The Twelve-Petalled Lotus

2009-11-12 02:39:00

The Twelve-Petalled Lotus -- Or The Form Of The Causal-Egoic Body


Just as our life essence has a form dwelling in the physical body even so does our Higher Self have a form wherein it dwells. This dwelling place is called the causal body and takes the form of a twelve-petalled lotus.

What is called the causal body is really a link in a chain of lotuses which could be called the Greater Causal Body, for all such lotuses in the chain are a source of great causes in the universe.

Soul contact starts with the heart and here also begins the link to the causal body, which links us to the soul and eventually the monad. Within the heart center is a twelve-petalled lotus, which is linked to a higher twelve-petalled lotus in the head. In turn another lotus of even more refined mental substance is linked to this which is the causal body. This substance is so refined that it can neither be called spirit or matter but oscillates between the two. Our causal bodies are then liked to all other causal bodies on the planet and create the greater causal body or twelve-petalled lotus of the Planetary Logos. Because of this "the souls of men are one." This in turn is linked to a greater lotus of the Solar Logos. Because our Solar Logos is on Ray Two, this gives the power of love great expression in this system through these linkages.

The twelve petals are divided into four sections. The first three are the knowledge pedals, the second, love petals and the third, sacrifice. Within each of these are three petals representing one of these aspects. As the seeker moves upon the path these nine petals unfold and the pilgrim is raised to a higher state of consciousness and new awareness. The meaning of the last three petals are not revealed but are said to be "embryonic" and I suspect they will be activated in the next solar system ages hence.

[End of definition.]


Here is the next term to study:

The Jewell in the Lotus. See what you can find out about this.