Cosmic Physical Plane
2010-2-13 04:06:00
Esoteric-Metaphysical Glossary
Definition: Prana
This is basically that energy which gives life on the physical plane.
It begins in the sun and is filtered through the etheric living body of planet earth. We receive some prana directly from the sun but most of it is stepped down earthy prana through the food we eat, the air we breath and the grass and earth we touch with our bare feet. The flow of prana can be enhanced through meditation and focussed attention. It can be directed through the power of the third eye focused on various centers.
To get the prana necessary for good health one should do the following:
- Get some sunshine, daily if possible, but not too much as it is possible to get too much of a good thing with this powerful source. Looking at the sun near sunset or sunrise for short periods also increases the flow.
- Food supplies the most prana when it is in its natural uncooked state. Eat as much raw fruits and vegetables possible and do not overcook your meat unless you think it may be contaminated. Eat as many sprouts as possible. Sprout your own as anything you raise yourself is better suited to your own energy flow.
- Learn to breathe deeply. You should breathe ten breaths a minute or less. The average is 15-18. I breathe about 6 when sitting.
- Walking on Mother earth in bare feet helps the flow of prana. Walking on grass is particularly helpful.
[End Of Definition.]
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