2009-12-7 04:16:00
All fire involves movement and warmth, but the warmth produced is on different planes. Solar fire creates warmth indeed, not directly on the physical plane but in mind through the motion of rarified mental matter.
The interesting thing is that mind and love are often seen as either opposing or totally different aspects. Unrealized by many is the fact that the fires of love (solar fire) are created by the awakened mind, the stimulated mind, or mind in motion. Without mind there would be no such thing as love manifested on the physical plane.
When spirit (electric fire) and living matter (fire by friction) blend and merge then soul energy or solar fire is created. The mind must awaken to perceive this merging. In the vast majority of humans this aspect of the mind is asleep. When it awakens the soul (or solar fire) is perceived and spiritual love is enflamed. The seeker is then on the path of discipleship and is capable of seeing and understanding the things of the spirit (electric fire).
[End Of Definition.]
Thanks to those who made comments on this subject -- in particular Bryan and Ruth. No one grew more than they did in struggling to find a greater understanding of this subject.
I enjoyed reading about Bryan struggling to come up with something he could put in his own words and was pleased to see what a good job he wound up doing.
I'm sure Mindy will place the best of Bryan and Ruth's material after my definition in her online dictionary.
Next Assignment:
Post any interesting reference or quotes you find about electric fire and then define what it is in your own words.
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