2010-2-2 11:14:00
JJ: Many of the planets that we see about us that we think do not have life do have life on them but the life is in the higher spheres. Not too many of them have the conditions necessary to have physical life on the surface of the planet. Earth is one of the few that does. The Ancient of Days came here with, I believe it was 102 disciples, and now he just keeps his molecule of seven. Seven is also a molecular number. It's the number of the molecule of the Father who is called the Ancient of Days, we call God, also known by Sanat Kumara and also known by many different names in many different religions.
Audience: "Was he the first Adam here on this Earth?"
JJ: Right. He was the very first one to incarnate as a self-conscious human being so he was the first Adam. But keep in mind there have been many Adams. The Adam talked about in the Bible is the most recent Adam. Each Adam is like a stimulus for the creation of a higher consciousness and a higher evolved, more capable human being.
Audience: "A new generation."
JJ: Right. The Adam of the Bible was put here after a great destruction occurred. Noah, in a way, was like another Adam because there was a great destruction. After the destruction of Atlantis or whatever this flood was, there were a handful of people who survived to create the new world. Hopefully we don't have to go through that again and learn our lessons and learn to live with each other.
So, there is a connecting link. Sanat Kumara is linked with the Solar Logos. He is called a disciple of the Solar Logos. The Solar Logos is the entity that is in charge of the whole solar system. He is such a high entity that he can tune in on anything that is happening in the entire solar system. Sanat Kumara can tune in on anything that is happening on the entire planet. If he wanted to tune in and see through your eyes he has the capacity to do that. He's often called the Planetary Logos but the Planetary Logos is more than him. He's like the permanent atom within the Planetary Logos. The Planetary Logos is the spiritual life of the entire planet itself but when a master who is very highly evolved, such as Sanat Kumara, comes each planet will have an individual entity that represents the Planetary Logos and he is like the representative of the Logos. He came here 23 million years ago. He first incarnated as a self-conscious human being 18 million years ago. Before he came here there was still a Planetary Logos but everything had to evolve to a certain degree before a self-conscious entity could come and represent the Planetary Logos to the lives that are evolving here. Sanat Kumara is that representative spoken of in the Bible as the Ancient of Days.
So we have that connecting link and when that molecular link is established we have energy flowing from the highest self-conscious lives in the universe down to us. Now, how high up that self-conscious life goes we're not told. It's not written anywhere. We have the Planetary Logos, we have the Solar Logos, which presides over the entire Solar System. Then there is one higher than this who is referred to as "He Of Whom Naught Can Be Said." He's of such a high consciousness that not even the Masters can comprehend his high state. So even the Masters cannot go above him in any type of contact.
Now "He of Whom Naught Can Be Said" presides over seven solar systems. So, within his consciousness he can tune into any life within these seven solar systems but the lives they tune into most are those lives directly under them. So "He Of Whom Naught Can Be Said" would mainly work with the Logoi of the Star Systems. Our Solar Logos would mainly work with the Planetary Logoi of Earth, Saturn, Venus and all the planets. Our Logos mainly works with Christ and his hierarchy. Then Christ and his group of Masters mainly work with humanity, trying to get us straightened out.
Audience: "So, where are we going from here?"
JJ: The link will be established when we have a good potential of creating a molecule. Like Jesus had the potential of creating it thanks to John the Baptist. He called John the Baptist the greatest prophet who had ever lived. When I first read that I thought, "It doesn't really say much about John the Baptist. He preached a little while and that's all we know about him. Was he greater than Moses? What did he do that was so great?"
Then when I understood the molecular principle I understood why Jesus called him the greatest. He called him the greatest because he got twelve people together in the soul who were capable of manifesting a molecule. That was the greatest work any prophet had ever done. And he had such control over his ego that he turned them over to Jesus. How many people would be willing to do that? Not very many. When people get a little glory to themselves, what do they want to do? Most would say, "Wow, Jesus, you're not taking my disciples away! Go get your own disciples."
In the Bible when Jesus called the twelve disciples he just walked up to them. "Peter, you follow me. John, follow call me." They dropped everything. They dropped their nets and followed him. Does that make any sense? There he was, "I just guess I'll find me twelve disciples," so he walks along the river bank. Peter, James. Come on.
That never made a lot of sense to me. Not until I realized that John the Baptist spent his entire life teaching and preparing these people for the molecular order. Because John had enough vision of it and then when he realized that Jesus was the Christ and his disciples were going to him, he said these great words, "He must increase. I must decrease." How many of us would have the fortitude to be able to do that if that was what the spirit told us to do? It would be really tough.
Poor ole John, not only did he decrease but the next thing that happened was he got thrown into prison and pretty much sentenced to death. It just kept going downhill. He did this wonderful work and what reward does he get? He gets thrown in prison. Poor John, when he's in prison, and you can't really blame the guy, he probably thought, "Jesus is increasing. I'm decreasing. Not only am I decreasing but I'm in prison and will probably wind up dead. Is everything the way I thought it was? Is Jesus really the Christ?"
So he calls several of his disciples who were visiting him in prison and said, "Will you go ask my cousin Jesus if he is really the Messiah we're looking for? Is this really all worth it?" So the disciples of John went to Jesus and they say, "John wants us to ask you a question. Are you really the Messiah? Are you the one who we are to look for or should we look for another?"
Jesus says, "Stay with me for three days then go tell John what you saw." So, they stayed with Jesus for three days then went back to John. John asked, "What did Jesus say when you asked him the question?" They replied that Jesus said, "Stay with me for three days then go tell John what you saw." John asks, "What did you see?" They said, "We saw the blind obtain vision, we saw the lame walk and we saw many mighty miracles." John said, "I guess he is the Messiah then." So, John was satisfied and shortly thereafter he had his head cut off.
Jesus brought down this connecting link and he gave it to his disciples then he sent his disciples off. When they came back he asked what happened. They said, "We did many mighty miracles just like you did." But they did encounter one problem. They came across this guy who was foaming at the mouth and having epileptic type fits but they couldn't heal him. They brought him to Jesus and Jesus cast out the dark forces from this man.
Copyright © 2010 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved