2010-1-26 17:55:00
Audience: "The Tibetan also says that the new religion that we'll be forming out of humanity will be based on triads."
JJ: He set up an organization of Triads to lay the foundation for the light that will come. I don't remember him saying the actual new religion will be based on it but he did set up an organization that he calls Triangles. It's for meditation purposes to be points of light around the Earth. I wouldn't be surprised if the new religion has triads involved, whether he said that or not.
Audience: "What was the first that you mentioned?"
JJ: Squares. In other words the formation of the square was the foundation of life in the first solar system. In this one, triangles are the foundation of life so when you create anything that has life you create triangles. Jesus had the twelve apostles which were composed of four triads of individuals. The four represent the square and the triad represents the foundation of life so putting together the number from the previous solar system then multiplying it by the number for this solar system gives us the number twelve and that was the number within the molecule that Jesus created. To create this molecule there had to be a link between heaven and earth and it's quite interesting how that link transpired in the Bible. Some of you heard this teaching before.
That link was created at the baptism of Jesus. At the baptism, John was told just before this happened how to recognize the Christ. This is John the Baptist. He asked, in a prayer that is recorded in the first chapter of John, "How will I recognize the Christ?" Jesus was his cousin so it was odd that he should be asking this question which shows he didn't know for sure that his cousin Jesus was going to be the Messiah. He was asking God, "How will I recognize him?" "He upon whom ye shall see the spirit descend and remain, that is the Christ." That was the answer he was given.
So John is out baptizing and as he is baptizing people the Spirit of God seemed to come down and descend upon them then leave, descend upon them and then left. Then cousin Jesus comes to get baptized and as he baptizes him and he saw the Spirit of God descend like a dove and enter into him and remain. When John saw that he said, 'This is a sign that my cousin Jesus is the Messiah.' The scripture is worded interestingly. It says, "When you shall see the Spirit descend and remain you shall know that this is the Son of God." Does that mean that Jesus is the Son of God or the Spirit that came and entered into his body was the Son of God?
We're all Sons of God technically but the Spirit that came and descended into his body was the Son of God in the fact that this was an entity that had evolved to the point that he could manifest all the powers of God. So when this entity came and entered into the body of Jesus suddenly there were two entities within one body at the same time, the same instant.
When I first heard the principle of what I call divine possession, when it first occurred to me I thought, "Boy this is really hard to believe. If it's true it ought to be in the Bible." So I started looking. When I looked I found evidence all over the place. When Jesus would perform a miracle he would say, "It's not me that is doing these works. It is he who dwells within me who is doing them." When he taught he said, "These words I give unto you are not mine. It is he who is within me, it is his words." It's his words and his works. He said, "Of myself I can do nothing." How many of us feel that way? Rob, if a leper comes to you and wants to be healed, what would you say? Of myself I can't do anything! I can't heal this guy. But if the entity who is the Christ came inside of you and said, "Rob, go ahead and heal that leper. I'll take care of it."
Rob: "Then I'd be able to do it."
JJ: So he then heals the leper and I say, "Boy, Rob you really did a great job!" What would you say?
Rob: "It wasn't me!"
JJ: And when you read the scriptures you see that is what Jesus is trying to say and explain to everybody. He was saying, "It was the entity that came in me," who he called the Father. "The Father who is in me, he is doing these things. It's not me. Of myself I can do nothing."
Audience: "Why does he refer to him as Father? He never called him God, right?"
JJ: Because he was the Father and he was his disciple. In the way that the person who gives you life is your father and he gave him spiritual life from the fact that he says, "I am the vine and you are the branches. Unless a person as a branch is connected to the vine, he has no life." Examine this principle. You take a vine or a tree and you cut off a branch and it withers and it dies. You graft the branch back in and it gets life again and will actually grow again. You can cut off a branch from one tree and graft it onto another tree and as long as it's getting that living sap or living life from the vine or the trunk of the tree it will live.
It's the same with us. He says, 'You are the branches. Unless the branches are connected to the vine, they will wither and they will die." He was speaking of the Molecular principle. He was speaking words that the later generations didn't understand and they lost the true meaning of what he was trying to do.
Curtis: "When Mary was impregnated, the scriptures say that the spirit of the Lord would overshadow her and then the same spirit overshadowed Jesus. Wouldn't it be possible that the spirit that overshadowed Mary and impregnated her was the same spirit that came to Jesus then would've been Jesus' literal Father?"
JJ: Yea. That's quite possible.
Audience: "Didn't you describe to us that you had to go back to the Bible to see if it was really in there? Was that the Alice A. Bailey books you were reading?"
JJ: I first learned about the principle of overshadowing through reading the Alice A. Bailey books. When I read that I figured if it were true there should be some evidence in the Bible. Then I studied this and through other things that happened to me by experience, I've learned other elements of how this works. It wasn't just an overshadowing with Jesus; it was what we call a divine possession. Mary was probably overshadowed. The overshadowing was probably more from a distance.
It says in the Bible itself that the spirit descended upon Jesus and entered into him. That's more than an overshadowing. An overshadowing is when the Master works from a distance and overshadows a disciple. A number of disciples who are on the Earth right now are overshadowed by a Master that's either working with the Christ or perhaps the Christ Himself. They all work with the various disciples. It's a fairly rare occurrence when we have a divine possession.
Now everything the Dark Brothers do they do by copying. They try to copy the principles that the Brothers of Light do. This even includes possession. When the Dark Brothers possess somebody they may do it by force or try to do it against their will if necessary but when the Brothers of Light possess somebody they do it completely with the person's free will and the person maintains control over his body. The Master Jesus was still the guy in charge of the body. He could've told Christ to leave any time that he wanted but I'm sure he didn't feel like saying that at any time.
Audience: Inaudible discussion amongst members.
JJ: You notice that right after the baptism Jesus went out into the wilderness and fasted for forty days. What was it that drove him out to the wilderness afterwards?
Audience: "To adjust?"
JJ: Right, to make the adjustment. Imagine with you, if you had the highest entity among humanity come into your body and share it with you, you'd probably feel like going to the wilderness and figuring out what it was all about and how to commune with it. So he spent the forty days in the wilderness then the Dark Brother came to tempt him to misuse the powers that the Christ was lending him. Fortunately he resisted.
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