2010-2-6 04:46:00
JJ: The apostles asked, why couldn't they heal him?
First of all Jesus chewed them out for being of little faith and secondly he told them that his kind cometh not out but by fasting and prayer. So even though the disciples had the spiritual energy flowing through them they still had certain limitations. Then Jesus reached the end of His mission and as we know He was betrayed by Judas and after Judas had betrayed Him, He gathered together three disciples. Now what happened when He was betrayed by Judas is that the molecule was shattered. If you have a molecule like say water, penicillin, cocaine or whatever and you take out one atom from that then it changes the whole molecule and destroys the properties, so when Judas betrayed Jesus the properties of the molecule were destroyed and no longer existed. So because Jesus did not have the molecule of twelve, He resorted to the next step down which is the triangle of three and He took Peter, James and John with Him to the Garden of Gethsemane and in the garden, which I did not understand this at first, He was praying and the Bible says, "He was nigh unto death."
I wondered if all Jesus did after he left the last supper was that he went to the garden why would He be "nigh unto death"? What happened that almost caused Jesus to die? What happened was that when Judas shattered the molecule, they had this tremendous flow of spiritual energy going through the entire molecule and when Judas left it, the flow of that enormous amount spiritual energy was zapped right out Jesus. Now can you imagine having that much spiritual life energy being sucked right out instantly?
Now Jesus was the focal point so He was affected more than anyone else and they were all affected. I think that He only took the three strongest disciples because all the rest of the disciples were unconscious back at the Last Supper. Jesus took the three strongest ones with Him because all the spiritual life energy had been zapped from the other disciples and these three disciples were with Him and Jesus tells them to stay awake with Him for one hour and the Bible says "watch," but the word watch means to stay conscious -- "stay conscious with me and lend me your energy, I need your energy to fulfill this last step before I end my mission." He says, "Stay with me for one hour, one hour is all I ask." This is not a very hard now is it? Well He goes and He prays and the Bible says He was "nigh unto to death" and then He rises up and goes over to Peter, James and John -- and what does He find?
Audience: "They are sleeping."
JJ: They are unconscious, they were asleep and He only asked for one hour so these three occurrences probably happened within one hour. Lets us say that twenty minutes passed. These guys could not stay awake for twenty minutes! Their Master who is also their closest friend asked this of them and He comes back after twenty minutes and these guys are all unconscious. He shakes them and wakes them and says, please I asked you to stay awake for one hour can you not do this for me. Then He goes and prays again and He says, "Father if it be thy will then remove this cup from me."
Then He goes back and these guys are asleep and He says again, please stay awake for one hour with me, just a few more minutes, the apostles are very groggy and they say, "Ah sure Lord, zzzzzzzz." (JJ chuckles.) Then this time He goes back and prays and He is at the point where He cannot stay alive any longer and this is how drained He was, and then something happened. Does anyone remember what happened?
Audience: "An angel came."
JJ: An angel came down and strengthened Him -- and who was this angel?
Audience: "Michael?"
JJ: It was a member of His molecule on the spiritual plane. Jesus The Christ had a molecule on the other side and one of His molecular brothers came to Him at that moment and lent Him his molecular strength. Then after this angel came He went back to the apostles and slaps them around a little and says, "Wake up you guys I do not need you anymore now, it is done." (JJ laughs.)
Audience: Laughing.
JJ: Then we know the rest of story after that. The Romans and Jews came and took Him away to be put on trial, tortured and nailed to the cross.
Audience: "It does not make any sense to me that He bled from every pore, I mean e-e-w, is this a metaphor?"
JJ: I do not know if He bled from every pore but He did bleed some and you would think that if He bled form every pore that when they arrested Him that would have thought that He had suffered enough nearly bleeding to death. If I remember right the Aquarian Gospel says that a blood vessel burst on the outside of His head and blood rolled down His face. It is hard to say and I have not had a revelation on it.
Audience: "Just got through reading a very interesting book called 'Dancing in the Shadows of the Moon,' and this woman has a similar experience where she tears through the veils at a critical point and she sees the people of her home in the beyond and that gave her the strength to move on. And then she was shown that one of her home members had torn through the veil and gave her the energy to continue and this is similar to what happened to Jesus."
JJ: What is interesting about this is that before Judas joined the group they were all just ordinary men, living ordinary lives, and when their Master was gone they went back to their lives, fishing and then of course we know the story of the resurrection and after the resurrection and He appeared to apostles and they were energized again and then they decided to complete the molecule. Then they met on what is know today as the day of Pentecost and they met in an upper room and added a twelfth member whose name was Matthias. And the minute they added him to the group the Bible says "flames of fire appeared over the heads of all of the disciples at one time. And then there was a rushing of a great wind."
Now at this time they were having a great big gathering in Jerusalem and people of 16 different nations were there in attendance and they all spoke different languages. They heard this tremendously loud noise over by where the Apostles were, and they were curious about this and so thousands of people came to see what this incredible loud noise was. Peter came out to meet them and when Peter spoke to these thousands of people from 16 different nations, speaking 16 different languages, they all heard Peter speaking their language within their own mind. This is was the first great miracle of the newly completed great molecule where Matthias was added in to complete the number so the spiritual flow to where it would again function. Now what is interesting is that when they met all the disciples they could find who had still believed in Jesus was a certain number and does anybody know what that number was?
Audience: "120."
JJ: One hundred and twenty. After all the great works He did, all the great miracles even like raising Lazarus from the dead, walking on water, feeding thousands of people, changing water into wine and resurrecting from the dead only one hundred and twenty people followed Him. That is pretty amazing when you think of it isn't it? It is amazing we got anybody here with the amount of miracles I have done for you guys! (JJ laughs.)
Audience: Laughing.
JJ: So I guess it is an accomplishment for anyone who works in the light to get anybody to listen. With all the great works Jesus did there were only 120 people who would follow Him and with Peter speaking to thousands of these people who heard him in their own minds in their own language guess how many were converted in one day?
Three thousand.
In one day three thousand joined the group. And this is kind of sad when you think of it. There the Master is and He teaches and after actually seeing Him perform great miracles almost everybody rejects Him; only 120 followers. This is truly sad when you think about it. Then they do a small miracle and three thousand follow in one day and the Master is not even there. He is there in spirit but not there physically.
This is very interesting to contemplate and I often think, would we be that way and if He was here would He have a hard time getting more than 120 people to listen to Him again? But maybe if He has a disciple do something for Him then maybe they would listen even more because to see the light at a distance is sometimes more acceptable than seeing the light head on. For some when they see the light head on it is just a little bit too bright for them. So when the Christ was right here among them maybe it was just a little bit too much for them. He was just too fantastic of a person for most so they had to let a more mediocre person like Peter to go out and have all these people hear him in their own language and you have to admit that was a very impressive miracle though and say some Frenchman was out here giving class and you could hear him in your mind in your own language that would be very impressive and if you experienced it would be pretty amazing because it is right down at your level.
Audience: "The Mormon Church teaches that Jesus suffered more in the Garden than He did on the cross."
JJ: Yes He did suffer more in the Garden than He did on the cross. There were two people suffering in the Garden -- Jesus who suffered physically and emotionally, and The Christ who suffered differently with His encounter with "The Dweller on the Threshold" for the entire planet. This is another subject that we could spend countless hours on, and that will be discussed at another time.
So after [the Apostle] Matthias was added that was the first great miracle and then there was miracle after miracle. We do not have much of a description of what happened but shortly thereafter Peter was walking along and this guy who was crippled asked for a donation from Peter and Peter replied, "Silver and gold I have none but what I have I give and I command in the name of Christ for you get up and walk." It says he lept up and walked, and I believe he had not walked since birth.
It says that Peter's power was so great that they would line people up in the streets and as his shadow passed over them they were healed.
A great story is when the authorities arrested Peter and put him jail. They chained his hands and his feet and put him in this tiny cell and guarded him with 16 guards which is very interesting and it shows that they knew there was something unusual about this man. Why would they chain Peter's hands and feet and guard him with 16 guards, wouldn't one guard be enough? There the poor guy is and they put him in the cell and he does not need any chains to begin with because he is in a cell but they chain his hands and feet and then they have 16 guards looking at the guy! Then the 16 guards fall asleep and Peter stands up and the chains on his hands and feet drop off and he walks through the wall and goes to the nearest congregation that is meeting. Can you imagine Peter walks in saying, "Here I am, I just got out of jail"?
So that was very impressive, and from that point on they had many mighty miracles occur. Now it is amazing when you think of the possibility that if a molecule were created in this age that we could do miraculous works like that. This is the potential that awaits us and that potential relies one thing, and that is aligning ourselves with purpose. Then when we are aligned to create human molecules and have those human molecules to establish soul contact to the point where the spiritual flow can flow through them and this is the thing that is important.
For a molecule to work, any group of twelve units has to have enough contact with the soul so that the spiritual flow can flow through them and the personality cannot have the power to take away from that soul contact. In other words, let's say you were trying to establish a molecule and somebody says something that just rubs you the wrong way, the natural thing to think is that this person is certainly not in the soul and how can I accept him in the soul when he is obviously in the personality. Well, he is judging this guy. The truth is what we should do is over look what he said and we can deal with what he said on a mental level, but emotionally be at peace and keep your mind focused on the soul. It is funny about our group on the Internet I thought that probably one good thing about working with a group on the Internet is that there would not be as much friction as working with a group in person.
Audience: Laughing.
JJ: Because you are at a distance from the person, you can think before you type your thoughts. When in person often times we say things without thinking and speak on impulse and then think, whoops I wish I would not have said that but on the Internet if you type the wrong thing on there you can read it and say, that sounds bad and I will erase it. Artie will often read my words and say, "you had better not say that, you will get some people upset."
Audience: Laughing.
JJ: So then I erase it. So I had this idea that if I started a group on the Internet that it would be a lot less friction and boy was I wrong! If someone says something a little bit obnoxious then everybody is all over them arguing back and saying that we need to throw him out of group or whatever. So wherever there is interplay there is friction that comes up and this will be the major hurdle to overcome in us creating molecules. And this is why John the Baptist was called the greatest prophet because he devoted his entire life and found twelve units of people that could create the molecule. They were not perfect but they were close enough so that the spiritual flow did flow this little group to establish this molecule and after they were killed they were never re-established. The Catholic Church created a Pope and Cardinals and all these positions of authority to replace them. The twelve apostles were not replaced in that era so when they died the great spiritual power went with them along with all the great miracles. There were many people who through their faith and spiritual contact produced miraculous events but nothing like happened when the Twelve Apostles displayed the molecular order. I believe the molecule did surface again for a while in the days of Camelot which I believe was the true occurrence and if you notice you had the Twelve Knights of the Round Table. And, when they met they met with their female companions and you had twenty four around the round table, twelve knights and twelve females.
Excalibur represents the power of the molecule. In the story when Excalibur was returned to the Lady of the Lake the sword waved three times, one time for the days of Christ, one time for the days of Camelot, and one time for a future time when the power of the sword would be delivered again. In other words, the power of the molecule will manifest again in our age and we can continue to look forward to us all being a part of it.
Copyright © 2010 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved