2009-11-18 05:18:00
Good comments from the group on natural selection and thanks to Larry W for coming up with the fruit fly information. This is something I have never heard before but it certainly backs up what I have taught about evolution.
Larry W says:
"Scientist got very interested in observing an actual evolutionary genetic improvement. They watched for this now thru about 4,500 generations of fruit flies multiplied by many different family lines. They manipulated conditions using chemicals, radiation, environmental stimulus, and imposed selective breeding. They produced fruit flies with eyes so big they could not walk. They cataloged an impressive array of innovations stemming from the gene pool. Unfortunately, they never observed even one that could be considered an improvement."
Yesterday I gave the analogy of two sandcastles. The only reason both castles exist was because an intelligent hand that first created them.
Now living things are much more complex than sandcastles. Their form is held together by very complex computer programs. One point that makes them more advanced is that they can duplicate themselves. On our computers we have some fairly advanced programs, but there are two things we know for sure about them.
First, they did not program themselves. Secondly, they cannot duplicate themselves on their own initiative.
These two things require the addition of applied intelligence.
If we did give a program like Microsoft Word the ability to duplicate itself then it could not create a more advanced program than itself through natural selection. All duplicates would be of equal or lower quality than itself.
If we want a more advanced program then intelligence must be applied.
Similarly the fruit fly has many complex programs that run it but these programs cannot write higher programs. If the need arises for a leap in evolution for the fruit fly, then some intelligence must step forward and design the change.
It boils down to this. Either nothing moves things forward to higher forms, or something does. Obviously something does.
Unfortunately, this is not obvious to those of an atheist bent.
Dan asks the mysterious question as to where intelligence in the universe comes from. Intelligence is not created, but it is the one thing in the universe that just is and always will be. Intelligence projected by Purpose created all there is.
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