1999-8-8 10:09:00
My friends,
Since Glenys and some others have had rewarding experiences with the meditation yet others are a little frustrated at their progress I thought I would write a little about meditation itself. First of all let me express the desired end result of this meditation. Many of the members of the group have often expressed a desire to be closer and how wonderful it would be if we could all be physically together, even if for a short period.
If we as a group are successful at this meditation we will be brought together. It may be awkward at first for most of us, but if we persist we will find realistic meetings of group members commonplace on the higher planes. This meditation can remove the barriers of distance that we have on the physical plane.
There are four basic planes that we normal humans can use as a medium for meditation.
The first is the physical. In this world we use the power of meditation through the power of paying Attention. This can be done through paying attention to a physical teacher, speaker or book, to gazing into a crystal ball or flame. As we meditate on the physical plane the mind and heart may be stimulated to bring forth images or ideas that will assist us. If nothing else meditation on the physical level will help focus us on the real that exists here so we do not turn into impractical dreamers.
The second is the emotional or astral and attention is a factor but in addition to this visualization comes into play. Overall females are better than males at visualizing because this is accomplished through female energy. You'll notice that females are reporting greater success at following this guided meditation because it works in the direction of their natural energy. Now many men are also good at it, but overall the female has the advantage here.
The third plane of meditation is the world of the mind and this is accomplished through imagination. Mind and imagination are polarized in the male energy so us guys have the advantage here. It's easy for us to imagine things, but it takes effort for us to visualize.
So what is the difference between visualization and imagination one may ask?
Let us say the object we want to bring into focus is an apple. To manifest it in the physical world we put attention on our physical desire for the apple and go and retrieve it from the refrigerator.
To make it manifest in the astral we tune in to our emotional; body and feel or sense the apple before us. If we are so in tune the apple will appear almost as real as one on the physical plane and may even stay suspended before the meditator for a period of time.
To manifest the apple on the plane of the mind the mental faculty of imagination is used. Forms filtered through the imagination may not produce such real or lingering images as does the astral, but the images become as real as necessary to communicate the essence of the meditation on this plane to the physical brain.
Thus, the imagination may flash an image of an apple to the brain that may linger less than a second whereas the power of visualization may cause the apple to linger on for minutes. Then on the physical plane it lasts even longer - until it decays or is eaten.
The apple is made of real substance on all of these planes, but as we go up the planes substance becomes more rarefied and time is compressed. This is why we have more time to see the visualization and much less to examine the thing that flashed into the imagination.
It takes contemplation to absorb all that the imagination brings down. This is why those who do not contemplate that which is imagined are often led astray by imagination.
Even though there are several levels of formless realities we shall lump them into one category here for practical purposes. This fourth level begins in the realm of ideas. An idea comes in at an even shorter instant of time than a thing imagined. An idea has no form, but as it passes down through the mind it takes form by stimulating the imagination. Next it will clothe itself with desire and its form will be seen through visualization. Finally, if the intensity is strong enough it will manifest in physical reality.
He who meditates in the formless worlds sees nothing and knows nothing while in the meditation. Instead he throws "seed thoughts" into this formless void and goes there through meditation and waits for the seeds to sprout and send their fruit in the form of inspired ideas that filter through ideas to the imagination down through visualized desire and finally into physical reality.
The first formless world requires that we be female or receptive in polarization to tap into it and thus the female has an advantage again. Nevertheless, through the power of attention all the levels of meditation are available to both physical sexes.
Now it is possible that several may be concerned that they are not highly evolved and may feel discouraged if they are unable to have right away an experience such as Glenys had? Please, please, do not feel this way. Glenys did have a wonderful experience and I know it inspired many on the list for what one can do all can do through the power of Decision and Attention. Nevertheless, we all make decisions and place attention in different areas of life so none of us are the best at everything. In addition some may be very talented with ideas and imagination, but not so talented with visualization just as some are good at music, but not business.
Who is the most evolved - the musician or the businessman. Who can say? It's a silly question.
If you are not a great visualizer then find out where your power is. Someone suggested making a tape for physical assistance. This is an excellent idea. You can also bypass visualization temporarily and use the imagination at first, but later cloth the imagination with desire to bring it into focus through visualization.
Finally, you can also use the formless worlds by casting a "seed thought" into this reality. This seed thought would be centered on what you want to accomplish in meditation. If done successfully, the essence from this higher world will send you ideas and inspiration that will enable you to fulfill your desire.
I'll end this with the next step in the meditation.
Remember to work on building your room even if you had difficulty in seeing all the steps in getting there. You can fill in the steps later, but it is important that all of us see ourselves in our own private holy space and manifest everything in there that we desire for our comfort and for service.
In our last step we sensed the presence of others in the group in adjoining rooms. These members may be a little in the future, perhaps they have not arrived in their space yet, but they are present and available nonetheless.
Now you begin to sense that there is one person in particular of the opposite sex or polarity that will be a working partner for you. This may or may not be a mate or romantic partner. Whether romance is involved or not the person will definitely be someone who compliments you in energy and is willing to blend with you in the Purpose of service. This person may be in our present group or he or she may come in the group in the near future, but even if he or she is not with us yet the entity can be with us in the higher spheres.
See yourself going to one of the glowing walls and placing your hands on them. As you do, you feel a warm vibration and sense that your partner is doing the same thing on the other side and is also feeling your vibration. You do not see your partner at this present time, but you find it immensely interesting to bask in his or her vibration and as you do you try and visualize who this person may be and when you will meet. You find that by just touching the wall and feeling the vibration you sense more about this person than you ever did on the physical plane.
Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved