2010-2-9 05:44:00
JJ: We are going to talk about cause and effect as it relates to our past and our past lives and our past here. It is amazing the teachings that we come across in the Keys. Most of you are members and a handful of you are not, but we have a class and anyone on the Internet who wants to can join our class. It is interesting to examine some of the belief systems that some of the people come on the list with.
In the first few years of the Keys we had no monitoring, and attempted to welcome all aboard and we received a lot more conflict than is now the case. We had a lot of people challenging us at the beginning and as time went on those that were negative toward me and the group moved on and the ones that stayed were the more positive solid thinkers. And then as the years have past we have a strong core of good positive solid thinkers here so now when a weird guy comes on with challenging beliefs, he is seen as illogical. If he tries to convert everybody to his way of thinking, it is not only me he deals with, but he has a bunch of people to deal with and they will often jump on him and he will come back and say, "Boy I have never seen a group like this before they are just a bunch of robots following this JJ Dewey guy!" (JJ laughs.)
Audience: Laughter.
JJ: He says they are all just like him! (JJ laughs again.)
Audience: More laughter.
JJ: What he does not understand is that some of the people that jumped on him gave me a really hard time at the beginning when they first came on the list. But some of them were opened minded and the conflict went back and forth and they started to see the value of the group and the value of the various teachings. There are a lot of people that don't believe some of my teachings that are still good solid members of the group and this is what the new people that come on the list do not understand.
Like Larry -- he helps with The Archives -- a great guy, and I could not ask for a greater supporter. But if I say anything that does not agree with his logic and reasoning he will give me a bad time instantly and he will not think twice about it. The new members that come on list need to understand that this is not some group that is hypnotized to all think alike. The areas that we think alike we think alike because we see alike, we see with a similar vision, many of us have touched the soul in the same way.
A lot of people have complaints about what I teach about the soul and that is when two people see something through the soul they will reach harmony. This is hard for much of the world out there to accept because individuals think that if that happens then, "I cannot be me anymore because if I am I then I am going to disagree with people." Now is there any truth to this? Can you be you and still see eye to eye with somebody? Two plus two equals four. Is there anyone in the room that disagrees with this? No, okay you understand the principle behind [the mathematical process of combining quantities] Addition. Addition is a principle. [Compiler's Note: The following sentence was rewritten by JJ Dewey.] Remember I said the language of the Holy Spirit is the language of principles, but one of the very simple principles is math and the principle of addition is very simple, 2+2=4. Now if everybody in this thinks that 2+2=4 and some oddball comes in and says, "No, 2+2=5," and everybody in the room jumps all over the guy, and he says, "You guys are just a robots who follow this JJ Dewey!" Well all of us here know that 2+2=4, and therefore we all think alike. Does this take away from our individuality? No, of course not. In the Kingdom of God the Masters are the same way. Christ and His Masters and all of the Higher Lives discuss matters in the language of principles, and when they are talking there is no disagreement and disharmony. Now there are some things that principles cannot tell Them a 100 percent and They make mistakes on Their own plane just like we make mistakes here.
This is a very powerful illusion among mankind where they think that God or Christ, the Masters, or the Higher Lives are flawless, and they never make mistakes.
Remember when we were talking about the levels of the video games and as you reach a higher level the degree of difficulty rises as well? Humanity is working on their level of difficulty, the Masters are working another level of difficulty, and if they came down to our level they would be close to perfect because our level of difficulty would be easy for a Master. But on His level of difficulty a Master has additional and varying degrees of difficulty to master as well, and He makes mistakes.
One of the things they cannot do is predict 100 percent of the future and cannot see all the repercussions. They understand the laws of cycles and there are certain cycles that happen; like the cycles of the planet, ice ages, warming periods, cooling periods, certain cycles where volcano's erupt, and certain cycles where there are various earth changes. Our scientists and we as humanity are just scratching the surface on this while the Masters understand these things a lot better than us. They know what's coming but they do not always know the exact time when the various events are coming.
They also understand that human thought influences these things and has to be put into the equation but they can only put it into the equation so much because we, as beings of free agency, are not entirely predictable. Just like we can predict an animal to a degree more than we can predict a human but we cannot predict everything about an animal.
The Masters can predict much more about us than we can predict about ourselves, but among each other in the Higher Lives they are limited in what they can see. And then you go up even higher still -- clear up to the Solar Logos. They all have powers of foresight and the higher you go the greater the powers of foresight, but the greater cycles reveal the big picture but not all the details. The details are largely left up to us.
Speaking of animals, when I first married Artie, her daughter had this little parakeet and we clipped its wings so it could not fly very far. I got to like the little bird and I would walk around with it on my shoulder. I got used to having this little bird on my shoulder and I would walk around with it there all the time. One time I went out to get the mail and I forgot it was on my shoulder and part of the reason I was not paying attention was that did not think it could fly. But one day as I was getting the mail it flew right off my shoulder and it never returned; and after that I had to deal with Artie's daughter, and it was pretty tough to explain it to her.
Artie: Have you ever searched the neighborhood for a parakeet? It is very tough.
JJ: We searched all over but much to our disappointment we could not find this little bird and our efforts were in vain. This little bird grew parts of its wings back and was unpredictable, and this surprised me. We also surprise the higher lives every once in awhile and sometimes we surprise good and sometimes we surprise not so good; so you never know.
Back to the Keys -- we have some oddball people coming on the site and one of the oddball philosophies that people teach is that we are in this world of dualities and what we need to do. They tell us that we need more love and these people that are telling us we need more love are the most unloving people I have ever encountered! They are obnoxious, yet they claim that they understand what love is and we don't. Then they wind up irritating everybody on the list and everybody returns the irritation back to them, and then they say, "Well this is the most unloving group of people I have ever seen!" And then as soon as they leave the love and harmony is returned to the group.
Now we called some of these people, "nothingness people" because they believe in nothing. They think God is nothing and the ultimate reward for mankind is nothing, and we all need to learn what nothing is -- which is something, and we also need to learn what love is which is something! They are very confusing!? Many of these people believe that we are in duality, and that duality is a complete illusion and we need to escape it.
I always say to them, "if you think that you have the keys to escaping duality then why are you here?" You cannot be here without duality, you cannot type on your computer without duality, you cannot have love without duality, yet they are always wanting to escape duality. The basic theory behind them is this: God is in a place which is the eternal void, it is the point of nothingness from which all things spring. Some of the early eastern philosophers teach this, and even though there could be a certain amount of truth to it, it also corresponds to certain things that I have taught but with a different way of looking at it than I have looked at it.
The basic idea is this, that between the wavelength, between up and down, between hot and cold, between right or left is a point that is neither up nor down, hot or cold, right or left, and this is the point from which all creation springs. So far so good, but it is what we call the eternal point and they say we must go there now. And somehow they think that they are there; but if they are there, then why are they here?
So anyway these guys come on the list and give us a bad time about us being stuck in the world of dualities just because we believe we are here. They say we just have to stop believing we are here and then we are going to go there, wherever "there" is.
Copyright © 2010 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved