2009-12-28 02:23:00
Here's the additional chapter of my book I decided to add:
That's an odd name for a book. What is the meaning of it and why did I use the term?
Before I answer that let me ask this question. When you hear the mere mention of the word "politics," what images come to your mind?
Perhaps it is one or more of the following:
In other words, the key word that would sum up all that is political is "discord."
On the other hand, what do we find when we examine the microcosmic world that makes up life itself? This life is composed of atoms, molecules, cells and our various organs. When we look at these components that make up human life, we see cooperating units that all function in such harmony that our human endeavors are put to shame by comparison.
Oxygen is to the cells in the human body like money is to us, or power is to politicians. It is an essential substance that keeps everything in motion and functioning. There is a huge difference, however, in the approach of our cells and human beings toward the two essential substances of oxygen, on one hand, and, money on the other.
The cells in our bodies are much more cooperative than are we. Each one takes what it needs and passes the rest along for the next one in line. Brain cells need a lot more oxygen than do the ones in the lungs, but they do not seem to mind brain cells having more, even though the lungs do the hard work of acquiring the oxygen to begin with. There seems to be a natural understanding among the cells that brain cells must have more oxygen to function properly, and, if the brain doesn't work right, then the health of the whole is negatively affected.
There seems to be no correlation in the body to the power struggle in humans between the Left and the Right, conservatives or liberals, traditional and progressives, etc. We sometimes have diseased cells appear, but these are a very small minority; and, when they attack the body, the billions of cells unite to fight a common enemy.
It is an entirely different situation with human beings. Most of them never get enough money or power to be satisfied. An individual can have six homes, twelve cars, two yachts and still not be satisfied, feeling like he needs more. The politician can confiscate over half our income through taxation and still he doesn't have enough. He stays awake nights thinking of new ways to tax us more, yet keep enough people happy to get re-elected.
In addition, most politicians are in a power struggle, not only against the competing party, but also within their own party. The most cherished power, though, is that which they exert over the lives of ordinary citizens. That power never seems to be enough. After laws, regulations and restrictions are passed, they are not content, but always want more control over citizens whether they are needed or not.
Now imagine the effect on the health of our body if the cells within us had a left and/or right power struggle as do modern politicians. Let us say that the cells on the left hated the cells on the right side of the body and visa versa. Now imagine that every time a breath was taken, each side of the body tried to take all the oxygen for itself. Now imagine one side succeeding in gaining control of most of the oxygen. What would happen to the body? For a while one side would be healthy and strong and the other withered, weak and gray with death. It would then not be long before the healthy side then suffered the same effect and the whole body would die.
The tiny lives in our body are smart enough to prevent this from happening. All their actions indicate an intelligent force guiding them that works toward health and abundance for the whole of the body, not just a part.
Why is it, then, that our tiny cells seem to be wiser than us human beings? Why is it that, instead of intelligently cooperating for the good of the country as a whole, in many cases we fight for our party, right or wrong?
Why is it that we humans, who are individually composed of billions of molecules and cells (which set the example for us), cannot accomplish that which supposedly inferior life forms do every day?
My response is that we can proceed as intelligently, or more so, than the cells. Cells and molecules have been here for billions of years and have learned to function in harmony long before us. We have only been here a short time, geologically speaking, and we are playing catch-up.
Is it possible that we are finally, as a race of humans, approaching a time where we can learn to live in harmony as is the case with the tiny lives that compose our very bodies?
Yes, I think the time is approaching, and we are lucky to be alive now to be a part of a great new beginning. To successfully launch that new beginning we must look to the example set in the tiny cells and molecules in our bodies. As we seek to apply the principles illustrated there, we seek to apply molecular and cellular principles to that great body called humanity. As we apply these principles to politics, we are applying molecular principles.
Thus, we arrive at the very appropriate name we call "Molecular Politics."
How will molecular politics play out differently than the politics of the past?
There is one core difference between the two. The actions of the microcosmic life that makes up our bodies are logical, make sense and are good for the health of the body. Therefore, true molecular politics support those actions that make sense and are good for the country as a whole.
Unfortunately, politics today is far from molecular for few things supported by our politicians make sense today. Now, a lot of items are controversial, but in addition an amazing number things supported by our politicians are seen as insane by the majority. Among them are:
We could go on and on. In fact, at the end of this book, the reader will find 95 points where Congress is at odds with the majority of the people.
The main point is this: the tiny lives in our body, even though they do not have consciousness as we do, still follow the path of greater common sense. Humanity, as a whole, seems to be bent on the path of self-destruction. This is evidenced by history in that most governments do not last over a span of 200 years. The reason for this is that the politicians and decision-makers do not follow the path of common sense, and, more often than not, do not work for the good of the nation as a whole.
Amazingly, the United States has thrived for more than 200 years, but we are approaching a point of danger where those who preside over us are only looking out for themselves or their party rather than the people or the nation as a whole.
This must change.
The good news is that it can change. When a path of common sense is revealed it is only a matter of time before the people will line up with it and support it.
Each chapter of this book contains common sense solutions. May they be studied and absorbed and may this Republic receive new strength from a new awareness -- that it may thrive again.
Copyright © 2009 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved