Local Posts #48

2009-12-5 03:11:00


Oct 17, 2009 -- Post #1

"Ravines" writes:

"Does Obama deserve the Nobel? Time will tell. What he does not deserve is the criticism he is getting for receiving the Nobel Peace Prize."


The criticism I have heard is directed toward the Nobel Prize judges, not Obama - and justifiably so.


"Ravines" writes:

"He does not intend to keep a dime of the $1.4 million but is donating it all to charity."


I wonder if we will receive verification that this money actually went to a charity. After all, he has changed his mind on a number of promises, such as promising to use public financing for his campaign.


"Ravines" writes:

"The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to President Obama based not on what he has done for our country, but what he is doing to foster peaceful relations in the world, and for his leadership in universal nuclear disarmament and global warming."


He may wind up going down in history a one who paved the way for great nuclear destruction. Since he backed down on the missile shield in Europe and reduced funds for missile defense the Russians are getting bolder and more aggressive. They have now declared they are in favor of preemptive nuclear strikes.


In addition he is selling missile technology to the Chinese.

If that is a sign Obama is making the world safer then I have a student union building to sell you at BSU.

And he has done nothing that will reduce global warming by even a hundredth of a degree.

Does Obama deserve the Nobel Prize? Being that the world has become a more dangerous place since he became president - I'd say no.

Why did he get it then?

The same reason Carter received it. Because he's not George Bush and attacks everything good the man tried to do.


Oct 17, 2009 -- Post #1

"Bulegila55" writes:

"Reading posts like these seen here today regarding Mr. Obama, from the 'Usual Right Wing Nuts'."


You just can't write for more than about 20 seconds without resorting to name calling. There must be a name for this disease.


"Bulegila55" writes:

"And 'Faux Opinion Dittoheads'."


Oh, that's so cleaver! Who would have thought to call Fox [News], Faux? At least Fox doesn't use false quotes that could destroy a person like the other media have against Rush.



"Instead of a 'star student,' with a A+ Education and a leader in his endeavors, they identify with a 'black-out drunk, cocaine abuser,' who fakes clearing brush for 8 years."


You're getting mixed up again. There's no evidence whatsoever that Bush used cocaine, but Obama has admitted to it. Hearsay is the weapon of choice of the Left.

Your bias is showing again if you do not think Yale, where Bush went, does not also provide an A+ education. Again you rely on hearsay about the "star student," for Obama did not release his grades and SAT scores whereas Bush did. How embarrassing for you if it was revealed that Bush was the better student.



"They'd feel comfy having a beer and a barbeque with him and not the 'Smart' guy."


Smart? How smart is it to frivolously spend like crazy with borrowed money that will have to be paid by our children and grandchildren? How smart is it to trust Congress with almost a trillion dollars, thinking they will spend it wisely on a stimulus? How smart is it to take away funds from the missile shield that could prevent a nuclear holocaust? How smart is it to not pursue nuclear power when you want to reduce CO2? When it comes to common sense Obama may be the most mentally challenged president in history.


Oct 18, 2009 -- Post #1


If all you read was what the Left says about Rush then all the information you would have would either be fabricated quotes or distortions of what he does say. Here is an actual quote that perhaps most accurately represents what he did mean about Obama and the Olympics.

"This is what happens. Barack Obama has failed. I have spread that vibe around the world. After all, if you run around apologizing for America - if you act embarrassed for your country, if you run around the world and tell everybody all the things this country's done wrong - why would you expect anyone to want to come here and bring the Olympics here? Well, if you had this massive ego that says people love you even though they hate America - in fact, they love you so much they now love America - if you have that kind of a massive ego then you might run around and behave that way."

Rush has always said he wants America to succeed but in this case was glad that Obama saw the fruit of his own words.


Oct 18, 2009 -- Post #2


I think a lot of people on both sides of the Isle feel like Mark Bruner and want to throw all the Congress out and start over. The trouble is that human desire for power will not change and soon we would be back to where we are now. Two changes need to be made.

First we need term limits so we eliminate the career politicians.

Secondly, we need to establish a more direct democracy so the people can make the majority will felt on important issues. Concerning something as important as this health care bill, this should not be done under cover of darkness, breaking Obama's pledge of openness, where neither the public or Congress even knows what is in the behemoth thing. Instead of being rushed through before it is even completely written the finished product should be presented to the people and should not be voted on until the majority are satisfied that it is a good bill.


Oct 18, 2009 -- Post #3

"Rac104me" wrote:

"We all know what Rush thinks and can interpret him quite accurately."


I don't think so.

I'd say it would be stretch to call a man a racist when for most of the time he has been on the air the man who decides every person Rush will talk to is 100% African American a pure descendent of slave blood - Bo Snerdley aka Robert Moffat. This calling people racist for just having a different opinion has to stop. Sounds like Stalinists tactics.


Oct 18, 2009 -- Post #4

"InterstedObserver" wrote:

"Rush has no desire for America to succeed. He has a desire to make money."


And you know this because...?

You can read his mind and judge him even though you do not listen to him regularly? I listen to him every day he is on and he has said and demonstrated hundreds of times that he wants America to succeed.

It is just sad that you think that everyone who disagrees with you is lying about his beliefs when you have absolutely no evidence. Quit trying to destroy the messenger and work on the message.


Oct 18, 2009 -- Post #5

"InterstedObserver" wrote:

"Rush makes money by feeding those who cannot think for themselves."


Rush listeners are creative geniuses in independent thinking compared to Obamaites. About the best they can come up with is to mindlessly repeat Faux Noise! Faux Noise! Dittoheads! Dittoheads! Halliburton! Cheney - War Criminal! torture!, etc.


Oct 19, 2009 -- Post #1


Tyrel says baby steps are not enough to reduce CO2 and then says we must move ahead with lightening speed in curbing global warming by using wind and solar. I have news for him. Anything we do with wind and solar in the near future will be baby steps. We presently get three tenths of one percent of our electricity from solar and 1.26% from wind.

If you want to take a giant step we need to talk nuclear which has supplied 90% of reductions in CO2 in the last decade in spite of the Luddite resistance from environmentalists causing a 30 year gap in construction.

Since 1973 nuclear energy has reduced CO2 emissions by 2.5 billion tons, but it could have been 10 billion if not for the forced baby steps of the global warming fanatics' hypocrisy.


Oct 20, 2009 -- Post #1


Ellie Jones was a sweet divorced lady, but was very lonely. She had no companion with which to share her life. "This should not be," she told herself. "It is the right of every person to be loved by a soul mate."

A few days later she went to a singles dance and met Mr. Smith who swept her off her feet. For the next week he wined and dined her and made her heart to flutter with joy. But there was a problem. He would have to move to attend to his elderly mother 2000 miles distant. The only way he could stay with Ellie would be to send a friend $10,000 to make changes in her home so she could stay there. Then he would require $4000 a month to stay with her and take care of her needs. If he could come up with the money to do this then Smith could stay with Ellie.

Ellie had limited funds but she was so crazy about Mr. Smith that she was prepared to sacrifice everything. She also felt that if she ran out of funds that Smith would take care of her.

She gave Smith the $10,000 and for six months she gave him the $4000 a month. Then she gave him the bad news. She was completely out of money.

To her surprise the next day he was gone, never to be seen again. Ellie was not only heartbroken, but penniless and had to depend on friends for sustenance.

Those who think we have a right to health care are like Ellie who thought she had a right to love. Like Ellie, if we buy the sales pitch it will cost us dearly and in the end we will be much worse off than we are now.


Oct 20, 2009 -- Post #2

"Gimmeshelter" wrote:

"Mr Ferro: Well said. But, Simpson and Crapo will NEVER take the side of the common voter."


Obamaites deceptively insist they are with the majority because polls do indicate that the majority do want some type of change in the health care system, but what they cleverly overlook is that polls tell us the majority DO NOT SUPPORT Obama's health care plan.

A Washington Post-ABC News poll found that "84 percent of respondents said they were very or somewhat concerned that reform would increase their health-care costs, 82 percent worried that it would reduce their health insurance coverage, and 81 percent fretted about it hurting the quality of their care.


A Rasmussen poll found a majority of 53% outright oppose Obama's plan and only 26% think the plan will improve healthcare.


Simpson and Crapo are thus with the majority.


Oct 20, 2009 -- Post #3

"GrayMatter" wrote:

"How is this commentary on the letters?"


I think it was pretty obvious to everyone but you. It was a story illustrating the fallacy in the letters today.


"GrayMatter" wrote:

"This post is just plain creepy. Ewwwwww."


And I'll bet nursery rhymes really scare you also. They were written to illustrate points.


"TWall" wrote:

"You're saying that if I'm sick, but can't afford the care I need I have absolutely no right to get healthy again?"


Does Ellie still have a right to pursue love? Of course. Does she have a right to just have it granted? No.


"Badnana" wrote:

"Ellie is playing the part of the non-insured consumer and the cad that took her money would be a metaphor for insurance and pharma. Now, if you introduce the hero in this metaphor, you know the one who swoops in and saves the damsel...well, that would be the public option."


Ellie represents the American people as a whole if they accept this bill of goods and the only one left to save us when we are bankrupt will be China.


Oct 20, 2009 -- Post #4

"TWall" wrote:

"It is my right to get access to health care that is affordable. If I am turned down because I can't afford it, how will I ever be able to afford it? I wouldn't be able to work because I'm too sick, heck I wouldn't even be able to get insurance anyways because I have a "pre-existing condition'."


The problem is that this is not a perfect world and there is no way to obtain a right to have it so. The best we can do is work with the majority good will to create plans to make life as good as possible for the whole.

I believe a much better plan could be put together than the present one that we could afford and would take care of you. If, in the end, we cannot afford Obamacare then we all loose.


Oct 21, 2009 -- Post #1


There are two choices for belief in the creation of the Universe:

  1. An eternal Divine Intelligence created all there is or;
  2. Nothing with no intelligence created all there is from nothing. In other words, from nothing sprang a universe of everything through the power of nothingness.

The first makes more sense to me. The second makes no sense.


Oct 21, 2009 -- Post #2


"Ol Joe: What makes you think there are only two choices? Why do you always have to put everything in either black or white? There are so many shades of opinion out there. It is disconcerting that you choose to ignore all but what YOU understand."


So, what's a third possibility then?


Oct 21, 2009 -- Post #3


"There is no scientific evidence of a 'creator.' There is ample scientific evidence of evolution that has been recorded for years. Based on this it is evident why evolution is taught in a science class. Enroll your child in a private religious school if you want them to learn faith."


There is no scientific evidence that nothing created everything.


Oct 21, 2009 -- Post #3


"You need to argue with what I say and what I do not say. I never said there was or wasn't a creator, just no scientific evidence of it which means it should not be taught in science class. Maybe you should follow your own advice for once."


Then the Big Bang should not be taught because Mr. Nothing created it from a point of nothingness, and there is no evidence that Mr. Nothing exists. There is no evidence that nothing can do anything except nothing.


Oct 22, 2009 -- Post #1


Good letter on Leonard Pitts by Martha. He certainly seems to be on the warpath against Fox News to the point of outright deception.

He states that he does not respect Fox as a credible news source and as evidence he cites supposed mistakes of -- not the newspeople -- but political commentators.

He states:

"In a column, Bill O'Reilly says he never called murdered abortion doctor George Tiller 'a baby killer'."

The amazing thing about this is he goes to a column not even owned by Fox News to find a quote to discredit Fox News. The second thing is his statement is not true. O'Reilly never made the accused denial. Pitts just made this up the way the media did on the false Limbaugh quotes.


Oct 22, 2009 -- Post #2

"GrayMatter" wrote:

"Not only did O'Reilly repeatedly refer to this doctor as 'the baby killer'; O'Reilly denied ON AIR he referred to him as Dr. Killer -- despite the fact he said it ON AIR."


You need to argue with what I do say, not with what I do not say. Here was Pitt's quote I was referring to:

"June 3 -- In a column, Bill O'Reilly says he never called murdered abortion doctor George Tiller 'a baby killer.'"

This was blatantly false. O'Reilly never denied that he used the term "baby killer."

The "Dr. Killer quote is another subject that has nothing to do with what I wrote. Killer and Tiller sound a lot alike and when I first heard the video I thought he said Tiller and I could see how it could be an honest slip of the tongue to say "killer." Lots of Democrats, including Ted Kennedy, have called Obama, "Osama" and I'm sure you give them the benefit of the doubt.


Oct 22, 2009 -- Post #3

"TWall" wrote:

"Joseph, show me all these Rush Limbaugh misquotes. Apparently in your world, when he says something on air he didn't really say it."


And in your world of censored news all you probably heard was the fake quotes and believed them without question.

Here are two false quotes widely circulated in many media when it was found out that Rush wanted to buy the Rams. They were a major influence in his purchase being rejected. They are totally fabricated and many are advising him to sue.

First quote:

"I mean, let's face it, we didn't have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I'm not saying we should bring it back; I'm just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark."

Second quote:

"You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honor? James Earl Ray [the confessed assassin of Martin Luther King]. We miss you, James. Godspeed."


Oct 22, 2009 -- Post #4

"Gray" wrote:

"You need to argue with facts. O'Reilly stating he was "only reporting that other people called Tiller a 'baby killer' is a blatant denial as well as a blatant lie."


I know with black-and-white partisan vision that it is of extreme difficulty to see more than one interpretation of anything but this sentence can be interpreted in two different ways.

"Only" here can mean "exclusively" meaning that this was the single method he used. BUT only can mean "simply" or "just," meaning he was simply reporting what people said, but not exclusively. For instance the kid says to his Dad, "I'm only doing what you did." That doesn't mean he always does what his Dad does.

The problem with Lefties is that they can't come up with good arguments so they nit pick at words to twist meanings to their desire and make up quotes. The Right prefers to argue with what people actually mean rather than put words in their mouths.


Oct 23, 2009 -- Post #1


Is Gary Bennett out of his mind? He criticizes Bush for not reinstituting the draft! Eliminating the draft and instituting a volunteer force was a great evolutionary step for this country for two reasons.

  1. You're working with people's free will.
  2. The quality of the military is higher because it is composed of people who want to be there. Now, if in the future, we have a life and death struggle like WWII then a draft may make sense, but not now.

Charlie Rangle introduced a measure to reinstitute the draft a while back and no one voted for it - not even him so all of Congress has more sense than Bennett.


Oct 23, 2009 -- Post #2

"Csmith147" wrote:

"Using your logic we should just hire mercenaries, ah la French Foreign Legion, not a bad idea. I say draft all the children and grandchildren of Congress first, same for fortune 500 execs."


Using my logic we should continue military recruitment plan just the way it is unless World War III develops. I wouldn't compare the current system to the French Foreign legion.


Oct 23, 2009 -- Post #2

"GrayMatter" wrote:

"Please cite the Huffington post article you state this letter writer cut and pasted from."


Yeah like I've got a record of every letter published at Huffington Post. I was making an obvious general statement because his letter reminded me of many other Lefty posts on liberal blogs. How many times has this bunch accused me of stealing from Rush - which in my case is not true unless I give reference.


Oct 23, 2009 -- Post #4

"Loki" wrote:

"Joseph [JJ]. You were never in the military, let alone combat. Please stop writing about things you have no knowledge of. If we did have a mandatory 2-year service requirement, we would have a stronger armed services for many, many reasons. Fewer partisans such as you would be one benefit."


You have no right to tell me what to write about. By your reasoning no one here should be writing about politics since we are not politicians. You don't have to be shot to the moon to know something about it... Wait, maybe in your case that may not be true.


Oct 23, 2009 -- Post #5

"Bulegila55" wrote:

"You never answered my 2 questions from yesterday Joe [JJ].

"Did you visit the links provided by GM re: O'Riley?

"Is there a loud 'popping' sound when you pull your head out?

"Just wondering..."


Yes, of course. There was nothing there that contradicted anything I said. So what is your point?


Oct 23, 2009 -- Post #6

"Bulegila55" wrote:

"My point is: If you are as 'Intelligent' as you think you are, and if you have the ability to disseminate information, you'd be able to easily see what GM was talking about. Bill O'Riley calling for the Lynching of Mrs. Obama, as well as the many other 'mis-ques' from his mouth."


I wasn't even talking about Mrs Obama. What you are saying here has nothing to do with what I have written. I did make pertinent comments on the videos to GM [General Motors].

Since when am I expected to defend anyone's perfection? I don't agree with everyone at Fox News or anywhere else all the time. On the other hand, if you take a million words of anyone from Fox and compare them to a million words of anyone from the major media they will look like Snow White.


Oct 23, 2009 -- Post #7

"GrayMatter" wrote:

"If it is soooooo obvious, then post the cut and paste job. Should be pretty dang simple since you have seen these general statements, and I quote, 'many other Lefty posts on liberal blogs'.

"I guess making stuff up and attributing it to the Huffington Post is easier than being...."


You know I wasn't making anything up so why are you making something out of nothing? I said "it looks like" which was a generalized statement. Why don't you attack me over something rather than nothing?


Oct 23, 2009 -- Post #8

"Bulegila55" wrote:

"With reinstatement of the Draft, the "rich kids" of the Congress and Government will be put in harms way too.

"Mitt Romney's kids can do some front line duty. Once that happens, these foolish wars will end."


Yeah, the draft really prevented the Korean War and Vietnam which cost many times the lives of the Gulf wars and Afghanistan which had no draft. Sounds like you are into class warfare rather than what's best for the country.


Oct 23, 2009 -- Post #9

"GrayMatter" wrote:

"I am not making anything up - YOU ARE. If you accuse somebody of cut and paste letter writing, then back it up. I am arguing with what you DID say, after all."


I must have really pressed some buttons with that copy and paste remark. How many times have you Lefties accused me and others of just repeating verbatim (or coping and pasting) from Rush, Hannity, Fox, etc.? We have never been naive enough to even think you could produce an exact reference when it had no basis in fact.

Then Gary comes along and repeats talking points that we have heard hundreds of times to the point it could have been blindly copied from a number of places, the Huffington post being only one.

Now with righteous indignation you demand an exact reference to a generic point, even after I explain at it was not meant to be specific.

You need to relax and enjoy some of the give and take here instead of being so strangely serious.


Oct 24, 2009 -- Post #1


I read many years ago that getting too much aluminum in your system can contribute to Alzheimer's disease. Since that time I have avoided all aluminum pans and antiperspirants that have aluminum in them.

I just heard a study saying that football players have a much higher incidence because of head injuries. I guess I'll just stick to watching.

On a positive note participating in forums like this, reading, writing and thinking creatively (for some) stimulates the brain and can tend to ward off the disease.

So it doesn't matter if you are conservative or liberal. Being here and getting involved in a good argument may be good for your health.


Oct 25, 2009 -- Post #1


Obama's brilliant actions? Man, what is Schultze smoking?

For one thing China did not copy Obama's stimulus. The $586 billion stimulus they created was announced by China in Nov 2008 long before Obama became president. It's too bad Obama didn't try and copy them because their stimulus used real money that was from their own stash.

Obama either borrows the money or prints it and to this madness the Chinese representative Luo said: "We hate you guys. Once you start issuing $1 trillion-$2 trillion . . . we know the dollar is going to depreciate, so we hate you guys but there is nothing much we can do."

Luo sees what Congress is too dumb to see and that is when we print too much money all their dollars they hold will go down in value. This catastrophe will also include all U. S. dollars held or earned by you and me.

There's no evidence that the stimulus had any effect on the stock market. Only about 10% has been spent so far. I wish we could put a hold on the rest.


Oct 26, 2009 -- Post #1


Marty's letter on the public option deserves some comment.

First the poll cited was not commissioned by AARP but was publicized by them. It was conducted by Penn, Schoen and Berland Associates and only polled 1000 people. I was criticized a while back for quoting an Investors Business Daily Poll that used greater numbers than this.

The poll he quoted said 79% favor a public option, but a NYT/CBS poll last done more recently had the number at 69%. The problem is that the question asked was so wide open I might have said yes. The majority definitely want some plan that will help the poor and uninsured.

But - that does not mean that the majority wants or support Obama's plan as the answer. According to a Rasmussen poll 52% do not support Obama's plan and only 41% support it.

To say that the support of the majority for a plan to help the disadvantaged is the same thing as support for Obama's plan is very deceptive and disingenuous.

According to this same poll cited by Marty only 28% think the Democrats will do the right thing with Healthcare and 76% want them to work with Republicans to develop a plan.

64% do not want to pay more taxes to expand health coverage to the uninsured and among those with health insurance, 74 percent say they are not willing to pay higher premiums.

These statistics reveal why the majority do not support Obama's plan. They are afraid it will increase taxes and premiums as well as being a totally partisan effort.




Oct 26, 2009 -- Post #2


"If punishment were actually a deterrent to crime, we would be a much safer nation with fewer in jail."


In our corrupt legal system it is difficult to tabulate the deterrent of punishment but not with Islam:

"Islam prescribes that a thief's hand should be cut, but such punishment is never inflicted when there is the slightest doubt that the thief was impelled to crime by hunger. It can only be applied if goods stolen are over a set value and consideration is given to whether this is a first offence or the person is a compulsive thief. Its effectiveness as a deterrent can be demonstrated in that in a 400 year period when it was applied 6 people had their hand cut off."

On the other hand, stealing from "infidels" is rampant because there is often no punishment for this.


Oct 26, 2009 -- Post #3


"Flatline" pretty much summed up the attitude of the majority here:

"Re: Herr Boulton. Yeah, the big, bad Democrats are going to destroy medical equipment...or so he insinuates with a sneer. What an idiot."


Instead of dealing with actual facts and statistics he lashes out by calling names (idiot, herr) and even reports that Boulton had a "sneer." Funny, I never saw a sneer. In fact I have never seen Boulton's face.

Why not do what I did in my first post and check out the facts? If his stats are wrong prove it. If you do no not like data then you can't change it through the power of insults.

Let's deal with the facts. If Boulton's figures are right then we need to base our arguments on them being correct. If they are wrong supply the right ones and we use them.

The Statesman always makes me supply sources when I cite figures so they probably did this with Boulton. It is their policy to not allow unsubstantiated data in the letters.


Oct 26, 2009 -- Post #4

"Badnana" wrote:

"Poor example. how do you know if Islamic legal systems are less corrupt than ours? Why do you think they have less crime?"


I did not say they are less corrupt but their punishments are much more swift creating a deterrent.


"Badnana" wrote:

"Are you supporting their methods?"




"Badnana" wrote:

"What are you inferring?"


I already told you -- punishment is a deterrent.


"Badnana" wrote:

"You say, Why not do what I did in my first post and check out the facts? I hope you are just as diligent while you are listening to Rush."


I am.


"55" wrote:

"If you've followed Joseph732 [JJ] rants and 'off the wall' opinions, you'd know he'd be perfectly satisfied with theocracy here."


You must be projecting here. I have rejected organized religion and do not attend any church. A theocracy is the last thing I want.


"55" wrote:

"I'm sure he'd be the first in line to lop off the hand of a shop lifter, or stone an adulteress."


I'd be the first to put a stop to it, but you on the other hand would gleefully support unspeakable torments done to Rush.


"55" wrote:

"The religious fundamentalist in the USA are as bad as any of the Taliban."


Yeah, sure. Christians do not let their wives out of the house, go to school, drive and make them wear burkas. Your imagination has gone hog wild again.