2010-2-15 00:01:00
Mr. Sinclair has a point. The Left always playing the race card against Republicans. They often accuse them of being racist when they are not talking about or even thinking of race. The Right has done a great job in recent decades in looking at others as individuals and judging them by their merits rather than seeing race and differences.
On the other hand, those who are making the accusations seem to have race on their mind to the point of prurient attention. [US VP Joe] Biden sees Obama as a "clean black" rather than a regular human like himself.
[US Nevada (D) Senator] Harry Reid was impressed by Obama's lighter skin and white sounding dialect.
And now [NBC pundit] Chris Matthews announces "I forgot he was black tonight for an hour." So this was the first hour of his life that Obama's race wasn't on his mind? Wow! No one from the Right could get away with that implication. Matthews did, however, reveal the normally unspoken truth of the Left and that is the race of those different from themselves is always on their minds.
"Lotterman" writes:
"We soon succumbed to the demagoguery of tax cuts and threw away whatever progress we had made."
This is crazy talk.
Bush inherited a recession and then we had 911 that cost us about a trillion dollars in GDP [Gross Domestic Product]. The tax cuts were part of the reason we recovered from such an awful situation and without the housing bubble caused by give-away loans we would still have a growing economy.
For "Lotterman" and others who love high taxes I have this question. How was it possible that the United States raised to be a great world power from nothing by relying on free enterprise and with NO INCOME TAX?
Have the principles of growth just changed because we entered "The Twilight Zone"?
I must admit that we are in a Twilight Zone of sorts, a strange kingdom ran by economic zombies who blame our problems more on low taxes than government spending and mindless give-aways.
"Gofishin" wrote:
"Tax rates are the lowest they have been for the last 100 years."
What are you talking about? 100 years ago therewas no income tax at all. Zero.
"We also did not have the number of roads, schools, etc., that we have today, nor can you compare the economy of the two periods."
Roads can be paid for 100% out of the gasoline tax which can be adjusted according to need. And if you look at the tests the grade school kids took 100 years ago you'll see that even college kids today could not pass them. Besides, our schools are funded primary from local, not income tax.
"All that is being asked for is a 3 percent increase in the highest tax bracket like it was when Clinton was in office."
And that's on top of the tax increase from ending the Bush tax cuts.
3 percent wouldn't be so bad if it was a one time thing but it never is. If we don't put a stop to it then within a year there will be another tax that will get the rest of us and then another. You add up enough small percentages and you soon get to a freedom killing amount. We are near that now.
"The majority of the deficit has happen since the Regan tax cuts."
That wasn't because of the tax cuts but caused by an increase in spending supported by both parties. The Left has the simplistic idea that revenue is directly related to the percentage of the tax and it is not. An increase in taxes decreases the flow of capital in business so a 10 percent tax increase may only bring in 5 percent increased revenue and if too high actually decrease revenue.
It's about time we tightened the belt as a nation on spending the way your family and mine does after we go on a wild and crazy spending spree.
"Zim" writes:
"The 'Christian Science' of that time was the Catholic Church. You went against the church you paid a huge price; Often your life in horrible ways."
You agree with me here then. Good.
"Zim" writes:
"I'll take the 'atheistic science' as you put it, and the scientific method any day, particularly over blind church dogma."
And what's the difference? Those who go against orthodoxy in global warming lose their jobs, receive death threats, loose funding, are unfairly discredited etc. The modern dogmatic approach is not much different than the one of old.
"Zim" writes:
"By the way, many of my friends in varying scientific fields are of faith so your assumption the scientific community is full of atheist is a bit biased."
That's not what I said. I said the science (NOT the scientists) have an atheistic approach. Even believers have to leave God out of science or the dogmatists will punish them. Watch Ben Stein's movie, "No Intelligence Allowed."
I don't know why Todd would call himself a Republican when he supports the Left's view of raising taxes and the criticizing Republicans who pay into the system and have the gall to actually receive some benefit out of the many thousands that have had confiscated. How dare they!
This is just one of the many criticisms of the Left toward the Right which is not only completely illogical, but mean spirited. What? We are supposed to pay taxes all our lives and get nothing in return just because we think we've paying enough and do not want to pay more?
Does Roy also think that if one complains about fire insurance being too high he is then not qualified to collect if his house burns down? What kind of off balanced thinking is that? And how mean spirited to think the guy should not collect his insurance, but just be homeless instead.
Think twice before you deny benefits to those who pay for them.
I agree with Lenchi that it is inhumane the way that some of our animals are raised in such confined quarters -- especially chickens. Unfortunately a more humane treatment would drive costs up forcing many people to do with less.
The close confinement and cruel conditions is not only bad for the poor animal, but greatly effects the quality of the meat. I always try and buy free range or organic meat not only to support better conditions for the animals but the taste is much better, especially with chickens.
Thirty years ago the KFC [Kentucky Fried Chicken] chicken was wonderful in taste and texture; but now the chicken tastes like chemicals and the bones are soft and off color to the extent that one has to wonder what kind of effect they will have on your body.
"Proletariat" wrote:
"Todd Montrose -- you describe perfectly the hypocrisy practiced by the Republican Party. There is no such thing as free enterprise. You forgot to include welfare for corporations and farmers, but you nailed the hypocrisy."
Hypocrisy is going against one's belief system. Since Todd did not point out any instance of going against Republican's beliefs then he is creating accusations out of thin air.
"Proletariat" wrote:
"That is what bothers folks on the right -- afraid that your money will go to some poor person or some person of color. But I never hear complaints about the billions stolen by corporations like Haliburton, Blackwater, AIG, etc."
Person of color?
You are downright mean and extremely antagonistic and corruptive in your mindless attacks. How about touching bases with civility and reality?
"RunStavrosRun" wrote:
"Joseph, do I understand your logic that it is a goal of Republicans to eliminate taxes altogether?"
Strange and unrelated question. No. I know of no Republican who wants to eliminate taxes. Do you?
"TWall" wrote:
"I think you may have missed the point Joseph. This man has no problem taking money from the government that is given to him via taxes. Yet he opposes raises in taxes so that others will not get the benefits he receives."
That's not what he said, but even so all have the same opportunity to receive Medicare and bid on government contracts that he has.
"TWall" wrote:
"Maybe if he really thought about it and taxes were increased maybe he'd make a little more money through those government contracts. Or his children would receive a better education, or get more Medicare."
It is wrong to want to steal other people's money that they are unwilling to give in tough times where we are already overtaxed so you or me can benefit. About half of out tax money is already wasted. If we just rearranged the spending of out tax dollars those in need could be taken care of.
"You are denying that racism exists?"
Not as you portray it. In your mind every conservative and libertarian hates every minority and wants him stomped under foot, yet most racist remarks are coming from the Left. These you give a pass because they agree with your mindset. You seem to think all who know not appreciate Marx are racists.
"Not at all. But it is accurate that most (but not all) white supremacists, skinheads, and Neo-Nazis are right wing."
And what percentage of the people do this bunch represent? Very small. You lump people like me in with them in your accusations. By the way, the Nazis are National SOCIALISTS.
"Not so strange nor unrelated. So, do I understand correctly that you believe there are indeed government-provided services that are necessary, and that said services require taxpayer funding?"
Of course.
"So let's suppose that one of those necessary services experiences an exorbitant and unexpected increase in operating costs. Would you be willing to support a tax increase to ensure continued delivery of said service?"
If it was truly necessary -- like roads, national security or disaster relief. As far as education goes I think they have plenty of money now and if the system were restructured there would be money left over.
"Straighttalk" wrote:
"The report comes on the heels of the deadline for states' applications for the highly competitive Race to the Top federal grants. Those require states to prove they are strong in certain areas of education ranging from performance pay for quality teachers to welcoming environments for charter schools.
"The report card Idaho:
"Delivering well-prepared teachers: D
"Expanding the teaching pool: D
"Identifying effective teachers: D
"Retaining effective teachers: D+
"Exiting ineffective teachers: F"
And you want us to pay more taxes to support this bunch? Wow. By the way -- who made these judgements and what was their criteria?
"RunStavrosRun" wrote:
"Now how 'bout explaining why you ripped on Mr. Montrose earlier today for having the 'audacity' to say that he considers himself a moderate Republican, all because he says, "They are against raising taxes of any kind."
You need to criticize me for what I say, not what I do not say. Here are my actual words:
"He supports the Democratic view of raising taxes and the criticizing Republicans who pay into the system and have the gall to actually receive some benefit out of the many thousands they have had confiscated."
I didn't say anything about his comment of "raising taxes of any kind" but that was absolutely not true as Republicans are willing to raise taxes way more than they should.
"RunStavrosRun" wrote:
"You don't consider yourself a supporter of Democratic principles, yet you just admitted that there are circumstances where you would support raising taxes."
Wow. Talk about distorting my position to make a bad straw man. I am a supporter of Democratic principles but do not agree with the approach of the Democratic party toward raising taxes at the drop of a hat. What does this have to do with accepting a raise in taxes when absolutely necessary? My belief on tax and spend is a million miles away from the Democratic party.
"Meanwhile, you promote division by claiming that only a Democrat would support raising taxes."
I've never said any such thing. Some tax increases are necessary (the gas tax perhaps), but the Democrats support many that are not and hurt the country. Huge huge difference in philosophy but the difference is not in NEVER raising taxes on anything.
"Ironically, it only takes a couple of questions from 'unthinking' me to get you to contradict yourself."
You tried to show a contradiction, but again you only embarrassed yourself.
"And admit that even a Libertarian such as yourself (I'm still convinced you don't truly understand Libertarianism) would support a tax increase."
And what is there about Libertarianism I do not understand? Sure I am happy to admit I would support a tax increase in the right circumstance. If the survival of our nation were at stake I would support a big one if it would help.
"Here's a novel idea for you: Maybe, just maybe, the U.S. public should begin to use our diversity as a strength and begin to collaborate towards common problem-solving."
And you are setting the example here, how?
"Maybe, just maybe, every time you make bogus partisan claims like the ones this morning, you're hurting America more than helping."
My point was a correct one. The differences must be seen before a true healing can begin. A unity based on ignorance or force is not unity at all. A unity based on true shared vision is one that can ascend to the heights.
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