2009-12-14 08:31:00
Electric fire is the polar opposite of fire by friction and is its source. When we strike a match we produce fire by friction, but this fire consists in more than a chemical reaction for the fire on the physical plane could not be if the higher electrical, or spiritual fire, were not linked to it.
Electric fire is linked with spirit and fire by friction to matter. So why do we not just use the term "spirit and matter" instead? The reason is that "fire" is an aspect of these two planes, an aspect which is created by motion. Electric fire is thus spirit in motion.
What creates the motion?
Divine Will creates the motion and thus sets up creation for life to manifest.
[End Of Definition.]
Here are some quotes from DK [Djwhal Khul] that give a greater comprehension of electric fire:
"They release the light of electric fire (and therefore not solar fire) into the integrated personality, so that the entire man-now become the oriented mechanism of the Monad -- is flooded with this higher form of energy -- an aspect of the energy of will and related to the carrying forward of divine purpose. You can appreciate, consequently, how relatively impossible it is for any of you to do more than register the more obvious significances of these formulas and then await the time when your inner growth warrants a fresh approach to their interpretation."
("Discipleship in the New Age 2," Page 272, by Alice A. Bailey)
"All that we can know of God or of man is the quality of his energy as it demonstrates in force and activity, hence in the Secret Doctrine, the highest aspect of divinity is called electric fire."
("Initiation, Human & Solar," Page 350, by Alice A. Bailey)
"Until the divine purpose has been achieved, the planetary Logos holds all in manifestation through the potency of His Will, and animates all forms with electric fire. Knowledge of this Will and Purpose comes to the student who is constructing the antahkarana and who is, therefore, coming under the control of the Spiritual Triad, the threefold expression of the Monad."
("Telepathy," Page 130, by Alice A. Bailey)
"Electric Fire, or Spirit. 1st Person Father. Life. Will. Purpose. Positive energy.
("Treatise on Cosmic Fire," Page 4, by Alice A. Bailey)
"Electric Fire, or the logoic Flame Divine. This flame is the distinguishing mark of our Logos, and it is that which differentiates Him from all other Logoi; it is His dominant characteristic, and the sign of His place in cosmic evolution."
("Treatise on Cosmic Fire," Page 38, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The first Logos is electric fire, the fire of pure Spirit. Yet in manifestation He is the Son, for by union with matter (the mother) the Son is produced by Whom He is known. "I and my Father are One" is the most occult statement in the Christian Bible, for it not only refers to the union of a man with his source, the monad, via the ego, but to the union of all life with its source, the will aspect, the first Logos."
("Treatise on Cosmic Fire," Page 151, by Alice A. Bailey)
"When the form is destroyed there is left this intangible spiritual body of fire, one pure flame, distinguished by seven brilliant centres of intenser burning. This electric fire is the result of the bringing together of the two poles and demonstrates at the moment of complete at-one-ment, the occult truth of the words 'Our God is a consuming Fire.'"
("Treatise on Cosmic Fire," Page 167, by Alice A. Bailey)
"Electricity on the monadic plane demonstrates as the first manifestation of form, as that which causes forms to cohere. Matter (electrified by "fire by friction") and the electric fire of spirit meet and blend, and form appears. Form is the result of the desire for existence, hence the dynamic fire of Will is transmuted into the burning fire of Desire. I would call attention to the choice of those two phrases, which might also be expressed under the terms:
"Dynamic electrical manifestation.
"Burning electrical manifestation."
("Treatise on Cosmic Fire," Page 311, by Alice A. Bailey)
"Electric fire is electricity demonstrating as vitality or the will-to-be of some Entity, and manifests as:
"Abstract Being.
("Treatise on Cosmic Fire," Page 316, by Alice A. Bailey)
"Electric fire is force or energy of some kind, and hence in itself is fundamentally an emanation."
("Treatise on Cosmic Fire," Page 803, by Alice A. Bailey)
"The forces of the ajna and the throat centres, when combined, produce the highest manifestation of 'fire by friction,' just as the energies of the head centre and the basic centre produce the individual 'electric fire' which, when fully expressing itself, we call the kundalini fire."
("Esoteric Healing Page," Page 147, by Alice A. Bailey)
Next to Define:
What is the difference between the physical sun, the heart of the sun and the central spiritual sun?
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