2009-11-23 05:12:00
Quoting JJ from a previous message, Dan wrote:
"The Left is trying to deceive us into thinking there will be no death panels ..."
Dan then wrote:
"Please define 'left.'"
I see Bryan retrieved my definition:
"Notice, in my political discussions I usually talk about the 'Left' and 'Right' rather than Republicans and Democrats. This is because I am looking at issues that support freedom (the right hand path) rather than enslavement (the left hand path)."
I also liked Larry Kennon's definition which was:
"People who want to solve the world's problems with other people's money (and believe they have a moral imperative to use force to take that money from greedy people to implement their utopian vision)."
Members of both parties veer to the left in varying degrees. This doesn't mean they are on the left hand path. Far from it. It does mean they can be used as pawns by dark brothers who know what they are doing.
"Do you think the folks you are conversing with (or even those 'representatives' that support it) actually realize there will be such 'death panels,' but are just lying about it in order to deceive folks into supporting it?"
No. Most of the people on the Left do not even consider that their vision will be interrupted by major problems.
Quoting JJ again, Dan first wrote:
"By the way, I enjoyed that site, especially the baking soda cancer cure and the anti global warming film."
Dan then continued with:
"Was this sarcasm? Why did you 'enjoy' the 'baking soda cancer cure'?"
Actually, I did enjoy reading about the baking soda cure and it may have something to it. The forum is so orthodox that I would have been attacked if I had said anything positive about it so I turned it to a point of sarcasm that they could understand.
"The reason I ask is, while I have some serious doubts about Simoncini's conclusions as to why it works (if it does), there are some underlying cellular processes, specifically in the mitochondria, that at least in some cancers (cancer as abnormal cell growth, not necessarily malignant) indicate there may be some basis for this sort treatment -- at least by direct injection, I'm not certain about oral administration.
"I think conventional chemo treatments are often accompanied by intravenous 5% sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) solution as well -- supposedly for nausea but some think it may play a larger role than is realized."
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