2009-11-19 03:48:00
So, He [the Avatar Of Synthesis] will come again if he is invoked and he has been invoked and if we continue to invoke the Christ, the Masters and the higher lives that will speed up the coming. So this Avatar invocation is a good thing to say. It starts out, "From the center where the will of God is known let purpose guide the little wills of men."
Does anybody know what that's from? Right, "The Great Invocation" given out by Alice A. Bailey. We use that line because that line already has a lot of power because it's been said for sixty years now. It's a line out of another invocation but we're putting it in this and using it as the beginning. These are strong words of power to begin with.
Now, the Song of the 144,000 is also powerful because it is designed to protect the Lights in this age. In every age, in recorded history at least, when the Lights have been taught, they have been overcome by the forces of evil. Every single time. They fought valiantly, they fought for the light and gave their lives but eventually their work has been destroyed. Then it has to be restored. This has happened over and over again through the centuries.
The purpose of this Song is to follow the same principle -- energy follows thought, so we bring down a protective energy to the Lights of the earth. When you say this you don't just think of light and love and power surrounding yourself but you think of it surrounding everyone else who is saying The Song. It accumulates a group energy.
So when it comes time that we have to battle the forces of darkness on the physical plane, because energy follows thought, all this accumulation of energy will come to our aid so that this time the work will not be destroyed.
It will be the first time since, well the time of Enoch perhaps. Enoch is the only biblical character that we know of that has stories written about him saying he overcame the forces of darkness. Even Christ, a short time after the church was established, everything was converted and taken over by orthodoxy. The doctrines were changed, the teachings of Christ himself were changed.
The teachers began to assume the position of God, the interpreters of God, the outside God that people looked to for approval. This altered and took away the spirit within the church, as it always does. Instead of teaching the kingdom of God within, they teach the outward God who is in charge of things and tells you what to do.
The true teaching of the kingdom of God within must be restored. Even among many New Age groups, they teach the kingdom of God within but they still set up their authorities to tell everybody what to do. Both sides have their cults where they have their leaders telling people how to think, what to believe, what to do if they're going to be approved by a master or God or somebody up there. Let's go ahead and say this then we're going to have some meditations later where we'll get together in some group circles. Everybody enjoys that.
First of all sound the "AUM."
Together, the audience and JJ say:
"A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M"
"We thank you Father that you surround us with your protective universal light. That within that light is complete protection from all destructive forces.
"That the Holy Spirit of your presence permeates us in the light, and wherever we will the light to descend."
Now we'll pause and concentrate on what we just said. Visualize the light surrounding us.
Together, the audience and JJ say:
"We thank you Father that you fill us with your protective fires of love. That within this love is complete protection from all destructive thoughts and feelings, That the consciousness of Christ is lifted up in us in this love and wherever we will the love to be enflamed.
"We thank you Father that you are in us and we are in you. That through us your will is sent forth on wings of power; That your purpose is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven.
"That through us your Light and Love and Power Is manifest to all the Sons and Daughters of Mankind."
"A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M"
"A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M"
JJ: That usually produces a very peaceful feeling inside.
What does it mean to meditate?
Audience: "Clear the mind."
JJ: Okay, what else?
Audience: "To be receptive."
JJ: Okay.
Audience: "It is said that meditation is not just opening your mind to what's out there. Meditation is not that. It is deciding on a point then putting all your energy and force and thought toward that point with as much concentration as you can muster. Focus."
JJ: Good. So when you meditate you probably focus. Right Cindy?
Audience: "Putting your personality aside and listening to the will of the Father, which would be through the Holy Spirit, for guidance and direction to assist you in whatever you need to do."
JJ: Okay.
Audience: "To be the observer with detachment."
JJ: To be successful you must observe.
Audience: "I try to approach God with the intention of allowing Him to act through me. That's a big part of meditation for me."
JJ: Wayne did a good job of summing up the principle of meditation which is to focus on an objective and then bring it to pass. Was that your basic idea Wayne? What's interesting about that is when you look up the Greek word for "faith" which is PISTOS it means the same thing. When you look it up in the Greek it is a very interesting word. It basically means to formulate something in your mind and focus upon it until you prove whether it is true or false. So if you have faith in God, according to the way it is used in the Greek, it means you'll prove to yourself whether or not there is a God. I guess in a round about way an atheist has faith because he has proved there isn't one but you can't prove there isn't one. Even an atheist will admit that. But you can prove there is one so true faith would be to prove to yourself there is a God or a higher power of some type out there.
That principle of meditation that you brought forth Wayne is very comparable to the New Testament word for "faith." The principle is that you focus on something that you want to either be closer to or to achieve and this is a form of meditation. Now Cindy practices spiritual meditation and she focuses on a state of consciousness she wants to achieve but what about the business man who is focusing on his business? Is that a form of meditation?
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