2010-1-4 09:15:00
Larry W writes:
"So, as a libertarian, I count myself in excellent company with JJ. However, the libertarian test we saw here recently showed my score as 57. Compared to JJ's, which he said was between 91 and 131, I am a moderate where he is totally hard core."
Actually, I scored on the low end of that category. I think it was a 92. To score any higher I don't think you'd be a libertarian, but an anarchist. That's one of the problems with Libertarians is there is a disagreement as to what a pure one is. Probably most would agree on about 80% of the principles but it's the other 20% that divides them. Some want no laws or restrictions at all while others, like myself, believe that a certain amount of structure is necessary to insure maximum liberty.
Many Libertarians are also very anti-war, but sometimes war is necessary to insure maximum liberty.
When working for constructive change the laborer must look at what can be done, with the realization that the ideal in which he believes may not be achievable in one or even two or three steps. The leader must look at what the will of the people will accept and take his steps with that in mind.
Larry asks:
"But I must ask JJ, does that mean that we shun ALL welfare? I believe this would be ideal but I do not see the American majority accepting this by a long shot. So will we just become Fringies, ineffective in the political process because we expose and push only our extreme ideals?"
The idea is this. People should never be forced to do that which is good. Maximum freedom is always the goal on the side of right.
At present welfare and many entitlements, which are looked upon by many as good and benevolent, are supported by funds extracted by force. That is Big Brother takes from those who it deems is not doing enough good works with their money and giving it to help the so-called disadvantaged.
While it is good to help the disadvantaged the error or forcing people to do good is a much greater evil than the resulting good.
Larry asks:
"Should we shun all welfare?"
The answer is no. We should of our own free will work for the welfare of others to the greatest degree possible. In the ideal world, or the true Zion, the people would be caring enough so there would ge no poor among them. This would happen through free will offerings and sharing rather than forcing citizens to do good.
Or perhaps Larry was wondering if we should shun all participation in the current system. The answer is if one is down and out he must take help that is legal wherever he can find it. Even if one doesn't agree with the system he is in the system and has to contribute to it when he has the means. Therefore, he has a right to take or receive the benefits of the system.
I think the Medicare system is inefficient and needs to be replaced with something better but I will still sign up for it. It is better to get 25 cents for a tax dollar spent than nothing at all.
Some think the system cannot be changed, but it's has been changed in the past for both good and evil. Therefore, it can be changed in the future. We can be agents of change for the better but we must be practical and work at what can be done, not a dream that cannot be accomplished in the immediate future.
Every organization that is not molecular will live and die. This means that every government on the earth has its days numbered. When the lights see that the days of a government are at an end then they must prepare for the next round of evolution.
The government of the United States could end in 20 years or it could continue another couple hundred largely depending on the course we take in the rising generation. The essence of the freedom guaranteed by the Constitution will live on no matter what happens. Now that generations have had a taste of true freedom it is embedded in the human spirit and will not die.
Even if our nation, or the nations of the world, were to collapse, freedom would be reborn, for the seed is in the human heart, never to be destroyed.
"For each age is a dream that is dying, Or one that is coming to birth."
-- Arthur O'Shaughnessy
Copyright © 2010 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved