Gathering 2005 -- Sun Valley, Part 40

2010-1-24 03:46:00

JJ:  Two thousand years ago there appeared on the earth a man who was our greatest molecular scientist in history. He understood the molecules. Remember a statement he once said? He said, "Consider the lilies of the field. Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." You know, we really didn't understand this statement until the microscope was invented. When one of the lilies of the field is examined under a microscope, we see indeed that they have more glory than Solomon in all of his glory.

When we look at living plants under a microscope and examine how all the fibers are in there and the pores and how they breathe and then how the cells are made, the complexity and the glory of that kingdom within the lilies of the field are indeed more glorious than anything that we have created so far. But our destiny is to create something even more glorious. In other words, on the human level of creation where we eventually create human molecules, the destiny of humanity in the next level of creation is even more glory than the past level of creation.

So you look at the complexity of the cell, the DNA, the living organisms that we see about us, and as scientists examine them, they find that it just boggles the mind. As a matter of fact, there was one scientist I was just reading about, I can't remember his name, but he was a fairly famous atheist. He taught atheism, promoted it. But then he was in on examining the DNA and unraveling its mystery, and after studying it for a period of time, he finally reached an interesting conclusion. He said, "This couldn't have come together by accident. This is so complex; this is more complex than any computer program that's ever been written." The more he studied it, the more the complexity just boggled his mind.

Do you know who he was, Larry?

Larry:  "Fred Hoyle. He was a Nobel Peace Prize winner."


[Note:  Actually the person I was thinking of was Professor Antony Flew. You can read about him here: ]


JJ:  So anyway, he became a believer in God after examining just the DNA alone, and the DNA is only one of the complexities of the lilies of the field, so to speak. But if a scientist is honest and he begins to explore the complexities of the microcosmic world, it is just amazing -- whether it be looking at the atom, at a cell, looking at life and what makes everything come to life to begin with once we get the ingredients put together. It boggles the mind.

One has to admit that some higher intelligence is at work in the universe. I mean, there is really no way around it. I often think the greatest miracle of all, though-- when I look up at the stars at night, I conclude that the greatest miracle of all, more miraculous than the complexities of DNA or the cell, is one thing: that anything at all exists. Look up there and think, "Why does anything exist?" That's perhaps the greatest miracle of all. The greatest miracle is that anything at all exists -- whether it be God or us or whatever -- that there is anything there. It's an amazing thing to contemplate.

Why is anything there at all? But the fact that there is something there, the fact that you see a rock or a stone or a person or a planet or anything in existence at all, is a great miracle. It's like the forest for the trees, so to speak. The greatest miracle of all is just pure existence. Scientists that can't see that as a miracle are just missing something. And because existence is always there in front of us, we don't really think of it as a miracle, but it is indeed a miracle that we are just here period.

Audience:  " For me, in addition to that, is that it works."


JJ:  Right, that we don't self-destruct or something. You know it's funny, that's one thing scientists contemplate -- when the universe came into existence, it didn't start to come into existence and just self-destruct. They cannot understand how come it just didn't unravel. After the Big Bang started, they wonder, why did organization continue? They can't figure that out. Even if there was a Big Bang, they say, logically it should have started and then just gone away in a puff of smoke and never have seen the light of day. They can't figure out why we are here, how it happened.

It happened because there is a universal intelligence. The Mind of God occupies the whole universe and there is intelligence there. We are reflections of It, and we are among the intelligences that are now the creative force. It's our responsibility to be the creators now.

So Jesus shows up on the planet a couple thousand years ago and he decides to take molecular creation to a new level. He gets twelve units. Now, it doesn't say anything in the Bible about women except for just a couple lines. It says, "A company of woman followed him about." In other words, he had a company of women. I believe this company of women were counterbalances to the twelve apostles, to balance them off so that the balance of male and female energy could be created. I don't think they were all necessarily wise, but I think they were the balancing energy to make the molecule work. And I believe that he knew that the balance of energy had to be produced to create molecules. So he put together twelve units.

We call a male and female together a unit. The twelve apostles were twelve units or human atoms. He put together these twelve apostles and he taught them and he showed them what could be done when there is a connecting link. To make the molecules work that he had designed, there needed to be a connecting link between heaven and earth. Now, there are many different organizations that have put together units of twelve. Twelve is kind of a natural group to put together.

Three is a natural group, twelve, sometimes four, twenty-four, sevens, etc. Humanity has a natural internal understanding that these numbers are good organizational numbers. Many companies will have their people divided into various groups of triads of three, twelve, twenty-four, or whatever -- or sometimes ten. But they have certain numbers that the various companies work with. Now when these molecular numbers are put together by various organizations -- whether it be religious, political, business, or whatever -- it produces a chemistry.

For instance, in our political system here we have a triad of three different governing bodies: the judicial, the president, and congress. So we have a triad of an organization. In this universe we're in, all life begins with triangles or triads. The Tibetan [Djwhal Khul] says something interesting about this. He says that in the first solar system that we came from before we came here, the foundation was squares. In this solar system the foundation of life is triangles. In the next solar system, he says, the foundation will be circles. When we look with a microscope into the microcosmic world we see all three shapes. We see circles of things, we see the various atoms and molecules organized in squares and also triangles. But there's always triangles wherever you look. Triangles are the most prominent when you look through an electron microscope at the microcosmic level.