2010-2-11 04:29:00
JJ: Lets talk reality. As we progress up the ladder of evolution we will encounter experiences, lives, and livingness that we cannot even understand at this moment. Compare us to a slug, now a slug is a life form and he is happy being a slug but he has no concept of what it is like being a human being. The same thing with us -- there are a lot of lives that we can't comprehend right now and what a lot of the religions teach is we are reaching out to some ultimate, or we are going to the eternal void or we are going back to the spirit. They say they are going to teach you how to be saved and make this one giant leap to the end of evolution so that you will never have to incarnate again and you will be beyond dualities and beyond cause and effect.
You will not have to live in a manifested universe, you will return to your source and it will be eternal bliss and you will never have to struggle again. Does that sound attractive to anybody? It is amazing how many believe in this and I have a hard time understanding what captures their belief in this.
Let us go on the assumption that there are spheres of livingness that are so far above us that we would have a hard time grasping it, what good is it for us to go there? If you are on a twenty-foot ladder what good does it do to concentrate on going to the twentieth step in one step. It is something that you cannot do. The steps are made on a ladder so it is comfortable to take one step at a time. It is practical and if we take one step at a time than we can ascend to the highest step on the ladder, but if you try to take all twenty steps in one you will fall down and get nowhere.
There are many people that are trying to take the twenty steps at one time and get to the ultimate all in one snap of the finger and all in one salvation. Now the born again group they say believe in Jesus and will be saved and you can make that twenty steps in one giant leap. Many new age groups believe the same thing with a twist. They teach different shortcuts for mastery and you will escape the wheel of re-birth all at one time! You will have no future lives and you will go directly to eternal bliss. The new agers, the middle agers, the old agers, all of these guys are teaching the one giant leap for mankind.
It does not exist and what does exist is the ladder of evolution where we take one step at a time. Djwhal Khul [DK] makes an interesting statement about this and He tells us that the disciple must learn where he is and act accordingly. The first thing you need to know is that if you want to progress on the path then you have to learn where you are on the path. Let's say that you do not know where you are on the path. In this case, you can take assessment of your abilities and what the highest you know is and then follow it, follow it to the best of your ability and then sooner or later you will find out where you are upon the path.
The first important thing is to find out approximately where you are on the path, and you can only find that out through contemplation, through study, through understanding the different levels of progression through the physical instinctual self, the astral self, the mental self, and then the spiritual self. So find out where you are and then go to the next step. This is extremely important but so many seekers and so many philosophies, so many people in the metaphysics, so many people in religion escape this one thing that what we have to do is take our next step and if we refuse to take our next step and try to take a giant step then it can have grave consequences and cause us to waste an entire lifetime. Then we will have to come back and still take that step that our soul is waiting for us to take.
This is one of the things that I have discovered about the soul. When I receive some instruction about some step I have to take and if I do not take it and try to take another step then sooner or later I find myself back having to take this original step. If I am told something to do and if I ignore it and do not do it and I want to something else then sooner or later I am back facing that initial thing that I was told to do. You have to do that next thing before you can receive more and this is what stops a lot of people on the path to the progression along the soul. If the soul gives you information and you refuse to follow it, then you will not be given more until you do it.
The soul will give you reminders about this next step that you have to take and you have to take that next step before you can take the step after. Now there are exceptions to all things. Let's say you have a next step in your progression and you want to do something more fun because usually the next step is something difficult, something that you have not done before and we like to do things that are comfortable. But our soul has always given us things that are uncomfortable to do. Because when we learn something new it is kind of tough for us, if you are a musician then you would much rather play a guitar than work on say theoretical physics right? But if your soul says no it is time to work on theoretical physics but you want to go back and play the guitar and relax because that is what you are good at. Right?
But if your soul directs you in a new way it is usually something that would not be your first choice to do, but then when you start doing it something amazing happens. You feel an energy that flows through you and revitalizes you and suddenly you know that this is what you are supposed to be doing. It is amazing how this happens. You resist and resist and resist until when you finally yield to the voice of the soul. Then you say, wow this feels so right and how come I did not realize this earlier? I would be so much farther ahead.
This has happened to me in my life and I will not go through all the details because I do not have time, but there was something that I had to do that delayed me about 20 years in some ways and my soul kept reminding me and reminding me more and more strongly until finally I yielded and made the decision and then it felt so good. It was amazing and I thought how come I did not understand earlier for I would be so much farther ahead.
Audience: "Can you tell us what was the main thing that held you back and was it a fear or something else?"
JJ: I will take a few minutes and tell you a little bit about what it was, It was an important lesson I had to learn and in order to fulfill my mission successfully I had to develop a certain amount of business expertise and common sense in relation to business, but my main drive has been in the spiritual area, so I have had a conflict between spirit and mammon. My soul has kept reminding me again and again that before you can complete your spiritual mission that I have to develop some common sense in relation to normal day to day living in the physical world such as business and how to make a living because I am going to need this expertise for other things that I am going to do.
Well I did not want to do this and as soon as I got ahead with a little money I would start a group or start a teaching and then I would loose everything and be right back where I started and have to go back and make money again. So I went through this cycle for about twenty years and finally, it was right about the time I met Artie. The funny thing about Artie is that in my two previous relationships my wives did not like the idea that my spiritual side of life was number one and they both wanted me to concentrate on the more practical things.
Well Artie was happy to have me do the spiritual things because that is what I taught her when I met her and then this direction of the soul finally dawned on me that I had to follow it. The funny part about Artie is that she was happy to support me in the spiritual work no matter what. She was almost disappointed that I said no we have to start a business and make it work, and if it takes twenty years more, I have to develop this side of myself. When I made the decision my soul sent me energy.
I still was not particular talented in that area but I have learned a lot in the time I have been married to her in this direction and I am a lot more grounded with a lot more common sense in the business area of life. I am understanding why my soul has lead me in this direction for a number of reasons as the group moves forward I am going to need to use a lot of business common sense. Another thing is the new age of Aquarius will very largely be governed by business but by business that is a lot more evolved than it is today. You look at business as it was a couple hundred years ago where they employed slave labor and things like that. Now look at how business has evolved in the free world today where there is profit sharing and stock and ownership. The most successful grocery store in Boise is competing with Albertsons now and it is called WinCo and it is employee owned.
In this day, in order for business's to get employees to work for them businesses have to offer all kinds of benefits and business is almost evolving toward a very beneficial institution. Now it still has it flaws but compare the virtues of the business world today to a couple hundred years ago and you see it has had a lot of evolution. Yet many people complain about evil business is. It does have it's faults but what you have to do is compare it to a couple hundred years ago and then think about where it will be a couple hundred years from now. We may reach a point where business is more spiritual than a church. As you watch some of these commercials for business that they advertise on TV, it is kind of funny because it is almost as if they are advertising for Jesus you know. It almost sounds like, "Oh our business is so holy."
Audience: Laughter.
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