must want illegals rounded up and prosecuted) are not concerned that we have ten fewer workers saving children from homelessness and starvation. If a few more kids starve to death and have no care (Oh my god -- no healthcare!) I'm sure it will not bother their sleep at night. These guys make Pat Robertson look like an angel of mercy.
"You can't even take ownership of your statements. Your arguments just serve to make you look more hypocritical...or maybe just foolish."
Still another lie. You can find nothing hypocritical in any statement I have ever made.
First quoting JJ, "OhMyGosh" wrote:
"'Most on the Left have already judged these people as guilty....'
"'Many are gleeful that they are suffering....'
"'Most of the Left would rejoice....'"
"OhMyGosh" then writes:
"Joseph, if you want any credibility at all you've got to speak for yourself rather than glibly characterize what you think motivates others."
I'm making an observation from what is posted here.
"You can run, but you can't hide."
I'm not hiding, are you? Now back up your unfounded accusation. You accused me of being a hypocrite. Find anything hypocritical in anything I have ever said.
"Here is a perfect example of your claiming that those who disagree with your ideals are indeed 'Lefties'. You truly have no idea of personal political ideals but are building straw men to attack in order to feel like you are 'winning the debate'."
But I was right about you, wasn't I? You support universal health care, don't you?
"This is not a case of 'some good people being duped.' It is a case of some sneaky, greedy people getting caught."
Then why do not you be so greedy and go to Haiti and save children from starvation and disease?
"No, it really makes you look stupid to make assumptions, then behave as if these assumptions are some sort of truth. As I've pointed out, it is your extreme right pole position that makes EVERYONE ELSE LOOK LIKE THEY ARE LEFT OF YOU."
Stop shouting.
Most of my views are with the majority. Your statement shows that you side with the more extreme side of things. Also making assumptions that turn out to be true (like my assumption that you want universal health care) just makes one look like he is on top of the situation -- unlike you whose assumptions about me are not correct.
"You are only a legend in your own 'mind'."
And good afternoon to you also.
"Joseph, who are you trying to kid? Nearly everyone here knows your REAL name, your history with the LDS church, your interactions with the school districts, why you homeschool two of your kids, your Internet business (snake oil hawker) your time with the BW...."
Wow. You really have a lot of false information there. My real first name is right in front of you. It is Joseph. If you believe in releasing real names then why not release yours? (Note: I have had no interactions with school districts and did not home school my kids. Don't know what the "BW" is.)
"In your post on Voodoo, you wrote: 'So... You are ok with Voodoo then?' If you don't think that's a 'slam' to their religion, then you are as dumb as you look."
Asking a question is different than making a judgement. If he would have answered then I could have given a judgment and you wouldn't have to make wrong assumptions.
"Do you want me to put your real name out here?"
If you want to get kicked off the forum, go ahead. (Actually my identity was accessible in my write-up but he was violating protocol and I wanted to call him on it.)
Commenting on my statement that most of my views are with the majority, "GrayMatter" wrote:
"So, finally, you have a exhibited a rare moment of insight. We all recognized your views were pedestrian and extremely average long ago.
"'The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking'. ~J.K. Galbraith"
One moment you're criticizing me for being on the fringe and the next for being with the majority. Why don't you make up your mind?
"I hope they throw the book at them! Typical bunch of Idahoans who think the laws and rules are for everyone else but them."
Is this typical of you also or are you from California? Or maybe you were beamed down from the Mothership.
"So, we know that you are a hypocrite by your comments here. To continually deny the hypocritical nature of these comments just serves to demonstrate that you are exactly as hypocritical as you seem to appear. i.e. (as you are probably not astute enough to realize) your comment regarding Voodoo shows...."
What's your problem?
You got Tourette Syndrome or something? You've called me a hypocrite and other names about a dozen times today with absolutely nothing to back it up. If you can't control your Tourette problem just put your keyboard away.
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