2010-1-28 00:40:00
Note: All these posts were made on one day in response to tremendous negative activity arising from an article stating that Sarah Palin joined Fox News.
"Who watched '60 Minutes' last night?
"General consensus among the GOP 'team'.... "She's (Sarah Palin) dumb,' or 'She doesn't know anything'...."
You are watching censored news there. They conveniently left out by far the biggest story in the book (Game Change) which was the racist statements of the Mormon all Lefties love -- Harry Reid. Fox is much more fair and balanced.
"Oh, please, Sarah. Read...read...read... Don't totally embarrass the U of I. You didn't know there were two Koreas or why? Ouch. (Note: Sarah insists she knew there were two Koreas.)"
And Obama said there were 57 states, but of course that doesn't bother you. Only hearsay mistakes made by evil conservatives bother you.
"Both sides are just as likely to defend or voice their opinion on one of these stories. Why do you always like to make conservatives out to be such."
I don't think so. For instance the other day someone referenced an article listing the reason conservatives are idiots. I thought to myself that there has to be a counter article out there since the Left have many more illogical beliefs than the Right. I did a search and instead of getting some good acerbic attack from the Right I received mostly more vitriolic attacks from the Left with name calling.
Overall the Right attacks with quotes, logic, reason and with a small amount of name calling thrown in.
The Left are like wind up talking dolls with three or four buttons. Press one button you get "IDIOT!" Another you get "Hypocrite!" Another you get "Moron," etc. There is rarely any intellectual presentation as to why such attack names apply.
"Also, we all know Obama made a gaffe with the 57 state quote. There are many things I question, but not his knowledge of how many states there are."
Of course, you wouldn't question. He's on your side. I'm sure you didn't question him when he said the health care debate would be liberally broadcasted on C-Span, there would be no more earmarks or no new taxes on those earning less than $250,000.
"Bringing this up makes more of a smear on you than on Obama."
I only brought it up to illustrate that Obama has said dumber things than Palin to which the Left seems oblivious.
And if it is a smear for me to bring up an actual public quote from Obama then you should really be attacking the Left here for hatefully attacking Palin, much of it on mere hearsay.
"It would be castigated as 'old news' but the 57 state faux pas is still relevant? Oh, Joe, say it ain't so!"
Amazing! This coming from the group mind of those who are digging up every possible faux pas Palin has made since birth. Bad one... Say it ain't so!
Let me point out that the 57 states is a definite irrefutable mistake. Many of the supposed guffaws of Palin are hearsay with no quotes available.
"America is ..., uh, is no longer, uh ... what it could be, what it once was. And I say to myself, I don't want that future for my children."
(Barack Obama without teleprompter.)
In answer to a challenge as to why anyone would vote for Sarah Palin...
Why I would vote for Sarah Palin if she were to get the presidential nomination is that compared to her opponent she:
I will vote for the candidate who best supports those five items.
"How the hell can you get over your head on Fox?"
The Lefties here would be over their head with the dumbest blond on Fox. Bill O'reilly would give them a heart attack.
"The biggest story? Palin was a hair's breadth from being president if McCain won, and you're thinking that an old man's comments from 2 years ago is 'the biggest story'? Geez, what a sheltered momma's boy you are...."
So, according to your reasoning "60 Minutes" should not have covered Palin's supposed mistakes because they were also made about two years ago.
The Reid story is big because it is in the present -- not the far past as they are always digging up on Palin. We have heard most of the Palin stuff before, but the Reid story was fresh and new and obviously the only reason it wasn't covered was because of pure unadulterated bias.
"Obama sponsored and voted for a death penalty for those convicted of terrorism ALONG WITH 57 STATE SENATORS. He didn't say there were 57 states. He voted along with 57 state senators. But don't let the facts stop your rants. You are pathetic."
Me pathetic?
Take a look at the actual quote from your beloved LA Times and tell me that he is talking about state senators.
"It is wonderful to be back in Oregon," Obama said. "Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states. I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it."
http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/ 05/barack-obama-wa.html
"Freedom of the individual? How about those that happen to love somebody of the same gender. Is she lookin' out for those people?"
No matter how you try and spin it Palin supports the freedom of the individual 1000 percent more than any potential opposing candidate.
"Badnana" wrote:
"Now, supporting the bridge to nowhere until it was revealed as the boondoggle it was, that's a lie, not a faux pas."
She never supported the Bridge as Governor when it really counted. She told the truth when she said she rejected it -- as governor she did.
"Badnana" wrote:
"Saying she sold the Governor's jet on Ebay...that's a lie, not a faux pas."
You're the one repeating the lie. She never said she sold the jet on ebay. She did list it on Ebay, but it didn't sell. Then she sold it trough a dealer. She told the truth. All she said was she placed it on Ebay which was the absolute truth.
You should cease and desist from embarrassing yourself.
"AlDentePickles" wrote:
"Good grief. The man just misspoke. Clearly, he meant to say 47 states and one to go would make 48. Right after that he mentions Hawaii and Alaska were not feasible. Its not a lapse of knowledge - just a MINOR gaffe. Conservos will leap to make any molehill into a mountain."
Lefty mistakes are always minor, but let Dan Quayle misspell potato and it is national news for six months.
"Becourteous" wrote:
"Sorry, Rancher, I have to call you on that one. You cannot make a statement about unknown potential opponents and pretend to know what their position is on anything."
Rancher? You are confused again. Yes, I can make such statements because I know that whoever they nominate for president will not be as vigilant on the five points I mentioned as Palin. I know this because there is not one person of the Left in national government that fits that description.
"Badnana" wrote:
"According to Palin, she sold the executive jet that the previous governor purchased on Ebay."
This is the second time you repeated this lie. She did NOT say she sold the jet on Ebay. She said she listed it on Ebay which was the truth. Sigh... As I said, quit embarrassing yourself.
"Becourteous" wrote:
"Do you assume every opponent will be a Democrat in national government? I guess you were also only talking about Democrat opponents? No other conservatives or independents?"
Okay, I concede. There's only a 99.9999 percent chance I am correct. There is a slim possibility that aliens will implant a chip into a Democrat's brain that will force him or her to support the 5 conservative points more than Palin.
"Becourteous" wrote:
"I am not embarrassed by anything that Sarah has done, but maybe her supporters should be. She claimed to have sold the jet and I remember the roars from the crowd when she proclaimed it. You denying it doesn't erase the incident."
For the third time you are misrepresenting. Sarah Palin NEVER said she sold the jet on Ebay. She said she listed it there which was a true statement. You guys just can't find much dirt on her so you make it up. Please quit insisting this lie is true.
"AlDentePickles" wrote:
"But that's just short of 100 percent. You said there was a 1000 percent chance. What about the other 900 percent? Oh, just a little gaffe with numbers I see. Happens to the best of us."
Why do you lefties always twist our words? I never said there was a 1000 percent chance I was correct. The maximum chance of being correct is 100 percent. I said she "supports the freedom of the individual 1000 percent (or ten times) more than any potential opposing candidate." Sigh...
"GrayMatter" wrote:
"John McCain certainly perpetuated her misrepresentation. Liars or Fools?
" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/09/05/sarah-palins- strange-ebay_n_124097.html "
Yes, John McCain made a mistake on the sale of the plane, but McCain is not Sarah Palin. One would think this would not have to be pointed out.
"GrayMatter" wrote:
"She never said she listed it, she said she 'put it on Ebay.' Quote, unquote."
You can't put it on ebay without listing it. Same thing. Talk about splitting hairs in a feeble attempt to make someone look bad.
"Boohoo" wrote:
"Who cares? She is still dumb as a rock. And a liar."
One problem... You can't find any lies. What does that make you?
"AlDentePickles" wrote:
"Um, that would just be a ten to one ratio. I get what you meant now though. How exactly has Palin supported freedom of the individual so distinctly?"
She supports the First and Second Amendment as well as the Constitution as a whole. She's against overregulation. Supports free enterprise, doesn't want to tell me how to eat, what to buy or force me to pay for cap and trade that will be money down the drain.
She won't be telling me what car to drive, what kind of house to build or what kind of cooking oil to buy.
She wants to lower my taxes and reduce the public debt that I as well as my children will have to pay.
She will not be telling me what temperature my house has to be or force me to exercise or eat tofu to name a few.
Like I said, she is 10 times for personal liberty than any Lefty.
"AlDentePickles" wrote:
"McCain's statement WAS a lie. Oh yes, that is so much better to have the potential next President lying for his embarrassment of a running mate."
McCain's statement was a mistake. How mean spirited to call a mistake a lie.
"Joesmith_207" wrote:
"How come no one is bringing up her 'death panels'?
"Fact: she made up the so-called 'death panels' (it was not used before she posted it on Facebook) and told a lie that was not and has not since been backed up by anything in any of the numerous health bills pending."
Death panels is in the future if the public option comes in. You can't say she is wrong until Obamacare is implemented. Of course, they will not be called death panels, but there will be panels that decide life and death if pure socialized medicine becomes the rule.
Palin was on O'Reilly tonight and was great. Will look forward to seeing more of her. She'll be on Glenn Beck for a whole hour tomorrow. She cleared up the Korea thing stating that of course she knew the difference. The Left will not believe her though, of course.
"Amero" wrote:
"Was '57 States' a mistake or a lie, Joseph?"
Obviously it was a mistake.
"AlDentePickles" wrote:
"That is ridiculous. The only thing ever in any of the bills was payment to doctors for family counseling on end of life decisions if they sought it. And I'll add that matters of life and death are decided every day now by insurance companies."
No one said there was an entity in the bill labeled "death panel." But all socialized medicine cannot handle all the demand for life and death measures so a death panel has to decide who gets the life saving help.
"My2CentsWorth" wrote:
"And 'joseph732' [JJ] bought the 'death panels' hook line and sinker. He made comment after comment about the death panels and back peddled miserably when I pushed him for the page and paragraph in the legislation."
No back peddling involved. I stand by all my statements about death panels.
"Boohoo" wrote:
"No problem. Here's a few:
"• Palin falsely suggests poor will be 'hit hardest' by cap and trade.
"• Palin still falsely claiming stimulus money for energy efficiency.
"• She vetoed required tougher building codes.
"• Palin continues distortion of NY Times article to defend 'palling around with terrorists'...."
All those cut and paste accusations are subject to interpretation. Pick your best bet, give her actual quote and prove to me she lied. It would take too long to deal with them all.
"Liberal_philia" wrote:
"After you have read these, ask yourself: what wouldn't Sarah Palin lie about if she felt she had to?
"Palin lied when she said the dismissal of her public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan, had nothing to do with his refusal to fire state trooper Mike Wooten; in fact, the Branchflower Report...."
What a bunch of nit picky attempts to prove her words lies that are not even possible lies but mistakes at worst. Let us pick one. She did reject the bridge to nowhere. Does that make you a liar? If I watched your life for a day I could probably come up with a better list.
"All of their personal attacks and lies will mean nothing other than they are boosting interest and rating with their ranting. Keep it up fools you are working to promote Sarah Palin. I'm not running for anything and I do not want to be part of this chicken coop of liberal hens. So just keep clucking."
Good point. Without the frothing at the mouth Left being in continual attack mode Palin may have gone into obscurity. Their fears have pushed a decent person into the limelight.
"She did NOT reject the bridge to nowhere. She campaigned in favor of it until McCain caught wind of it and ridiculed it publicly until the funding for it was removed from the earmark - but she still took the money."
She rejected the bridge after she became governor before she met McCain. Get your facts straight.
"You get YOUR facts straight! She campaigned FOR the bridge in 2006 and even gleefully showed a 'Nowhere Alaska' t-shirt in support. She is a liar and you are a fool for believing her."
She never said she didn't support it before becoming governor, but then had enough sense to reject it after obtaining office. Where is the lie except in Lefty accusations?
You Lefties have the nerve of accusing everything Palin has done you disagree with as a lie. Well here's a real lie:
"Obama replied, 'John, nobody is denying that $18 billion is important. And, absolutely, we need earmark reform. And when I'm president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.'"
But like most of the President's Promises this one comes with an expiration date, within his first few months a president, President Obama signed a $780+ billion stimulus bill so loaded with earmarks and pork barrel spending that it was affectionately renamed Porkulus. He quickly followed up by signing a $410 billion Omnibus bill for 2009 which had upwards of 9,000 earmarks included.
Unlike anything Palin has done -- this one costs us real money and is just the beginning. There's lots more.
"You can't defend 'Caribou Barbie' so you jump topics."
I have defended her and quite successfully. You, on the other hand, cannot defend Obama, Reid, Pelosi and many others of the regressive path. I'm glad I do not have to defend them. Now that would be mission impossible.
"Woo Hoo! Sarah cracked 300 hits faster than another Mormon article!
"It's so nice to shake up the ant hill and get 'em REALLY MAD!"
Sarah's the hottest thing going for reasons denied by the Left:
I wish I could give her a hug right now.
"I don't understand how you folks can say (with a straight face) that Sarah is 'smart.' Although it's not an absolute gauge of intelligence, she attended 6 universities to receive a '4 year' degree. In comparison, I attended 3 universities to receive 4 degrees."
She was smart enough to out debate your hero -- Joe Biden, even though he was the one with all the national experience. And she could out debate and out think any Lefty here. Anyone with intelligence that goes over the Left's head is underestimated as lack of intelligence "1984" style.
"Now you got 'joseph732' [JJ] spitting and stuttering like rancher. This is great. Still waiting for that page and paragraph of the 'death panels.'"
You're probably also waiting for the mothership. This is about the tenth time you say you're waiting for something that I never said, never promised and never thought about. The men in white coats are knocking at your door.
What's creepy is thinking about giving you a hug. I'll take Sarah any time.
"Blame the source.
"Palin put her family on stage. Can't have it both ways."
Like Obama didn't put his family on stage? Talk about extreme bias!
"She'll rank right up there with [the television show] 'Desperate Housewives'!"
And Obama ranks right up there with [the sci-fi television show] "V" when he's on the air.
"Your consistent repeating of your same old hate lines are more than boring. You liberals really enjoy bill boarding your ignorance.
"If you were not afraid of Sarah Palin, if you were not truly worried, you would be promoting her! But you are afraid of a great American who is attempting to defend her."
The Left will not be able to read through your post without shaking violently. Poor lost souls.
"Sweetlou" wrote:
"Why do Republicans hate so much? They HATE our PRESIDENT, They HATE the election process, They HATE THE MAJORITY, They HATE the Constitution which means they HATE our Country...."
Wow, talk about taking a page out of "1984" to reverse the truth.
"The list is long, and Sarah Palin does not seem competent even to rank these items in order of importance, much less address any one of them.
"Yet, Obama is cooling and intelligently dealing with them all in my book."
Obama is cooling all right. Cooling with public opinion. His ratings are much lower than George W. Bush at this point in the presidency. Bush will go down in history as a great president by comparison.
"But he is not complaining about it like she is."
The Right is compassionate enough to not attack Obama's family. Not the Left. They even make fun of Sarah's Downs Syndrome child and started the lie that it was not her child. Sad.
"Palin. The topic is Palin. Pay attention!"
Unfortunately mean spirited unfunny attacks on anything conservative or what's good for America is always on topic in the mind of the Left.
"No they just attack Joe Biden's family by showing up at his mother's funeral with hateful signs and hateful words. It is disgusting. Of course I am sure that you and Rancher think those folks are Real Americans."
I Googled this and couldn't find anything about this. Can you supply a link? (Note: He never supplied the link.)
If true such people need to be condemned no matter what party they belong to.
The last time Republicans were accused of doing something outrageous was at the Barney Frank town hall where attendees showed up with Obama and/or Hitler signs and even passed them out.
It turned out that these people were not Republicans at all but disgruntled Democrats. Because of the censored media few on the Left even are aware of this fact.
"In my opinion, conservative ideology is NOT what is good for America. The failures of the Bush years bear that out. Our economy collapsed on his watch and the world breathed a huge sigh of relief when he left office."
Outside of national defense, Bush was not very conservative. Reagan was an example of a conservative.
"Oh come on Joseph, are you saying that if one of Obama's unmarried daughters got pregnant from some ignorant Jock, who acted like Levi did. One who leaves her on her own, to be supported by her parents then went and did Nude Modeling that the Right wouldn't have a field day?"
So you are saying that it's fine for Lefties to attack a conservative candidate who has an imperfect family? Wow... That attitude is just plan mean. That's Stalin type mean.
"Again, off topic but I have to respond. Reagan, like Bush, cut taxes for the rich but INCREASED the federal government. Reagan increased national debt by 189 percent during his 8 years -- almost tripled it. Yes, some conservative he was."
Here's a quote just a few minutes ago from a guy named "AlDentePickles":
"Palin. The topic is Palin. Pay attention!"
Why should I pay attention to a guy who cannot even pay attention to himself?
"Oh, my, god. Becky, look at her butt. It is so big. Scoff. She looks like, one of those rap guys' girlfriends. But, you know, who understands those rap guys? Scoff. They only talk to her, because, she looks like a total prostitute, 'kay? I mean, her butt, is just so big. I...."
History is made! Finally, a Lefty who says something coherent.
And it's written by a guy who calls himself Joe Smith.
"Criticizing an opposition candidate is fair game. She paraded her imperfect family by her own choosing. When she advocated abstinence only education then paraded her teenage unwed pregnant daughter, its also fair game to criticize that. How is that like Stalin?"
Palin "paraded" her family and Obama did what? Herd them?
It's mean spirited to attack any candidate's defenseless children. It doesn't matter who does it.
"Look at the first sentence. I said 'Again, off topic.' Obviously you are not able to pay attention."
I did pay attention. You violated your own rule. It's all right for you to go off topic, but not me.
"Look at Fox regulars: Morris, Huckabee, Rove, Steele, Palin, Gingrich, Giuliani, Romney, etc. This is a total breach of the FCC equal opportunities regulations and a substantial threat."
Typical distortion from the Left. Here are some Democrats that are regulars on Fox that you conveniently left off:
Alan Colmes, Ellis Henican, Geraldo Rivera, Greta Van Susteren, Geraldine Ferraro, Katrina vanden Heuvel, David Corn, Eric Alterman, Juan Williams, Mara Liasson, Mort Kondracke, Flavia Colgan, Susan Estrich, Ellen Rattner, Eleanor Clift, Jane Hall, Charlie Wrangle, Al Sharpton, Judith Miller, Shepard Smith and as many Democrat legislators and commentators as are willing to appear with the exception of Al Franken.
You don't see the fair and balanced presentation of both sides on any other network. That's why even more Democrats watch Fox than any other cable news.
"Oh that's rich. You made a comment totally off topic. I called it as such and then responded to your assertion because you brought it up. Then you have the audacity to say I was the one off topic. I was responding to your statement! Lunacy."
So, you are justifying what you think is bad behavior with more bad behavior. Choice.
"You sorry brainwashed liberals will not believe Rasmussen who is non-partisan. You will not believe CNN -- a long recognized liberal supporter. By altering the facts, you try to say that Obama is not a miserable failure!"
Yeah, they will not even believe a Democrat like Rasmussen from their own party if his results aren't what they want. Of all the pollsters Rasmussen called the last election the closest.
"Unenthusiastic, withering deflection.
"She did say women who do not support her will go to hell. Actually a special place in hell.
"I am guessing this is exactly what Jesus would say. And stateswoman."
Please quit making things up to tarnish the name of another.
The poster who called himself Joe Smith went to my website downloaded my picture and after altering it he used it for his avatar.
"What did you hear on using that pic? You cornered him with that hijack. Impressive."
Impressive? You are impressed by strange things that are not that bright. The Statesman was not impressed and agreed it was egregious. I just wanted the picture removed but I think they took more aggressive action for Joe Smith seems to have all his posts erased and may have been barred. I'm not sure.
"Got under your skin. You take all of this way too seriously. I guess that's because you consider these blogs published letters."
So, would it be all right if I used your picture as my avatar?
"The video is at the bottom of this link. She was misquoting Madeline Albright when she said it. But if she wasn't trying to promote that point of view, then why say it?
"http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/05/palin-misquotes- albright_n_131967.html "
What she actually said was a far cry from what "GrayMatter" said. She was talking about the general idea of women supporting women which was nothing like saying "vote for me or you'll go to hell."
"Now you are flat out lying. Show the post where I ever made that statement you attributed to me in quotes."
It wasn't a lie because it wasn't intended as an exact quote from you, neither did I say it was an exact quote from you, but it represents the interpretation the you and the Left give to her words which are: "vote for me or you'll go to hell."
Your exact words were:
"She did say women who do not support her will go to hell. Actually a special place in hell."
She didn't say "support her," but "support women." Big difference. You give the false impression that she came up with this but in her speech she was merely commenting on a quote from Madeline Albright on a cup she had which said:
"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."
She missed the exact quote by one word but "support" and "help" imply a similar meaning.
Do you condemn Albright as a right wing fire and brimstone person for being the originator of the statement? Many are placing Palin in that light for quoting her.
"GrayMatter" was preaching to me that I should not mind Joe Smith's use of my picture as his personal avatar as a means to attack and make fun of me. Therefore, one would reason that she would be fine with me or "Rancher" using her picture. Surely she would not be hypocritical on this point, would she?
See her answer for yourself:
"No, it would not be all right...."
What's that answer again?
"No, it would not be all right...."
I thought I must have heard wrong because she is telling me that it should be fine with me if she or others use my picture in an attempt to ridicule me.
Now listen to her flimsy excuses as to why I should allow this and she should be excused from it.
"I have not used my picture as an avatar putting it in the public domain on this forum."
Neither have I "used my picture as an avatar." My picture has never been presented as an avatar on this or any other forum.
"I have not announced my identity repeatedly, much less at all or even once."
I do not recall "announcing" my identity. Do you have any reference or proof of this?
"I have not used this forum to post my business website containing my picture and personal information. I have not used this forum as free advertising for my personal business."
Someone once asked what I did for a living so I gave her my website as a short answer. This almost gave "GrayMatter" a heart attack and she immediately accused me of advertising. Silly accusation I think.
My whole website is composed of copyrighted material and no one has legal or moral authority to use anything, except legal quotes, without my permission.
I'll bet "GrayMatter" has her picture posted somewhere on the web. Does this give me the right to copy her picture and use it as a base of ridicule, especially on a forum like this?
Thankfully, The [Idaho] Statesman has enough common sense to not go along with such a violation of rights.
Palin cites Madeline Albright and slightly misquotes her and says:
"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women."
For quoting Albright she is accused by the Left as being Right wing preachy and condemning. "GrayMatter" said mockingly "I am guessing this is exactly what Jesus would say."
Now here are Albright's actual words:
"There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't help other women."
Now "GrayMatter" says that "Albright was not asking for voter support" so the implication is much different.
So "place in hell" has different meaning if it is not used in a political setting. If I said another poster has a "place in hell" because he disagrees with me does this make the meaning different? Isn't a "place in hell" still a "place in hell?"
Don't quite get the difference outside of the fact that Gray is just repeating the "Huffington Post," plus she likes Albright and hates Palin.
"I believe any blogger posting a "for profit" website on this forum is using this site for free advertising."
In the context in which it was given even a Lefty would have to conclude that you are really reaching into that wild imagination of yours to find a feeble point on which to attack.
I'll bet you are really outraged when another car whizzes past you going one mile over the speed limit.
But wait a minute. Joe Smith didn't bother you when he broke Statesman rules and the law itself by illegally stealing my picture and using it as his avatar to ridicule.
