Agnishvattas Defined

2009-10-28 04:20:00

The Agnishvattas


These are lofty devas that create forms on the plane of the mind which is technically called the Fifth Subplane of the Cosmic Physical. The Solar Angels are called Agnishvattas, but is every Agnishvatta a Solar Angel? Not in the way the average seeker understands the work of the Solar Angel, but the terms are pretty much interchangeable.

In a previous system the Agnishvattas passed through the human form and now exist as one of three groups according to DK [Djwhal Khul]:

  1. The Buddhas or Lords of Activity.
  2. The Buddhas or Lords of Compassionate Love.
  3. The Buddhas of Sacrifice, of Whom the Lord of the World is, to man, the best known exponent.

These great lives create the forms of their own mental substance that are vehicles for expression of our own consciousness. They create the egoic lotus which expands and unfolds as we progress in consciousness.

To put it quite simply the Agnishvattas could be called our "mothers in heaven." They give birth to our own consciousness by creating organized mind out of their own substance.

[End of definition.]


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