2010-1-20 04:53:00
Audience: "Can it be that we're just remembering? I mean, it seems to me there's a familiar feeling when you do this with people. It's like coming home. So for me it's just like you're just remembering that this is how it's supposed to be."
JJ: The answer is yes and no because we are all linked with the soul, and so when the soul is touched, it seems very familiar. It's almost like remembering because it's a part of us and it's a little bit like coming home. But on the other hand, it's not like remembering in another way, which is that as we progress from one level to another, we move in territory that is entirely new. We've gone where no man has gone before, so to speak -- where we haven't gone before, anyway. And as we go to where we have not gone before, we will have experiences and new levels of problems that we have never had before. It's a little bit like a video game. When you go to the next level you see things that look familiar, and even though new things are introduced, you're expecting this because you know you're moving up to another level.
When we touch the soul, maybe even for the first time in our life, even though it's our first time it will seem familiar. It will seem familiar because the higher parts of ourselves have never left the soul and spiritual energies. And so it is like coming home. There's a recognition there. When you reach the real spiritual contacts, there will be a knowing about it. Now, before that real spiritual contact is reached, there are false spiritual contacts because the soul energy is sent down into our emotional/astral body like a mirror image -- everything is backwards. So when we contact the mirror image of the soul, which is the illusionary soul in the astral body, we think that is the soul or the spirit -- the Spirit of God -- various names people give to it. And when this is contacted by an average churchgoer-type person, he thinks he has found it. But he has to get beyond the mirror image to the real thing. When the real thing is finally reached, there is a knowing. When you find the real thing, you will know that you have arrived there. There will be no mistake about it. When you find the mirror image, some will think they know, some will be sure they know, some will not be sure if they know -- it depends on how they mentally interpret it -- but they've got to get beyond this barrier. So oftentimes when the person with soul contact explains to another person his feeling, the person that's got the mirror image will say, "Yeah, I feel that regularly." Maybe he hasn't made the direct contact at all yet.
Audience: "It's similar to falling in love. When it happens, you know -- you know what it is."
JJ: Right. And before you've fallen in love you can imagine what it is, and when you do fall in love it's a lot like you imagined but can be more if you really fall crazy in love. Yeah, falling in love is the closest a lot of people get to the soul because a falling in love feeling is caused by a downpouring of the soul energy. That's why it's so wonderful. And when a person contacts the soul, it's very similar to the feeling of falling in love, except it's more refined.
And it's important that a person pay attention to the differences because unless he can separate the differences, it's possible to be tricked into various stages of illusion. But there is a slight difference because the energy of the pure soul contact is like energy with no interference. With falling in love there's a little static in the communication. But the pure soul contact has no static and is pure enough that the person will recognize that it is the real thing.
Assaf: "What is the word? Static?"
JJ: Static. You know, like, you turn on the radio and you hear static.
Assaf: "Ah, static interference."
JJ: Yeah. Now just like atoms get together and produce molecules, the next level is for humans to get together and produce human molecules. To understand the human molecule we can't look at any particular atom and say, "Well, we're going to take this atom and structure the human molecule exactly alike." Because remember "as above so below" but with a twist... and eventually even more complexity, more difficulty. The video game gets harder. So creating the human molecule is different from creating the physical molecule. The rules are changed a little but everything corresponds. It corresponds enough that when the idea is perceived, when the concept and principle is perceived, you can know how to proceed along. But it will take a certain amount of experimentation on the part of humanity to get them working as they should be working. So the question is: What's the difference between a human molecule and an atomic molecule? What are the differences between them? What's the twist? Wayne?
Wayne: "Self-awareness, in this case of a human."
JJ: Good. Our consciousness is higher for one thing. And that's one thing to understand in the creative process. We've all heard the fact that everything is alive. Has everybody heard that? Even a rock has life in it. Even an atom has consciousness; even a molecule has consciousness. And that is true. But it's different from what people think. We think that the little atomic lives are like us in that they have a consciousness like us, but what happened?
As God goes through His creative processes, He focuses His attention on one part of creation at a time. To create the small worlds He had to focus His attention on that world as He was creating it. It's a little bit like creating computer programs. Anybody here into computer program writing? Larry is to a degree. If you're creating a computer program, you have to focus a lot of attention on it, don't you? Now after it's all created, then you work out the bugs, right? After you get the bugs all worked out, you can then just let it run.
Larry: "No, not really. (Audience laughter.) Most of them always have problems that keep cropping up and you're always having to fix things, kind of like your analogy of steering a car."
JJ: Okay, problems do crop up but it doesn't take nearly as much attention.
Larry: "No. It's the difference between the creating and the designing and building and then just fixing the little flaws you discover."
JJ: Right. What you're working on after it's created is kind of balancing it off. Once the computer program is designed, you don't have to keep redesigning it, in other words.
Larry: "You hope not."
Audience: "Sometimes."
(Audience laughter.)
Larry: "Usually you just throw it away and start with something new."
JJ: Well, let's talk about a computer program that Larry didn't create. (laughter) Let's say Microsoft Word. Everybody's familiar with that. The first Microsoft Word was really basic. It didn't have any spell check. You could just type on it and that was about it. Then they created a more complex one. Finally, once they got up to version 6 or so, they got it good enough that any improvement they made since hasn't really improved it, in my opinion. The newer version I don't like as well as the old one. But anyway, it's good enough that they don't have to come back and redesign the program all the time. I just turn on the computer and it just works. It runs. But while they were creating Microsoft Word, they had hundreds of technicians and they were just racking their brains in the process of creation, putting all their attention on it. Then when they get it created, what do they do? They move on to a new program and focus on perfecting that. But meanwhile I turn on Microsoft Word here and it just runs.
When God created the universe which is made up of all these atoms and subatomic particles, He put His attention on creating them. And when they were created, they became like computer programs so that then He could take His attention off of them and they would just run. So the atoms just run. God doesn't have to come down and recreate them or live in them, so to speak, to put His creative energy in them to make them work.
They just run because they are all perfected to the degree that they will run. But with the universe He has to step back like Larry and fine tune things when they go out of kilter. That does happen. But the basic programs in the universe just run. Now what happens, then, when God finishes creating the atom, the molecules, the cells, the human beings? What's He going to do with His attention?
Audience: "Audience: Put it on the next kingdom up."
JJ: Yes, He puts it on the next kingdom up. And the attention of God in this universe, where do you think it is?
Audience: "Humans."
JJ: On human beings -- human beings and beings like humans wherever they live in the universe. Self-conscious beings like ourselves throughout the entire universe is where His attention is. He doesn't have to put His attention on the atoms, on the molecules, on the cells. They've all been perfected so they just run themselves. Now His attention is on us, and we are the creative force in the physical universe. We're the ones responsible for creating the new program. And the next step in our creation is to follow what is below. And to follow what is below, human beings must unite together and balance their energies off with other human beings to produce human molecules.
But the human molecules will be different from the physical molecules. They'll be similar; they will correspond but, again, with a twist. Because who in the world wants to play the same level over again the same way? Why would God want to make us into molecules exactly the way the real molecules are when everything would just repeat itself entirely?
This is a view of heaven and the afterlife that all the religions have that is really screwed to hell... (Audience laughter.) ...in the fact that they say, "Well, we will go to heaven and everything will be perfect and we'll just do the same thing over and over and over again. We'll be happy for eternity." Well, are we happy playing the same level of the computer game over and over and over? Once you master it and you get it to perfection, you achieve salvation in that level, are you going to do it over and over and over? You might want to play it a couple times because now that you've mastered it you want to enjoy winning a couple times. Then after you've won a couple times you think, "I wouldn't mind losing to go to the next level."
Copyright © 2010 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved