Gathering 2005 Sun Valley, Part 22

2009-11-14 12:29:00


We're going to switch to the next topic:  Revelation, meditation and contemplation. We're going to start by saying the song together and having a meditation ourselves. We'll get into a little different mood. "The Song of the 144,000" is on one side and on the other side is the "Avatar Invocation." We started this in Nauvoo. In Nauvoo we gave a class on invocation and evocation and we decided we wanted to invoke the Avatar of Synthesis which is a great avatar which is prophesied to come and assist the Christ before He comes and also after he comes. This avatar operates on what we call First Ray energy where the Christ operates on Second Ray energy of Love and/or Wisdom.

The First Ray energy is energy of Will, Power and Purpose. An interesting thing about invoking is like I said, energy follows thought, that's one of the most important principles that anyone will ever learn because by understanding this principle you can make anything happen. A large enough group can influence anything from the weather to public opinion to events and even making their own predictions and making those predictions come true because energy follows thought.

When you send out energy that sounds a certain type of note, so to speak, entities of a very high vibration will recognize that note and it calls them forth. This is called the power of invocation. In other words, we're invoking something higher than ourselves.

Christ is making his second appearance in a short period of time because He is being invoked by the will of humanity. If we were not invoking him by our desire to have him show up, he would not be showing up. Matter of fact DK [Djwhal Khul] says the original reappearance of the Christ was originally scheduled for several hundred years in the future. Because of the changes caused by World War 2, and the massed intent for help from God that was poured out by prayers and thought by humanity it helped to influence things so that the good guys won the war and prepared the way for Christ to come earlier than anticipated. What I think happened is that even though the date was moved ahead I think there was also a problem that set it back again somewhat. I believe the date is somewhere around 2030 or within a few years one way or the other. We will see great changes in at least the beginning to the manifestation of a higher Christ energy if not the Christ Himself.

How He will manifest will be dependent upon us. There are two different ways that he can reappear. Last time he manifested a lot different than what the regular Christians think. He came through the Master Jesus. The Master Jesus is not the Christ but was a disciple of the Christ. He was the reincarnation of Joshua who worked with Moses. He came and he prepared a physical vehicle for the Christ.

At his baptism by John the Baptist, it said that the spirit of God descended like a dove and it says it went in to him. John the Baptist is a different guy than John the Revelator, or John the Beloved. He was Jesus' cousin. What's interesting about is just before the baptism he was asking something important. The scripture records a prayer in the Book of John that John the Baptist was asking God, "How will I recognize the Christ?" Well, it must not be as cut and dry as everyone thinks because Jesus was his cousin and how could he not recognize him as the Christ?

The answer he was given was recorded in the first chapter of John as, "He upon whom the spirit of God descends and remains. This is the Son of God." (Paraphrased from John 1:33-34.) So John was out there baptizing people like crazy and he felt the Spirit descend and then go and descend and go. Then he baptizes his cousin Jesus and he felt it descend, it went into his body and it stayed there. That was the Christ -- the Spirit that entered into his body and stayed there.

This explains many of the mystical words of Jesus. People often came to him, as the Bible records, and said, "man, you're doing wonderful works here," and he said, "it's not me that does the works." He said, "He who dwells in me, he is the one who does the works." Then he said, "I'm not speaking my words. I'm speaking for the one who is in me. They are his words, not my words." When you look at it that way it makes a lot of sense.

When I first learned this concept I had a hard time believing it because it was really a lot different than I'd been taught. I thought if it were true it ought to be in the Bible somewhere so I opened up the Bible and right away, there it was. "It's not me that is saying the words." Then they came to Jesus and say, 'It is written in our law that all things have to be proven by the testimony of two men. You're just one man." He replied, "No, I'm not one man. There is me and the Father that dwells within me." That's pretty point blank isn't it? It's right in the Bible. 'There is not one man here," he says, "There is me and the Father that dwells in me. That's two for bearing record." Then he says, "I and my Father are one."

The disciples were very confused about this and they kept coming to him saying, "You keep talking about the Father. Show us the Father." Jesus said, "Have I been with you this long Phillip and you don't understand what I'm trying to say yet? He who has seen me has seen the Father. You're looking at the Father. He's right here." He kept trying to explain in different words but his disciples were beside themselves.

Then after the crucifixion, what is interesting is that we trace back the teachings of the Catholic church and one of the core teachings is the Pope is in the place of the Son of God. The Latin "Vicarius Filii Dei" which means, "in the place of the son of God," was used in reference to him in early times. Why is the Pope seen as in the place of the Son of God? Because after the resurrection, Peter then was overshadowed by Christ also. This is one of the reasons he had such tremendous power. It's written that his power was so great that people would line up in the street and as his shadow passed over them they were healed. He didn't even touch them. They just waited for his shadow to pass over them. That's more impressive than even anything that Jesus did.

I believe this teaching about the Pope being in the place of the Son of God originated because the beginning of the Catholic church was Peter and Peter also experienced an overshadowing. I call it a divine possession. I don't know if it was as strong as the relationship between Christ and Jesus but he was definitely linked to the Christ. Of all the apostles Peter did the most miracles and was very much like Christ in the miracles that he performed.