2010-1-17 11:03:00
JJ: Let's pick Larry and Robin over here. They've got a great relationship, as far as we know. They certainly look like they do. It's possible that maybe they met 10,000 years ago in Atlantis somewhere and maybe Larry was some high priest and Robin was some dancing girl or something. (laughter) Larry thinks, "Man, I'm really attracted to her. I think I'll just give up my priesthood and run off with her." So he does that. But she's really attractive and other guys are interested in her and she has some flings and Larry gets mad and throws things and... (chuckles) So it started off with a big explosion, but there was something there that just kept them trying, and they tried in another lifetime and another and the explosions got smaller and now, finally, everything is manageable. Right, Larry?
Audience: (Laughter) "Better say the right thing."
Larry: "Well, my instinct was to say yes, but I just kind of wanted to do a mental checklist, and yeah, I mean, there's difficulties but it's manageable."
JJ: Still little explosions now and then, right?
Larry: "Well it wouldn't be very interesting otherwise."
Audience: "Wayne has a question. Or a statement. I don't know which."
JJ: Now Wayne wants an explosion, but he... (laughter) If any of you gals are interested in an explosion with Wayne...
Wayne: "I just had a comment. I was going to say that Curtis and I both were told by Joe that Artie took him to the moon."
JJ: Aw. Very sweet, Wayne.
Audience: "I didn't hear what Wayne said."
Audience: "You don't want to know."
JJ: Wayne says that I told him one time that Artie took me to the moon.
Audience: "Awww."
JJ: I don't that it was those exact words, but it's true. So we have these two different elements joining together, producing something entirely different than they are separately. Now, in addition to this, we have all kinds of different molecules. Some are much more complex, but eventually the molecules join together and they produce various compounds until we get to the production of living organic matter in the form of cells. Scientists tell us our evolution started here with one-celled animals. Now a cell is much more complex than a molecule. I mean, it's like a whole city of millions of little inhabitants joining together to produce something greater than themselves. A cell has power to duplicate itself by itself, without an outside force coming in. It has power of mobility and power of processing that the individual molecules and atoms do not have. And then eventually the cells join together to produce something more complex, until we get to plants, animals, and finally the human being. The human being is the ultimate creation of which we are aware.
Having all these elements joined together in you produces you. You are totally different from an atom. You are totally different from a molecule. You are totally different from an individual cell. You are totally different from an individual organ. You have capacities that are totally different from those of anything below. You have capacities much greater than a vegetable and much greater than an animal. That which produced you is extremely complex. It's a complexity made from the simple. Two charges, positive and negative, getting together to produce atoms, eventually merge in all kinds of different combinations until vehicles were created for you to occupy.
Now keep that phrase in mind: vehicles were created for you to occupy using the molecular relationship. And this is what the molecular relationship does. But now does the molecular relationship end with the human being? We're in level seven, but there are sublevels. Let's look at it this way. We're up to the middle of the sublevels. Let's say we're up to level 4 as human beings. We want to move up to sublevel 5. How do we do that?
Audience: "By doing as is done below us by gathering together."
JJ: Okay. Now we as individual entities are a little bit out of balance. We get married, we have relationships, we have friendships. All these things tend to get us a little bit more in balance. But then there is a balance, too, on a spiritual level that we try to attain. We try to attain soul contact. Attaining soul contact helps us to balance each other out. But when a person obtains soul contact, one of his main desires is what? To find other people who have soul contact. Because when the person with soul contact interplays with the person without soul contact, there is an imbalance. In other words, you have a lot going out and just a little bit coming back from the other guy. You have personality energy coming back from the other guy. You have personality energy coming from you that keeps the other guy happy, but you have soul energy coming out from you that bypasses the other guy. And this throws you a little bit out of balance.
Audience: "One of the most common words I've heard just talking to individuals here about why they're here is, they say, 'I want to come together with people of a like mind.' And that was the main impulse."
JJ: Right. One of the biggest impetuses for people here is to get together with people of a like mind. In other words, once a person proceeds along the spiritual path and taps into even a small part of the soul energy, just blending with other people with personality energy isn't enough. Even if they're rich and famous, even if it was Tom Cruise or whatever, we'd get bored after a while because if they've got a dynamic personality, that still wouldn't be enough to a person who has touched on the soul. He wants to be around other people who have also touched the soul. So this makes him out of balance just a little bit, spiritually. Do you ever feel that way yourself? Do you ever feel like, "Man, I wish I could talk to people who wanted to know more than football or basketball or swimming or sports or racing cars or whatever"? That's nice, that's fun; I love our local football team. (chuckles) But once you've touched the soul, you're looking for more -- more interplay. And when you find it, what does it feel like? You haven't said much, Mindy. What do you think? Is it nice to find other people?
Mindy: "Yup."
Audience: Laughter.
JJ: Well don't elaborate too much. I mean, don't take too much of our time, Mindy. (laughs) Assaf came all the way from Israel to mingle with people with soul contact. Right?
Assaf: "Right. (chuckles) Well, I don't know what more to elaborate about that. It is a process of seeking. I met your teaching through reading 'The Immortal' through roaming in a website which was talking about conspiracy theories. David Icke. (laughs) And then I ran into your banner of-- it wasn't your banner, it was a banner of another site advertising your book The Immortal. That's how I got into it. Then I met this group and it immediately triggered the urge that I have to meet you all."
JJ: Yeah. So this is something we've never really talked about before, but it is certainly true when you think about it. When you touch on the soul, it kind of does put you out of balance. Because all of a sudden you're releasing new energies and you're looking around and no energy is coming back. I remember when I discovered a lot of new truths when I was in the Mormon church. I used to go through a lot of Mormons checking them out. I'd ask them a deep question, they would give me a shallow answer, and I'd think, "Well, I can't share anything with this guy."
And then Curtis moved into town and I asked him a couple questions and he responded good. I'd finally found somebody that I could share some of my knowledge and soul energy with, and that was really great to be able to do that. Now people in the group have the same feeling. I've talked to a lot of people who said, "Boy, I sure like these gatherings." And why do we like them so much? Because we're sharing all of our energies rather than just a piece of our energy. If we just want to share the personality energy, we could down to the Ram Pub, watch football, and have fun with the guys or whatever. The women could go to their bridge classes or whatever women do.
Audience: Loud, inaudible protests.
JJ: (Laughs.) You'd go to the pub too? You wanna go to the pub?
Audience: "Sure! Of course!"
JJ: Okay, if they behave themselves we'll let them go to the pub with us.
Audience: Laughter and inaudible discussion.
JJ: (Laughs.) And on a personality level you can have a pretty good fullness of sharing in personality situations. Go to a good football game and you get your personality pretty much fulfilled if your team wins. But then in the quiet moments when you're touching the soul it's different. Then you have a longing for people. For quite a number of years I had a longing to share what I had, and I didn't have any way to do it. Because when I was in the church, if word got out I was sharing with anyone, I would be kicked out and lose my family, kids and everything.
So the risk, when you're in a situation like that, is very high. The Beast out there puts the screws on us to the extent that the energies out there are always against the person that's trying to move ahead, like we talked about yesterday. When the person tries to improve himself or move toward the light in any way, there is a dark energy that tries to pull him backward. I found this in my life. When I touched the soul and wanted to share it, it was a long time before I found even one person to share these energies with. But when you do, then you think, "Boy, this is really great!" -- really great to find somebody that'll listen or have input or you can have interplay with on a higher level.
Copyright © 2010 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved