1999-8-12 10:29:00
I reinstalled my Real Player and got it to work. They finally came out with software for Macs to play MP3's which I purchased, so I'm all set for audio now and was at last able to play Rick's recording. Sounds great Rick - and I've been meaning to ask you where you got such a cool shirt. When I get in a better situation time wise I plan on doing a lot more with audio and possibly video.
Dave asks a good question:
"I have a quick question/concern. Don't get me wrong here; the idea of seeing myself in the future would be wonderful. I would like to see how things turn out, and how I become. On the other hand, what good does it do for my future self to come and give advice to my present self? Let me try and clarify why I ask this.
Let's say my present self decides to go visit a lesser evolved past self in NJ today. Personally, I doubt that anything I say to that past self will change the way things are now. It makes it kind of pointless to go back and discuss anything with my past self, doesn't it? So why would my future self waste his time speaking to me?"
Dave's question offers me the opportunity to say a couple of things about time travel. To travel in time you have to move beyond the physical. This is fortunate; otherwise it would open the possibility for a Nazi to go back and help Hitler win the war.
We cannot change the literal past, but we can change the effects of the past so a certain negative event in the past is changed so it is no longer negative to us.
Calling forth your future self does not change the past because your calling him forth is a part of his history, as well as anything he tells you.
Also keep this in mind. Your far future self has complete oneness with God and lives beyond the normal rules of time and space. This being has abilities beyond that which we can imagine.
Normally he has to be invoked but he can make an appearance in any past time when the entity is open to instruction, but this is the exception.
Fortunately, the Dark Brothers are very limited in using time travel and the Brotherhood of Light basically practices non interference so time is quite a stable quantity.
Our past lives of lower evolution never call out to the future self and only have a dim sense of it at best. A person has to reach a degree of soul contact before there can be communication between the past and the future. When this happens the Will of God is followed and no change in that Will takes place.
There has to be a reasonable and open belief in the possibility of this future self for this meditation to work, but those who accept it and give it a try may be pleasantly surprised at the results.
No, your future self will not give you winning lottery numbers. He doesn't even know what they are nor does he want to know. He will only come to help you work with your own strengths and achieving power to obtain money through the normal use of law is something we all have to learn one time or another.
Glenys makes an interesting comment:
"On the other hand, I often think of how the Masters used to leave money in a box for Madam Blavatsky."
An important item to know about Madam Blavatsky is that she was Count Alessandro Cagliostro in the life before she was HPB. In that life she had an important mission that was completely botched and she used her talents to gain money and fame as a charlatan.
Even though she redeemed herself as Madame Blavatsky she still fell to the temptation to assist a bit in signs to the believers such as the money in the box type of thing.
Alice A. Bailey (the next main messenger) to her credit was completely honest in her approach and thus you see that the main witnesses to her work were the teachings themselves, and this is how it should be.
To just materialize money out of thin air as some claim the Masters do would be a form of stealing for it calls forth labor behind the goods and services it purchases and the value of that labor is not returned. This is contrary to the law of cause and effect. Even the Masters would only use money to take, if they can give something of equal or greater value in return.
I know all of us who love to learn and teach would like to have all of our time free and money to spend for the good of mankind. But just as humanity must earn the right to have higher teachings, so must the teachers earn the right to teach and all teachers of light must work within the law or suffer the effects of karma.
I presently am in a situation where I have to work long hours to keep my business going and pay the bills and I rarely have time to write anything for the group before 2 AM and haven't had time to read a book for years. I listen to tapes while doing other things for my mental food at present.
My point is that we can't expect higher powers to do for us what we can do for ourselves and we all have to work within the situation where we find ourselves and make the best of it.
One can never become a Master unless he masters situations through his own intelligence and inner strength.
We have now looked through two of the walls. What do you suppose is on the other side of the third wall?
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved