2009-11-3 10:46:00
Cindy Aase says:
"Even if you are a functioning rational adult, once the premise of the boogeyman is planted in your thoughts, it can be difficult to dislodge. Irrational fear, caused by mere suggestion, can still scare the bejesus out of you."
Then she goes on about being "bombarded with completely fabricated non-sense."
Is there some site where these accusations are cut and pasted? I keep seeing this accusation over and over as if the Obamaites are on automatic pilot with no thinking of their own.
For one thing, they all follow the same pattern of making nebulous accusations but never giving anything specific. Where is the irrational fear and what are the fabrications?
There are things to be concerned about. For instance, a poll shows that 45% of doctors would consider quitting if Obamacare is passed. That coupled with the increased traffic will indeed assure us of death panels.
Richard writes:
"Trust AARP [American Association of Retired Persons]?"
Yes. I trust them to promote the Leftist agenda. I'll never join them.
"I would urge anyone that would like to have a non-political opinion of the health care reform proposals to get and read the AARP Bulletin for September 2009."
Wow. What universe is this guy from? Obviously he is a big Obama supporter. The article could have been written by Harry Reid. For one thing it says that we cannot afford not to go ahead with this program even though it will cost us trillions that we do not have.
I see that narrow-minded Leftists are so bent on stifling free speech that they are willing to break Statesman rules and flag me again. Again, here is the rule:
"Don't flag a comment just because you disagree with the opinion. The goal of story comments is to allow discussion, not just one point of view."
Since my post did not violate any rule, the only reason I was flagged was a mere disagreement.
Whoever did this must be frustrated because the Statesmen nullified it, and my post is no longer hidden. Glad to see the Statesman is trying to be fair here.
"TWall" wrote:
"45% of doctors would quit? Don't you know that 85% of statistics are made up on the spot? But in all seriousness I say let them quit."
45% would "consider" quitting. That doesn't mean all would quit but it would indicate that enough would to create a major shortage.
Investors Business Daily just doesn't make up polling data. Lefties though like to make up the falsehood that any data they do not like is invalid.
"Boiseblue" writes:
"A recent survey by Robert Wood Johnson found that 63% of doctors favor the public option and only 37% oppose it. So the 45% of doctors would quit is a bogus claim."
Not so.
Statistically both polls are probably close to being accurate so you have to examine the questions and answers. The Left just likes to discount any data with which they disagree. The IBD [Investor's Business Daily) poll asked specifically about doctors reaction to Obama's plan. Again, it did not say 45% of doctors would quit, but would "consider" quitting. The Johnson poll did not mention the Obama plan but asked if they favored some type of generic assistance to private insurance. When you get specific then the people as well as physicians get nervous about a complete socialization.
That same poll you mentions shows 86% of the public are satisfied with their current health care plan. Other polls show public support for Obamacare has dipped as low as 45% -- down from a majority a few weeks ago.
"Boise River":
"And I forgot the really big lie -- socialized medicine."
Not according to Obama. He has indicated that the current plan is just a first step toward single payer or socialized medicine. Here are his actual words:
"Here's the bottom line. If I were designing a system from scratch I would probably set up a single-payer system...But we're not designing a system from scratch. [...] And when we had a healthcare forum before I set up my healthcare plan here in Iowa there was a lot of resistance to a single-payer system. So what I believe is we should set up a series of choices. [...] Over time it may be that we end up transitioning to such a system."
(Seniors Town Hall, Ames, Iowa, January 5, 2008)
"'If you're starting from scratch,' he [Obama] says, 'then a single-payer system'-- a government-managed system like Canada's, which disconnects health insurance from employment -- 'would probably make sense.'"
(New Yorker, May 7, 2007)
If Obama gets his way here then all the fears you mock are justified.
"Proletariat" said:
"I don't know what you mean by socialized medicine. Do you mean the British National Health Service or a Canadian style system? Either one costs less than the U.S. system and has better outcomes."
They want to expand Medicare which costs three times as much per person as Canada or Europe. That makes a lot of sense doesn't it?
Obama will work toward a single payer in steps no matter what he says now.
"Badnana" writes:
"I couldn't find anything that said any docs would quit. Joseph732 [JJ], you got some 'splainin' to do."
I've already explained it in my first post. Here is the reference for the second time. Look it up.
"Eduguy" wrote:
"The IDP (IBD) poll cited by Joseph has come into criticism -- well all IDP polling has, for that matter.
http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2009/09/ibdtipp-doctors-poll-is-not-trustworthy.html "
Of course it will come under attack because the Left does not like it. The reasons mentioned at the critical site are silly. For instance, it was criticized for doing the poll by mail. How else will you get a hold of a good cross section of doctors? A telephone poll of doctors may only reach one out of 10 called and thus not be reliable. They'd just get the ones that are not working hard.
Another reason is he didn't like one of the questions. The criticisms were petty and the fact is, even if the poll was 10% off (which is being generous to critics) then we still will face a big problem of doctors withdrawing from service.
Good reasoning "PDC." I'm glad to see you are able to make a few points without being called names. That's a major accomplishment for anyone of reason here.
"Graymatter" writes:
"Oh but I am focused. Your IBD source shows itself an not credible."
But you have not given any reason that it is not credible. Just giving a web address with no reasoning means nothing.
"I just did prove them wrong tonight, as did 'Eduguy'."
We have been talking about a poll from IBD not Fox [News]. You've proved nothing wrong.
"I only mentioned CNN as a source citing a poll of 12,000 versus 1,360 on 'Faux' News & IBD. Big dif."
The CNN poll does not disprove anything from the IBD poll but sheds some additional light. They mailed out their questionnaires and the site given by "Eduguy" (that you embraced) said this made the IBD poll unreliable. According to eduguy then the CNN poll is also unreliable.
A lower response number does not negate a study but merely changes the margin of error. Many polls cited by Leftists only use 500 to 1000, so you are not logical in discounting one that uses 1,360. That's not a bad number. Many of IBD's polls have been proven to be reliable.
You've got to get over this black-and-white attitude if you want to get at the truth. Not everything from Fox is wrong and not everything on CNN is correct. Look at the data, not at the messenger. Lefty's always try to destroy the messenger of tidings they do not want to accept and think this destroys the message.
It does not.
Lefties see conflict between the CNN poll and the IBD. That's because they see in black-and-white and refuse to give any conservative source any credit.
If you read both polls correctly there is no conflict but both shed light.
I can do this because I can look at even a lefty poll or article and see the truth that is there. If those who oppose me could do the same then perhaps some of this mindless opposition would cease.
-- End Of Part One --
[Compiler's Note: The "Local Posts" series of articles found here in "The Archives" are a collection of exchanges between JJ Dewey and others participating on a local online newspaper blog which can be read online at Idaho Statesman Letters To The Editor. These exchanges were subsequently re-posted by JJ Dewey to The Keys Of Knowledge discussion group prior to being archived here.]
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Local Posts #43, Part Two
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