2009-12-17 04:55:00
In the past we have talked a lot about the body, or matter, the soul and the spirit. The three fires at first glance seem to be describing the same thing, but in reality they hone in on the aspect of motion.
Similarly, the three suns, represent these three states, but with another aspect emphasized. And what is that?
It is Light.
The Physical Sun not only represents but is the source of physical light. This reveals knowledge.
The Heart of the Sun represents the light of the soul and is strongly linked to the heart chakra. This reveals wisdom and understanding.
The Central Spiritual Sun represents the light of the spirit and is linked to the head center. This reveals the light of the intuition and is the key to unlocking the Oneness Principle.
The Central Spiritual Sun represents a point in divine space wherein lies the One Great Light which casts no shadow. Here all is revealed.
[End Of Definition.]
Below are some helpful comments gathered from Djwhal Khul:
"The sustaining Life, the spiritual sun -- the central spiritual sun."
("Destiny of the Nations," Page 141, by Alice A. Bailey)
"Under this Law of Sacrifice, Sanat Kumara (to express the idea in occult terms) 'must turn His back upon the Central Spiritual Sun, and with the light of His Countenance irradiate the path of the prisoners of the planet.' He sentences Himself to stay for as long as may be needed, 'acting as the Sun and light of the planet until the Day be with us and the night of pralaya descends upon His finished task.' Thus and only thus can the light of the Central Spiritual Sun begin to penetrate the dark places of the Earth; when this happens all 'shadows disappear' -- an occult reference to the all-embracing radiance of the Monad as it absorbs both its reflection, the soul, and its shadow, the personality."
("Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2," Page 287, by Alice A. Bailey)
"Let a few minutes' interlude then take place wherein you stabilise yourself for the work, and definitely and consciously focus the light available, from all sources, within the heart centre. Imagine that centre between the shoulder blades as a radiant sun. I might here point out that this is, in the individual, the microcosmic correspondence to the 'heart of the Sun' which is always directed by the 'central spiritual Sun,' localised in the head. Get this picture clearly into your consciousness, for it involves the dual, yet synthetic, activity of the head and the heart."
("Glamour" Page 143, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The Rod of the solar Logos is hidden in 'the heart of the sun,' that mysterious subjective sphere which lies back of our physical sun, and of which our physical sun is but the environing shield and envelope.
"The Rod of the cosmic Logos associated with our solar Logos is secreted in that central spot in the heavens around which our solar system revolves, and which is termed 'the central spiritual sun.'"
("Initiation, Human and Solar," Page 130, by Alice A. Bailey)
"1. The mystery of Electricity. The mystery of Brahma. The secret of the third aspect. It is latent in the physical sun.
"2. The mystery of Polarity, or of the universal sex impulse. The secret of the second aspect. It is latent in the Heart of the Sun, or the subjective Sun.
"3. The mystery of Fire itself, or the dynamic central systemic force. The secret of the first aspect. It is latent in the Central Spiritual Sun."
("Initiation, Human and Solar," Page 168, by Alice A. Bailey)
"1. The physical sun body intelligent form.
"2. The heart of the sun soul love.
"3. The central spiritual sun spirit life or power."
("Light of the Soul," Page 302, by Alice A. Bailey)
"When these three objectives have been reached, the life of the form itself is now so strong that it can pursue its own little life cycle and fulfil its work, being only linked to its creator by a tiny thread of radiant substance, which is a correspondence to the sutratma. All forms have such a sutratma. It links a man's bodies to the inner Identity, or to that magnetic current which, emanating from the true Identity, the solar Logos, connects the Creator of the solar system with His great thought form by a stream of energy from the central Spiritual Sun to a point in the centre of the physical Sun."
("Treatise on Cosmic Fire," Page 974, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The egoic lotus of a human being on the mental plane, which is literally a correspondence to the "heart of the sun." The monadic point is a reflection in the human system of the "central spiritual sun.
"The heart centre of a man on the etheric plane of the physical plane, which is in its turn a correspondence to the physical sun."
"Thus the tiny atom man is linked with the great central Life of the solar system."
("Treatise on Cosmic Fire," Page 1205, by Alice A. Bailey)
"They have to learn to work with electric fire in the same way as-much earlier -- They worked with fire by friction as personalities, and with solar fire as disciples and lesser initiates. In this way, They become familiarised with what is meant by the words the 'Central Spiritual Sun,' just as They were familiar with the appearance of the physical Sun when members of the human family, and with the "Heart of the Sun" as Members of the Hierarchy. Again you can see the same unfolding synthesis -- a synthesis which originates in that focal point of attractive dynamic energy, known to us as the Sun and its planets."
("Rays and Initiations," Page 395, by Alice A. Bailey)
"Of this Word, the dual symbol SXPRULXS takes form in the mind of the disciple and signifies the assertion: 'I see the greatest light.' This statement has relation to the Central Spiritual Sun and not to the Heart of the Sun; it involves, if I might so express it, the most intense effort to see in the light the relation of the whole, and this is one of the most potent experiences to which the disciple can be subjected. It is not vision or even aspiration to see the vision. It is complete sight and of this the Masonic symbol of the 'Eye of God,' the 'All-Seeing Eye,' is the expression. It involves realisation of the light of the divine countenance; of this the light of the soul is the dim reflection. The disciple has learnt the significance of solar and lunar light (soul and form light), but this is something other. It is the great obliterating light of reality itself, revealing the fact of the higher Lighted Way which leads to Nirvana; Of this, the projected antahkarana is the stage first consciously realised by the disciple."
("Rays and Initiations," Page 516, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The 'lower light' is that which is hidden within the human being on the physical plane. This light, at a certain stage of man's experience, is awakened throughout the physical body and blends eventually with the 'greater light.' The light and life of God Himself may emanate from the central Spiritual Sun, but it is only as the light within the solar system itself is awakened and aroused that there will come that eventual blazing forth which will typify the glory of the Sun shining in its strength. Similarly, the light of the soul may emanate from the Monad, but it is only as the light within the little system (directed by the soul) is awakened and aroused that there will come the eventual shining forth of a son of God."
("Treatise on White Magic Page," Page 73, by Alice A. Bailey)
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