2010-1-11 04:17:00
JJ: It's a little bit like scientists looking at our aura or taking Kirlian photography, which doesn't really take pictures of the aura, it gets part of our energy field. But all of our energy fields that are non-physical are kind of hard to see, and scientists can't figure out if they're made of matter or waves or what. I mean, the correspondence is very interesting. There's one thing interesting about the Law of Correspondences. What's the Law of Correspondences, Curtis?
Curtis: "As it is within, so it is without. As it is above, so it is below. So you can look at what's going on, on the inside, the inner worlds, the microcosm, and it corresponds to what will happen at a macrocosm."
JJ: Yeah. Very good. But there's a twist. As below, so it is above, but it's always with a twist. The scientists that examined these little atoms when they first discovered how they were made, they thought, "Boy, this is just like the solar system. I wonder if atoms are miniature solar systems." That's what scientists really wondered, because it seemed to correspond so well. But as they did more and more experiments on them, they found out, "Well, it's not exactly like a solar system. Similar, but not exactly." But this is the way the Law of Correspondences works. You cannot look at what's below and find exactly what it is and say, "Now we know exactly what the above is." That can't be done. So how is information when we look below usable to what is above? How is it usable? Larry? Something told me Larry wanted to answer.
Larry: "What was the question again?"
(Audience laughter.)
JJ: Larry, you're making me look bad here -- (audience laughter).
Audience: "He's serious."
JJ: (Laughs) I can't remember the question either -- (audience laughter).
Audience: "He said it's not an exact correspondence, so how can you use the whole principle of 'as above, so below'?"
Larry: "Well, I suppose it is a principle, it's not the facts of the actual implementation of the principle but the principle itself."
JJ: Yeah. Okay. Principles are always to be used by using the intuition. Unless a person develops his intuition somewhat, he cannot use principles or even understand them thoroughly. I've explained principles to a lot of just ordinary people and they just can't seem to grasp what it is. They think they understand, but then when you get feedback from them, they don't really understand what a principle is. Because a principle is always a key -- a key to understanding. "As above, so below" is a principle. The Law of Correspondences is a principle, and it unlocks the doors. So we can study what the atom is like and then we can figure out a lot of what the solar system is like because they correspond, but not exactly. Why do they not correspond exactly? Why is that?
Audience: (Inaudible) "Perfection of the developmental stages. Because the smaller it is, the more chance it has had to evolve and become more stable, and the larger it is, it's still in the process of becoming."
JJ: That's very true. And there's another thing. Suppose that you're a god and you're progressing from one level to another. Now, you've already perfected a creation on a lower level, and now you're doing it on a higher level. Is doing exactly the same thing over again all you want to do? Or would you want to add maybe some extra complexities in there? It's like when these kids play video games, they master the first level, then they go on to the second level. The second level actually corresponds to the first level, but then as they're playing the second level, some extra bad guys are thrown in or something like that and it's harder. They think, "Oh, this is harder," and it takes while longer, but they like that. They don't want the first level repeated.
Then they go to the second level, the third level, the fourth level, and each level of these video games gets tougher. They don't want to go through the third level, fourth level repeated over and over. They like the idea that unexpected twists are added in. The next level is speeded up, things get more difficult, it gets harder and harder and harder... and they like it. And if it didn't get harder and harder and harder, what would happen to the video game industry? The kids would quit playing. They like the idea that it gets more difficult. You and I are created in the image of God, and when we study ourselves, it tells us about the mind of God. So if we like different levels, what do you think God likes? You think he wants different levels, too? Yeah.
Audience: "A principle is sort of like a blueprint for facts. You have the concept of a table, but there are all sorts of implementations of the table. And if God came up with a principle, wouldn't he want to implement it in all the possible ways that it could be implemented, below and above?"
JJ: Right. Well, that's kind of what they do with the video game, too. They get a basic plot behind the video game -- Star Wars or whatever they're making the video game around -- and they have basic elements included in there. Then they take these basic elements and start making the game simple so that even somebody like James over here can play it. (laughs) Actually, if I want something complicated explained, I go to James.
So it starts out simple and it gets more complex. This is the way that progression works in our system. Now, God Himself is like us. We are like God, and God is like us. God likes these different levels. And the different levels of God's video game are found in His creations. If we could go below the threshold of the atom and find out everything that's working down there, we'll find that it goes from the complex to the simple. God started creation on a first level, so to speak, first level of difficulty, and then He introduced a second level. The level that we're up to now is level seven, because everything is composed of seven rays -- seven colors in the rainbow, seven notes on the musical scale. The whole universe is structured, from the atom to man, on the principle of the number seven.
We are on level seven, and we're going to stay there till the end of this universe. It won't be till an entirely new universal creation is created that we'll go to level eight. But that will be so far ahead it boggles the mind to think about it - the end of our time, so to speak. When the end of our time is reached, then we will go to level eight. But right now we've got all we can handle with level seven. Level seven started with the atom with seven electron layers. That's where level seven began, and it will end with the end of our creation, where the number seven will be perfected. What God is doing with the number seven is putting it together in every possible combination. Every possible level of difficulty is to be surpassed and surmounted and mastered in this universe using the number seven. I mean, just looking at the number two, look how complicated you can make a computer. But imagine making a foundation on the number seven for a creation. That makes the level of difficulty in this universe quite complex.
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