2009-12-4 02:49:00
This is the lowest of the fires that manifest in the worlds of form. The simplest explanation is revealed in the striking of a common match. What causes the fire to begin? It is the friction of the match scraping across a rough surface.
Fire by friction produces warmth in the physical universe from a point in a center to the circumference. This fire is manifest at the center of an atom, a cell, the heart of a human being, the center of a planet, the center of the sun and finally of galaxies.
In addition there is a higher correspondence of this fire in the astral and mental worlds. All the worlds of form need warmth and this warmth is produced by fire by friction.
What is the true cause of this fire? Science has not adequately explained it but DK [Djwhal Khul] gives us some light stating that:
"It is an effect and not a cause. It is produced by the two fires of spirit and of mind (electric and solar fire) contacting each other through the medium of matter. [...] When evolution ends, the fire of matter is not cognisable. It persists only when the other two fires are associated, and it does not persist apart from substance itself."("Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page," by Alice A. Bailey, 50-51)
The next fire is solar fire. Study what you can find on this and tell us what it is using your own words.
[Compiler's Note: Reader's are welcomed to use the following collection of quotations on Solar Fire.]
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