If breaking the rules and the law doesn't bother you then why is it you are so upset that I once gave a member my website to answer a question?
It appears that the only reason is to create a reason to virulently attack without cause.
"No, my opinion is that there is nothing wrong with it at all. However, you seem to have thought that you'd stay anonymous after that. If you are going to put yourself out there, you have to accept that not everyone who goes to your website is a fan."
What in the world makes you think that I thought I would remain anonymous after placing my web page in my profile? You Lefties assume the craziest things. I don't know why you, "GrayMatter" and other attackers don't reveal who you are. What are you afraid of? Do you think "Rancher" will recognize you at the grocery store?
"Fear you? Don't flatter yourself. I don't fear you or Sarah Palin as persons. I do fear the ignorance of the extreme ideology you represent though. It makes me sick that you cannot even understand what has happened in the last year."
You must be talking about Obama, Pelosi and Reid with their extreme ideology. That's the only extreme that has created a problem the past year. My ideology is very moderate compared to them.
"I would love to see either "GrayMatter" or "Camerafan" debate Sarah Palin live on national TV. She would make either of them look like total fools. They slam her from behind the anonymity of a comments forum because she (Palin) has no opportunity to defend herself. I think most liberal women despise...."
Yeah. She's a fox on Fox, and one with savvy. How could a normal guy not appreciate that?
I can just see the image they have of you or me or any poster here from the Right. They see Sigourney Weaver's "alien" that grabs them and stuffs a Bible down their shorts.
This is post #504 which may be a record for the Statesman. In addition the Statesman eliminated around 100 posts that were just too nasty for the forum making the grand total around 600. Who says Sarah can't become president? Obama never drew attention like this.
"So, a huge number of people posted with negative comments about Palin. Are you saying that Obama has never drawn such an enormous level of negative attention? I'm not exactly sure what your point is...more bad is better?"
The fact that Sarah can draw such negative attention from the socialistic mostly atheistic extreme Left here is a sign that she will be widely accepted by mainstream America. The more average people get to know her the more they will like her and the Left is helping to drawn the needed attention to her.
I had a suspicion and just found out I was more correct than I thought. I thought if I sorted the forum by "most recommended first" that the first dozen or so would be Palin haters attacking and then patting each other on the back with recommendations. I was more correct than I thought as I scrolled through the first 77 on the list and they were ALL lefties attacking Sarah. I didn't have time to go further. Not one person from the Right.
What does this tell you?
Either Lefties are scared to death of her or they secretly love her and wish she was one if their own. Maybe it explains why more Democrats by far watch Fox News than any other cable network. They realize their own bunch represents pure unadulterated boredom and want more excitement in their sad lives.
"AlDentePickles" wrote:
"Here is an article from John Dean (former US President Nixon's chief counsel). He cites findings by a social scientist named Robert Altemeyer about right-wing authoritarianism. It describes why there are people that support the Sarah Palins of the country."
This is an absolutely amazing reverse of reality. Of course you have to consider that it came from John Dean who went from Watergate involvement to a Left wing extremist. This guy can't see true authoritarianism no matter which extreme he chooses.
The thinking that Republicans are more authoritarian than Democrats has to be a truth right out of [Orwell's] "1984."
For one thing the Republicans are for smaller government and since authority comes from government then smaller government equals less authority right there... Duh.
Obamacare is the biggest attempt at imposing authority in the history of the Republic. It will give Big Brother authority over our lives in ways that will make even Lefties cringe.
I am a Libertarian and very adverse to any imposition of unnecessary authority and 90 percent of the time it has happened in my life it has come from the Left, not the Right.
"Rancher" wrote:
"Why won't the Idaho Statesman carry the news of Massachusetts Senate race?
"We realize Scott Brown is a big worry to the democrats but it is worthy news. It would be of great interest to the readers as well as new material for haters to try to dig up."
On that note you have to check out this video. I'm sure there are many on the Left that think as Ed Schultz does:
http://washingtontimes.com/weblogs/watercooler/2010/jan /16/ed-schultz-id-cheat-keep-brown-winning/
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