2009-11-20 04:51:00
Good comments today on natural selection, choice, law of averages, etc. I do not have time to do them all justice but will make a few comments.
An interesting point to consider is this: The greatest miracle of all this that anything exists. If just one grain of sand existed in the universe it would be miraculous indeed. The miracle is multiplied many times over with the creation of many grains, planets star systems galaxies, and most of all the existence of conscious life and intelligence.
As creation moves along in its sequential order all form disappears into the great pralaya where it would seem nothing exists. Yet from that seemingly nothingness comes a new creation, new universes of being and becoming come together.
Does this creation come then from nothing? If not then what was there between the universes?
What was there was intelligence, the light of truth that was not created or made, neither indeed can be.
What caused intelligence to be? There was no cause if it is eternal, for all things created by cause have a beginning and end. Intelligence just is. It is not the first cause for there was no first cause, else there will be a last cause. Intelligence and the power of decision are the eternal cause.
We should be thankful it exists because without it nothing would exist.
The fact that intelligence exists is the greatest miracle of all and about all we can do in appreciation of that seed of light that also dwells within us is exclaim with the ancients:
"How great the mystery of godliness!"
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