Black Light Power

2009-11-4 03:33:00

Rob made this post:

"In the interest of sharing a cheap energy-producing method for possibly powering a new city, may I bring your attention to Black Light Power Inc. They have developed the Black Light Process (has nothing to do with blacklights)--a new way of extracting power from water which is 200 times greater than the energy needed to start the process.

"The revolutionary part is the chemistry theory involved which explains how the process works. This theory flies in the face of current science. The process causes the electron from a Hydrogen atom to be knocked out of its first orbital shell down to a lower one, releasing energy in the process. The problem is that science tells us there is no orbital shell lower than the first orbital shell.

"That doesn't seem to scare investors or power-generation companies. The have received $60 million from private investors. They're process has been independently verified by Rowan University Scientists having built and tested a 50,000 watt reactor in their labs. As of 7/30/09 BLP Inc has signed its sixth license agreement with major power-generation company Akridge Energy, LLC based in Maryland. Akridge Energy will produce 400 million watts using the Black Light Process. The other 5 signing companies have licenses to produce a cumulative 8 Billion watts using the process. That equates to about 1 million electricity customers.

"For Boise readers, here's an interesting tidbit: one of the major investors in BLP Inc is Michael Jordan--former CEO of EDS based here.

"How can Black Light Power help with starting a new city--especially a city on the sea? For one thing, the technology is scalable. It can be shrunk down to power a car or a home or enlarged to power entire cities. Additionally, the amount of power released is on par with coal and nuclear, yet cheaper than both at only 2 cents per kilowatt hour (compared with a national average of 8.9 cents as of July 2008). The power is extracted from water which is plentiful out at sea, and it does not release any CO2. The only byproducts are heat-energy, light, and new gases and compounds hitherto unknown with far-reaching and potentially revolutionary applications in many industries.

"Their website is for more information.

"What do you think? I've been following these developments for about a year, yet there's virtually no attention given them. Isn't that strange?"


Very interesting post Rob. I thought it was worth putting in the archives. This sounds almost too good to be true, but it sounds like they are ready to start building power plants.

The existence of an inner electron shell sounds interesting. Could it be that this is where new electrons are created?

Let us know of any new developments you discover with this technology.