2009-11-3 10:46:00
I find it amusing that the Lefties here are so bent out of shape by Carol Bachelder's letter criticizing gay humor. I can just see visions coming up in your minds as her being one of these right wing extremists.
In truth she is ultra liberal, very pro socialism, anti capitalism, anti-Bush, anti military, etc. You guys are upset with one of your own. RONTFLMAO! [Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off]
In my experience those most upset at anything critical of gays are the heterosexual Left. These seem to be almost obsessed with gay rights. My fiends who are gay rarely talk about gay issues, but about normal stuff and are not righteously offended at the drop of a hat.
"Boiseriver" wrote:
"We could save time and have Rush Limbaugh talk about drug addicts and sex with underage kids."
It's really hypocritical to heap praise on liberals who struggle to overcome drug addiction to illegal drugs while attacking [Conservative Radio Talk Show Host] Rush for his use of legal drugs.
Individuals such as Robert Downey Jr., Heath Ledger, Lindsay Lohan, Drew Barrymore, Paula Abdul, and most every member of a rock band receive no criticism from the Left, but are lavished with praise if they overcome the addiction.
If a liberal was addicted to legal pain killers because of excruciating back pain and then overcame it in spite of the pain he would be extolled as doing something heroic. Instead, you attack Rush even after his success.
And to accuse him of having sex with kids is really low, even for you.
"Since I swore off replays to Jo, I'm glad you replied bad. I just had to show the ignorance of the post. 'My fiends who are gay rarely talk about gay issues, but about normal stuff.' Uh, normal stuff?"
So when you get together with friends its normal for you to blurt out s something like: "Let me tell you something about them gays..."
Sexual issues may come up once in a while with average people but it is not the norm to have as the centerpiece of dialog. Most also do not look for some innocent word to use as a basis of attack either.
"GrayMatter" wrote:
"Rush was addicted to drugs, period. There is no way to make a judgment that one drug addiction is superior to another drug addiction."
So, being addicted to Coca-Cola is no different than heroin? You are weird man.
"Most people are too smart to fall for this bogus BS. Rush did not have a valid prescription for the amounts of drugs."
That's hearsay, that you are deliriously happy to repeat to attack a conservative.
To say there is no difference between one who seeks out illegal drugs and one who gets a prescription from a doctor is crazy talk. In 1958 when I was in the hospital for a month, they insisted I take a sleeping pill every night. When I was released I was addicted to the drug at the age of 13, and it took a lot of will power to overcome this.
And you, being a medical person, say that I was in the same category as an illegal addict.
If you had gone through something like Rush maybe you would have an ounce of empathy.
Point One: There is no argument that people can become addicted to both prescription and illegal drugs. Many prescription drugs are as addictive as illegal drugs.
Point Two: There is a difference in responsibility for someone who has been prescribed an additive drug by his doctor for pain or life saving purposes and one who gets addicted because he wants to get high. One asks for it, the other has it imposed upon him.
Point Three: In the end we are all responsible for our addictions and all, despite their political affiliations, deserve credit for overcoming addictions.
"You are a partisan pure and true. Blinded, poisoned, and marked."
I'm not the one dividing drug addition into partisan attack. I praise anyone Left or Right who overcomes an addiction. Why don't you join me in this attitude?
Then how do you feel about combat vets who need to self medicate to escape from the traumas of war; something your pansy behind never experienced?
A combat veteran as you describe is not doing drugs for pleasure but to escape pain -- the same reason as Rush. I have empathy for people in that situation.
"Huh? Huh? Hypocrite, armchair warrior, echo."
Are you still unaware that name-calling is against the Statesman's rules? Especially when you have no evidence to back yourself up.
I was really upset to read Linda Chuck's letter about the missing squirrels at the VA [Veteran's Administration] park. I suspect the foxes that eliminated them were humans who felt they were pests. Some people get upset at squirrels because they can create a minor disturbance to a garden, but the cute little things are well worth any problem they create.
This especially applies to the VA hospital that had the friendliest squirrels I have ever seen. It is heartbreaking to think of those little trusting guys who have learned to not fear us be betrayed and killed.
Advice on spoiling squirrels. They like raw sunflower seeds which are pretty economical but if you really want to spoil them give them walnuts or almonds. They just love these nuts. You can buy walnuts at WINCO now for just $2.58 per pound.
In response to [2008 Idaho Govenor Independent Candidate Rex] Rammel's supposedly racial joke, Ray Heidt says, "it is curious that it's always some redneck Republican who makes those 'unintentional' comments."
He doesn't think Democrats would be guilty of such things.
Oh, yeah?
First, it is important to point out that Rammell is a very insignificant figure who only ran for office once before and only received about 5% of the vote for the Senate -- as an Independent, not a Republican. Many local people haven't even heard of him.
But we have heard of [USA Vice President] Joe Biden, haven't we? He called Obama a "bright clean black guy" as if most blacks are dull and not clean.
Then there is Democrat Robert Byrd, the longest serving [US] senator in history. He was once a member and recruiter for the KKK [Klu Klux Klan] and as recently as a year ago used the "N-word" on national TV, but there was no outcry on the national media.
It seemed okay that Democrat writer Julianne Malveaux said this about black [USA Supreme Court Associate] Justice Clarence Thomas: "I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease."
During the campaign Hillary [Clinton] said that Obama had not done enough "spade work" -- a racially charged expression.
[Comedian] Bill Maher, who is a thousand times better known than Rammell, didn't raise a liberal eyebrow by making a racial joke of Michelle Obama "hoein' in the garden" accompanied by a picture of her hoeing with the caption inserted.
The Left thinks their bunch is racially clean because the media ignores their faux pas and jumps on even an insignificant conservative like Rammell, a basic unknown. But of course they use any dirt that can be scraped up to make Republicans look bad.
Now they are trying to project the illusion that all those attending town halls are racist.
Pretty sad way to play to their base.
"GrayMatter" writes:
"But, exactly how do other people's actions and words exonerate Rammell? How does that make him any less of an embarrassment to Idahoans?"
As I've said before Rammell's comments were in bad taste, but we have to put things in perspective. If you made a bad joke and the media put more attention on that than something Joe Biden said would that be fair?
Even so they are taking an unknown and giving his bad remarks more attention than similar statements by nationally known Democrats.
-- End Of Part Three --
[Compiler's Note: The "Local Posts" series of articles found here in "The Archives" are a collection of exchanges between JJ Dewey and others participating on a local online newspaper blog which can be read online at Idaho Statesman Letters To The Editor. These exchanges were subsequently re-posted by JJ Dewey to The Keys Of Knowledge discussion group prior to being archived here.]
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Local Posts #42, Part One
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