2009-11-6 02:09:00
Wouldn't it be funny, since we're really facing an ice age, that putting a little extra CO2 in the atmosphere makes it just enough warmer that the ice age won't be quite so bad or maybe avoided? That's a possibility. Here is my personal belief on the matter. I think the major calamities like continents sinking and new lands appearing won't happen for somewhere around 100 years or more from now. I think we have some time before it happens. In between we're going to see some nasty stuff, of course, like the recent tsunami. We're going to have an increase in calamities but the big stuff I do not believe will happen for awhile.
There is a scripture in the book of Revelations where God speaks to the four angels holding the four winds of the earth. It says, "Hurt not the earth, neither the trees or the sea until we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads." In other words, these four angels can control some of the calamities that could come upon us and they were told to hold back until the servants of our God are sealed in their foreheads.
What does that mean to have a seal in your forehead? These people with the name of God upon their forehead look to the God within. In other words, a certain number of people have to manifest upon the earth that are able to see the presence of God within rather than be dependent upon a priest or a church or a Bible without; they can sense the presence of God within. The real bad calamities are being held back until there are a certain number of people discover the inner kingdom of God. 144,000 is a symbolic number, but there is a certain number of people on which the earth is waiting to manifest the presence of God before the calamities come.
Why is this? It's because, to rebuild the earth so we can have a true new age of peace and prosperity we need a seed people. People who are like the seeds for the kingdom of God so they can be the leaders to lead the rest of the world to greater consciousness and greater peace. If the world is destroyed then taken over by a bunch of thugs and it's just survival of the fittest, we're not going to have a better world at all. Instead, if there is a calamity, the Earth has to prepare a people with a higher consciousness to guide the survivors and the people who will be left to a greater freedom, a more democratic government, a freer government, fewer taxes, more sharing for both the individual and the group.
Here are a couple more statements of interest. Sea levels have been rising for 6,000 years, 4-8 inches every 100 years. Now scientists say the rising of the sea levels, which is a big concern, is slowing down. Scientists are concerned that the rising of the sea levels are slowing down because if the oceans are gaining in temperature, then they release all this moisture into the air, then they will go down. This becomes a concern. It could trigger an ice age.
The greater part of Antarctica experiences a longer sea/ice season lasting 21 days longer today than it did in 1979. The Antarctic Peninsula has warmed several degrees while the interior has cooled somewhat. Ice shelves have retreated but sea ice has increased. Both satellite and ground stations show a slight cooling over the last 20 years.
Regarding carbon dioxide, we're concerned about carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas but people don't realize that water vapor is also a greenhouse gas. Only 380 parts per million of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide of which 3% of that carbon dioxide stems from human activity. This means that twelve hundred thousandths of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide caused by humans. It's just a very small amount. Therefore it says human activity can not create significant global warming stemming from carbon dioxide though natural causes of global warming from carbon dioxide certainly can exist. Twenty thousand scientists signed a petition rejecting the government's orthodox view on global warming.
In other words, what these scientists who have studied it say is that carbon dioxide created by humans is such a small amount that over the last century the temperature of the atmosphere has warmed only one third of a degree. Now, the promoters of global warming are saying one degree but they are counting the rise of the temperature of the ocean in that. If we just count the atmosphere, the entire atmosphere has only risen one third of a degree in the last century and of that third of a degree maybe a hundredth of a degree or a thousandth of a degree is due to what man has done. So, anything man has done has been very, very small. Some people say that maybe that could be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
But what we have to worry about is the actual cycles more than anything because if the water temperature is indeed warming because of increased volcanic activity under the ocean, that's about a thousand times the worry than anything we're putting into the atmosphere. Even if we put everything we could into the atmosphere we could only warm it so much. There is only so much the atmosphere could be warmed.
We're near that saturation point now. Once you reach the saturation point, putting more stuff into the atmosphere wouldn't increase the effect of greenhouse gases once a certain degree has been reached. But there have been times in history that they've gone back and found a number of things to worry about including times the ocean has warmed very quickly. There are times when the magnetic poles have shifted. It completely shifts every 250,000 years. We're overdue for a shift of the magnetic pole and that could produce some calamities.
They have not come across any concrete evidence that mass destruction has been caused by a meteorite. A lot of scientists believe that the dinosaurs were destroyed by a meteorite but they haven't found the remnants of where a meteor struck.
"Mentioned the meteor impact in the Gulf of Mexico."
It's not big enough. They've done some calculations on that and figured it would've created quite a lot of destruction but not enough to create the amount of destruction we're talking about. I can't remember how many times but it was about 5 or 6 times that amount. There is another meteorite strike, I think it's somewhere in Ohio, that is similar.
A lot of scientists are attached to this meteorite theory but there are several other theories that they are gravitated toward. One is a tremendous rise in the ocean heat. The second is the magnetic pole shift. The third is, the Earth circulates around the galaxy every couple of hundred thousand years and we go through a certain section of the galaxy that is very destructive to us. They're not sure what causes it, whether it is some sort of magnetic pole or it could be meteorites. This is another theory they have. Some scientists are gravitating away from that because they can't find enough evidence of enough destruction. The meteorite you mentioned would've caused a lot of destruction but not enough to destroy the dinosaurs so quickly.
The Earth has encountered enough destruction several times to destroy about 90% of the life on the entire planet. We had to almost start all over again. There is one more thing we'll cover briefly when we return. In about 2200 BC there was a lot of destruction that scientists have almost overlooked that other people are looking into. There was a major upheaval then and ironically this was the time period spoken of in the Bible of Noah's Ark. Some people are looking at that thinking maybe there was a great destruction in that time period. Matter of fact one guy who is looking into it says he studied this catastrophe and he says you can't go back further in history than about 3000 BC but they find remnants of very intelligent civilizations that existed before that time period.
Audience: Inaudible.
Quite possible. Some say there was destruction in Moses' time period too.
Audience: Inaudible.
I never added it up but according to the Bible Adam was supposed to be 4000 BC. Of course most people know there was life long before then. Life was on the Earth 1500 to 2000 years then Noah's Ark showed up. That's the story.
These other scientists are looking into the history of destruction that occurred and they can only go back with modern civilization somewhere between 2000 and 3000 BC and all of a sudden a great civilization began to start about that time period. It wasn't something that evolved slowly. All of a sudden the Egyptians knew how to build pyramids and quite a bit of technology and the Aztecs did the same thing. Technology appeared on both sides of the planet around 2000 BC and there is no explanation that there was a gradual evolution. There is evidence that a great destructive event happened and before this destructive event happened they had a lot of technology.
They've unearthed instruments that are many thousands of years old -- before the destruction happened. They've unearthed steel balls and different contraptions. They've unearthed, I believe somewhere in Central America, a piece of a telescope and optics and things they weren't supposed to have in ancient times indicating there was an ancient civilization that was destroyed but not completely destroyed. You can imagine our civilization -- we have all these computers and depend on all these things -- if we had a catastrophe a lot of us wouldn't know how to duplicate it. What if the people who make our computers all got hit by something? We'd take what we have and make the best of it. We wouldn't be starting from scratch but we would lose a lot. This is the theory of what happened after the last cataclysmic event, around 2000 BC they lost a lot through a great catastrophe. But they didn't lose everything thus they were able to start with a fairly high degree of civilization. It's interesting that after this happened a lot was lost but a lot was gained or preserved at the same time.
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