2009-11-16 03:52:00
The vehicle of expression for the Solar Angel is the causal body, which is composed of a twelve-petalled lotus with a jewel in the center.
What is this jewel?
One with higher vision would see "a brilliant point of electric fire of a blue-white hue surrounded, and completely hidden, by three closely folded petals." More specifically the jewel is represented by a triangle with a point in the center.
The triangle is symbolic of the three aspects of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, or Power, Love and Active Intelligence.
The point in the center represents the one invisible God from whence all life comes.
The Jewel in the Lotus circulates the necessary energies to create life and is the life principle itself. The point in the center is that which we must all pass through to receive higher revelation. It is that which links us all to God and esoterically makes us all one with God and each other.
This lotus is reflected to the centers of each of the seven chakras where a lower octave of the jewel resides. Because of this reflection the seeker can find a partial revelation of God in each of the centers through contemplation. After he finds the seven revelations in the seven centers he will then discover the secret of the jewel in the lotus, the seat of the soul.
[End of definition.]
What is the meaning of the three Fires which are:
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