1999-8-10 09:07:00
The Molecular Relationship - Chapter 17
The Positive Feelings
In the Greek there are three words for love. The reason Love is so hard to define in English is because it is used on so many different levels and refers to any kind of emotional attachment. Let try and put into words the most universal meaning: "Love is the urge to be one with, or keep within one's sphere of influence, that which he finds desirable." Love is the most important emotion because it is the vine from which all others are branches. No emotion or feeling at all would exist if some degree of love did not appear first.
The most common expression of romantic love is between male and female. A correct use of this energy leads toward union and a feeling of joyousness. A n incorrect use can cause one to attempt to restrict the freedoms of those who do not respond to love as desired.
Happiness is achieved when that which is loved (according to the above definition) is made available for the individual's use or purpose.
For instance when a man loves a woman and she allows herself to be available to respond to him there is joy.
If you love a certain house then when you move into it you will feel happiness.
If you love your children and they evolve the direction you desire you feel happy.
The positive use of happiness is to share it with others. The negative use is to direct it only toward self.
These also have their foundation on love. These feelings are caused by looking forward to that which is loved. Belief and faith can be very positive if the foundation of our beliefs is based on reality and tempered with love, but can be very negative if our foundation is on illusion and tempered with selfishness. Hitler, for instance, had a lot of faith and belief in what he was doing.
The Negative Emotions
The negative emotions also have their cause centered in the love energy. Anger, for instance, is caused by the frustration or delay in obtaining that which is loved.
Anyone who says that he never gets angry is in reality saying that he is never frustrated in obtaining that which he desires or loves. Frustrations and limitations happen to us all until our will is in complete alignment with the will of God, which is all- powerful. When this alignment has taken place death is then overcome. Therefore, if we are still mortal beings we must not deceive ourselves and admit our limitations and the feelings of anger when they come. Self-deception causes more limitations and thus more anger. Honesty opens the door to the removal of the limitation and thus a reduction of anger.
Anger is neither good nor evil, but is merely an expression of limitation. It becomes evil if it is not directed harmlessly
by the mind. It also
produces evil results if it is covered up. On the other hand, it is good if it is directed by mind toward constructive use to galvanize the personality for the removal of limitation.
Jesus was angry because the worship of his Father, whom He loved, was frustrated. He constructively used his anger to raise the consciousness of those who misused the temple, thus helping to remove the limitations that bothered him.
Hate is the energy directed toward a person or thing that is deemed responsible for limiting or keeping one from that which one desires or loves. If anyone besides oneself is given responsibility for keeping him from his desires, then hate is an automatic feeling. When this happens the feeling should be admitted and the cooperation of the person producing the frustration should be sought. If cooperation is impossible the only way to then remove the hate is again to align ourselves completely with the will of God. When the will energy is tapped into then one realizes that nothing can interfere with that will, therefore there is nothing to hate.
Hate manifested without mental direction becomes very harmful, but when directed intelligently and the cause thereof communicated and accepted the consciousness of all can be raised and harm can be eliminated. Hate is actually a warning voice of the soul telling us we are headed toward harm. When we listen to the voice hate disappears and we become harmless as doves and wise as serpents.
Sorrow and unhappiness occur when it seems that that which is desired or loved is lost or delayed and cannot be immediately obtained.
The Christ, the greatest of us all, was sorrowful on occasion. Therefore, there should be no great humiliation in us admitting that we have similar feelings.
Just before the crucifixion he said: "My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death."
[Matthew 26:38] He would have liked to
stay here and build the kingdom of God among men, but that was not in the will of God. When He realized that this desire that he loved could not be obtained he felt sorrow, just as we do when we have to leave a beloved person or thing forever.
Sorrow is negative if we dwell on the past and refuse to be comforted by the future good. On the other hand, it is positive when we realize that our future we are building will give us more happiness than the past we left behind. When this thought is in our consciousness then we can even have happiness in the midst of sorrow.
This seems to be the most controversial emotion. Whenever I have taught that there is a good aspect to jealousy I always have someone respond that it is entirely negative and that an evolved person rises above it. Let's examine it more carefully by first defining it.
Jealousy is an energy manifested as a warning to make us aware that that which we love and desire to be united with is in danger of being separated from us and that steps need to be taken to solidify the union.
We are perhaps more tempted to be self-deceptive about jealousy than any other emotion because it is looked upon as an unenlightened feeling. Another problem in understanding it is that unlike emotions of anger, hate and sorrow, not everyone experiences the conditions which bring about this feeling.
Most jealousy feelings are felt in connection with relationships of male-female unions. Few realize that two conditions must exist to produce jealousy. (1) A desire for union. (2) A threat (real or imagined) to the union.
If a person has no one special in his or her life that he desires to be one with then no one has power to evoke jealousy. If a person does have someone that he desires to be one with and they have a committed relationship and are dedicated to each other with no other objective in their consciousness then the second condition for jealousy is lacking and the feeling will not manifest.
If there is a one-sided commitment in a relationship then the uncommitted party will not feel jealousy, but the committed person will. If both parties have an understanding that they will have a loose relationship with a low level of commitment then these will generally have little or no jealousy.
For persons in the above situations to believe they are beyond jealousy is an illusion. The reason jealousy is often seen by them as a feeling belonging to the lower evolved is because it can be caused by an imagined threat or circumstances. A person who is always imagining circumstances that never occur will be uncomfortably possessive and jealous. This is the type of jealousy that most people associate with being bad.
On the other hand, when there is a union that one finds desirable and a situation comes up to divert the partner's attention from that union there will be a definite jealous feeling sent through the solar plexus chakra of the one who maintains his full attention on the union. If the soul did not send this urgency-toward-action to cement the union there would be no such thing as a close male-female relationship among mankind.
All relationships have points where energy is diverted and there has to be a force to make us aware of when the diversion may be too great. If we deny the feeling of jealousy or ignore it we will never develop a close union that will last for many lifetimes until oneness is achieved. When oneness is reached then the two dwell together in perfect love and no jealousy or any other negative feeling will be possible because no diversion of energy is possible.
Like all feelings, positive or negative, jealousy has to be directed by the mind under the direction of the Spirit or the results will be considered evil. This common misdirection is why jealousy, in particular, has such a bad reputation.
The positive use of jealousy is to cause the individual to discern a potential threat to the union that he wishes to keep. Without this feeling the person may remain unaware that he need make any effort to solidify the relationship and the union would gradually dissolve.
An example of the positive use of jealousy would be something like this. Bob and Sue are engaged to be married and are very much in love. Several years ago, however Sue was in love with Jim and wanted to marry him. Jim was not ready for marriage and joined the Army. Now Jim has just finished his term and has returned home. He now realizes that marrying Sue would have been much better than the Army and looks her up when he gets home. Sue tells him that she is engaged, but Jim now feels that he is ready for a serious relationship and he tries to get her interest. Some of the old feelings that Sue
has for Jim are rekindled. She loves Bob and believes that he would be the best marriage partner, but Jim has a magnetism that attracts her and it excites her that Jim is now seriously interested in her whereas before he was not. Jim presses her to see him. She says no. She is engaged to Bob. Jim then asks her to spend some time together just as friends. How about going to lunch, he asks. That sounds harmless enough, she thinks. "Just this once," she says
They eat lunch and Jim asks her to go for a walk in the park. They talk about old times. Sue remembers the old feelings. "I've just got to see you again," says Jim. "How about tomorrow. I want to show you my grandfather's racehorses. That'll give us time to talk some more."
"I'm not sure." she said.
"It's just two friends getting together. I'm not going to attack you or anything. How about tomorrow at noon?"
"Alright," she says. "But just one more time."
At grandfather's house they go horseback riding. They stop in the middle of a wooded area. Jim looks in her eyes and romantic feelings come back to her. The energy is so strong it seems for a moment as if Bob does not exist. He kisses her. She yields for a moment and then remembers that she should not be doing this if she really loves Bob. She pulls away and wants to go home. That evening she reflects on the situation. She loves Bob and feels that he would make the best marriage partner, but Jim is more aggressive and has a powerful draw on her feelings. She is not sure if she can resist him if he is around her much more. She is not sure if she can say no to him if he asks to see her again. She feels very distraught.
Now what is happening with Bob as all of this is going on? Bob knows that Sue was once in love with Jim. As soon as he learns that Jim is back in town he feels a warning feeling arise in his breast. He tries to ignore it and tells himself that their relationship is beyond jealousy. Nevertheless, he does keep an eye open for any signs of danger.
He is not aware that Sue is seeing Jim, but he does notice that her kisses are not as deep as before, nor does she give him quite the same look as before and she seems to be a bit distant. He senses that something is wrong. Is she seeing Jim, he wonders? He wants to ask, but is hesitant. That would show a lack of trust, he thinks. On the other hand, just thinking of the possibilities make Bob irritable and distant. Sue notices and begins to wonder if he cares for her as much as Jim.
Then after several days a friend tells Bob that that he saw Sue and Jim together. Now he knows there is a danger. His feelings were right, but what is he to do? He feels jealous and angry. He would like to do physical damage to Jim and in anger demand that she never, never see Jim again.
Then he calmly contemplates the situation. He calculates that if he were to overreact that he would drive Sue away. He examines his feelings. He loves Sue and definitely is jealous over Jim, but now he has
to mentally direct that energy wisely.
He thinks that another thing he could do would be to make Sue jealous and see someone else for a while. Then he concludes that this is game playing and that if Sue is meant for him he will not have to resort to this. It is also a form of deception. He is really interested in Sue and would be pretending to be interested in someone else.
He loves Sue and wants to keep her, but knows of no easy solution. Something tells him that if he were to pretend that all is well and merely trust Sue to do what is right that he will loose her for he knows that Jim is persuasive. But he feels that Sue would be better off with him instead of Jim.
Finally he decides to use his best judgment. He's not sure if he is right or wrong, whether he will win or loose her, but he decides to be completely honest. He goes to Sue and tells her what he knows and how he feels. Sue is upset and defensive, but finally confesses that she is torn between both men. Somehow Bob knew this was going to be the situation and he calmly tells her that he wants a total commitment from her for his feelings cannot handle her fluctuating between two men. He explains that if he did not want a total commitment he would not be so bothered, but he desires a full union with her so she must decide between the two. He makes no demands, but merely tells her a decision must be made if the relationship is to continue. He tells her he loves her, wants to marry her, but doesn't want to share her romantic emotional energies with anyone else.
Sue struggles with her feelings a few days and finally decides to marry Bob. Jim continues to compete for her attention, but Sue refuses to place herself in situations where her affectionate energy will be diverted from her fiance.
Who can say that Bob was jealous here because he was not highly evolved? Is there anyone who would not have some feelings of jealousy in this situation? Probably not. It is a normal feeling and whether we
are enlightened or not we are all subject to all the feelings in the right situations. Why not be honest with ourselves and admit it?
Here is another short example. Mary has been married to Bill for ten years. She loves him and is dedicated to the union.
Mary comes home early from a vacation and finds Bill in bed with Wanda, the next door neighbor. Mary feels anger and jealousy, maybe hatred, but who wouldn't? Evolution has nothing to do with it. Sure, there may have been some who felt little or no jealousy over a spouse cheating
,but in every case they felt little or nothing for the spouse, period.
Jealousy, as with the other emotions, has a negative side. Bob could smother Sue and not let her out of his sight, or go to lunch with anyone besides him. He could demand too much of her time. He could restrict her freedom. He could monitor all her phone calls and open her mail. The over reaction damages the union. But the right action (as in the story) motivated by jealousy can save it.
It is really a matter of energies. Wherever there is a disturbance of the interplay of love or desire there will be certain negative feelings arise. The most important point is for them not to lead us further into deception. This is done by acknowledging the feeling and directing it constructively.
If mankind realized the importance of non-deception with feelings the world would be a much more open place and none would be ashamed of their emotions. This honest emotional communication is a grand key that leads us to a recovery of man's lost estate. As we remove layers and layers of deception, one by one the walls come down that hide the powers of the God within each one of us and the illusion is no more.
The light within shines brighter and brighter until the perfection of the transfiguration initiation is reached and man may dwell with a visible light around his body.
By being honest communicators of our feelings all negativity is neutralized and eventually the individual masters circumstances so he can keep his mind centered in the higher love energy continually. Then, at least for him, there will be "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to men."
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved