2010-1-31 14:29:00
In response to the post referenced in the above title made previously by JJ Dewey, Ruth asked:
"So when one comes back to the physical Earth from the Mental or Astral Earth, does that mean that he/she has come back from the future, in a sense?"
JJ: No.
Time moves forward in all the worlds of form. The only difference is that times is not measured in the higher worlds because it doesn't have the meaning there that it does here. A hundred years may pass here and in the higher mental you may not have measured it for it seems you have all the time in the universe.
Here is a poem I wrote about time:
Time was made for man,
Not found among the Gods;
Created for those on earth
Whose perils they do trod.
Why do the Gods use it not,
Is life not made from it?
Yes, the life of man is wrought,
In time he digs his pit.
Time, the silver lining of space,
The stars and earths give heed
No more than the human race
With every word and deed.
Man sees his life and then divides
By two and two and two
Years and days and days and years
He lives them through and through.
But the Gods who never die
And see things eye to eye,
In some way we don't understand
Have nothing to divide;
For who with their peace of mind
Would ever want an end?
Time cannot fly in their blue sky,
What measure can they intend?
But what peace has man to held
And say abide with me?
He only looks to joy foretold In eternity.
Until that time, he counts and counts
The minutes and the days.
Sorrow and imperfection mount
And he counts the ways.
But at times, when man stands still,
And seeks his self within;
He finds a spirit and a will,
And pleads: "Don't leave again!"
A taste of heaven you've given me
Time makes it flee away;
Now I see as the Gods do see,
There's no time in eternity.
Ruth: "We, as physical humans, live slightly in the past, so if someone came back to this realm from a higher realm, then are they not really coming back from our/the future?"
JJ: Not usually.
Ruth: "Are these spheres within us, rather than 'out there' in the physical universe?"
JJ: The spheres are omnipresent. They exist on Mars as well as in you.
Copyright © 2010 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved